FC 96/6

Finance Committee

Ninety-sixth Session

Rome, 7 - 12 May 2001

European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease - Budget for 2002 - 2003


1. The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease held its Thirty-fourth Session in Rome from 21 to 23 March 2001.

2. The Secretary tabled detailed statements, including expenditure for 1999 and 2000, for the Commission's Trust Fund 904200 MTF/INT/011/MUL; the cash balance of the Trust Fund at 31 December 2000 was US$195,665.

3. Contributions from member countries to Trust Fund MTF/INT/011/MUL for the calendar year 2000 amounted to US$322,225; this included some arrears and an advance contribution for the calendar year 2001 from Norway. Of the 33 member countries, all but Cyprus, Croatia, Iceland and Macedonia were up-to-date in their payments for 2000.

4. Support to the FMD World Reference Laboratory amounted to US$35,000 and the contribution to Phase XVI of the FAO Collaborative Laboratory Study covering the years 1999 and 2000 amounted to US$22,400.

5. The proposed budgets for 2002-2003 have been discussed and approved by the Thirty-fourth Session of the Commission and are attached hereto.

6. The Organization through its Regular Programme (RP) contributes in kind to the activities of the Commission by providing premises for the secretariat, fax and telephone facilities, and as and when required the services of responsible officials with regard to financial and legal matters. The estimate for the RP input to the activities of the Commission is US$50,000 for the period under review.


TF904200 MTF/INT/O11/MUL (TFAA970089122)
European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease

Pledges by member countries for the years 2002 and 2003

2002      US$325,000
2003      US$325,000

Budgets (expressed in US$)

Budget Acct Code and components 2002 approved by 65 th Ex. Com      2003 to be approved by 34th Session
5300 Secretary 129,394*   132,629*  
5500 Administrative Assistant 70,923*   72,696*  
5660 Temp assistance and overtime 7,800**  7,800** 
  Support staff (interpreters) -    15,000***
  Subtotal 208,117    228,125   
5650 Contracts    
  -Annual contribution to WRL 35,000    35,000   
  -Collaborative Laboratory Study 11,200    11,200   
  -Workshop -    10,000   
5900 Travel (Secretariat & NST's) 32,448    36,027   
6000 Expendable equipment -    -   
6100 Non-Expendable equipment -    -   
6110 Hospitality -    1,000   
6300 General Operating Expenses -    -   
6500 Chargebacks 800    800   
  Subtotal 79,448    94,027   
6300 G.O.E.Reserve/unallocated funds 37,435    2,848   
  Total 325,000    325,000   


* includes projected cost increase of 2.5% on salaries and 4% on travel
** the Commission at its 33rd Session recommended earmarking a certain amount of funds for
temporary clerical assistance should the necessity arise.
*** interpreters for 35th General Session