CL 121/INF/5


Hundred and Twenty-first Session

Rome 30 October - 1 November 2001


Ninety-seventh Session of the Finance Committee
(17-22 September 2001)

1. Rule XXVII-4(a) of the General Rules of the Organization (GRO) states that "If the representative of a Member of the Committee is expected to be unable to attend a session of the Committee, or if, due to incapacity, death or any other reason, he is prevented from exercising his functions for the remainder of the term for which the Member he represents has been elected, that Member shall inform the Director-General and the Chairman as soon as possible, and may designate a substitute representative who shall have the qualifications and experience referred to in paragraph 1 of this Rule. The Council shall be informed of the qualifications and experience of the substitute representative".

2. By letter dated 17 September 2001, H.E. Elsa D.R. Kelly, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Argentina to FAO, informed the Director-General that Ms Ileana Di Giovan Battista would be unable to attend the Ninety-seventh Session of the Finance Committee, and that Ms Hilda G. Gabardini, Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative of Argentina to FAO, would replace her on that occasion. The Chairman of the Finance Committee was also informed.

3. A summary of the qualifications of Ms Hilda G. Gabardini (Appendix A) is attached for the information of the Council.



Name: Ms Hilda G. Gabardini
Present Position: Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative
(since April 1999)
Main previous positions:  
1980 Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1981 Second Secretary, Bureau for Eastern Europe, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1982 Second Secretary, Bureau for Antártida y Malvinas, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1986 Second Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Argentina, Paris, France.
1991 First Secretary, Bureau for International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1995 Counsellor, Foreign and Latin American Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1996 Member, Bureau of the Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Participation in meetings
or activities of the
United Nations and its
Specialized Agencies: 
1983-86 Member, Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.
1993 Member, Delegation of Argentina to the Twenty-seventh Session of the FAO Conference, Rome, Italy
1999-2001 Member, Board of Governors, International Fund for Agricultural Development, Rome, Italy.
1999-present Country Representative to FAO Conference and Council Sessions, Rome, Italy.
2000 Chairperson, FAO Latin America and Caribbean Group, Rome, Italy.