August 1997 | GFCM/XXII/97/5 Rev. |
Twenty-second Session |
Rome, Italy 13-16 October 1997 |
INTRODUCTION 1. The Twenty-second Session of the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean (GFCM) will consider a proposal by the Secretariat for the restructuring of the Council and the amendment of its basic texts (Agreement and Rules of Procedure). The general orientations of this proposal were outlined at the last session in Alicante (May 1995) and debated at the Second Diplomatic Conference on Fisheries Management in the Mediterranean (Venice, November 1996) and by the Working Party on the Legal and Technical Aspects of Fisheries Management in The Mediterranean organized by the European Commission in Montpellier, France, in April 1997. This proposal could significantly modify the present GFCM structure and its establishing Agreement and could therefore affect the programme of work of the future GFCM. 2. The functions of the Council, as described in Article III of the Agreement, cover a wide range of activities which include among others: resources evaluation, fisheries management, research coordination, socio-economic studies, aquaculture, training courses, etc. 3. The GFCM activities could be divided into core activities and occasional activities. While the occasional activities are generally funded by extra-budgetary funds, core activities had been financed by FAO until 1993, when the financial crisis started to lead the GFCM to take a series of decisions with a view to keeping the most necessary activities underway. Those measures concerned:
4. In view of the above, this document presents the draft programme of work and budget. Its implementation will depend on the human and financial resources which will be made available by FAO, GFCM members and other funding sources. 5. The Programme of Work proposed for the biennium 1998-1999 includes core activities and occasional activities based on the budgetary provision for 1996-97, without prejudice to the Council deliberations on their prioritization. The core activities could be grouped under five main categories: (a) Coordination and administration of GFCM activities
The occasional activities could fall under the following themes: - Environmental impacts on fisheries and aquaculture;
6. A more detailed description and cost estimates of the five groups of core activities are discussed in the following sections. Staff costs for inputting data, preparation of required papers and administrative activities are also estimated. However, supervision and backstopping by senior staff in technical clearance of documents, internal meetings and promotion of GFCM activities are not included in staff costs but are calculated as a lump sum for technical backstopping costs, amounting to two man years if P-4 level cost is used. Cost for Associated Professional Officers (APOs) are not included in the budget proposals. 7. On the assumption that the basic recommendations in documents GFCM/XXII/97/3 and 97/4 are agreed upon, a draft autonomous budget is proposed, taking into account the restructuring of GFCM which is being pursued to upgrade the activities of the Council in the long run. Two scenarios of the Programme of Work and Budget are presented below. The first assumes no restructuring and no autonomous budget, while the second proposal is based on an autonomous budget. PART I: PROGRAMME OF WORK AND BUDGET (1998/99) - WITHOUT RESTRUCTURING AND WITHOUT AN AUTONOMOUS BUDGET A. COORDINATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF GFCM 8. The Secretary of GFCM will prepare detailed workplans based on the agreed Programme of Work and Budget, taking into account the Medium Term Plan (GFCM/XXII/97/3), in collaboration with technical secretaries and other relevant technical staff. The Secretary will also finalize the arrangements for various meetings (timing, venue and agenda) in consultation with technical staff and Member Countries. Reports of the Council meeting, as well as its subsidiary bodies and related meetings, will also be produced. Other activities and issues of relevance to the GFCM mandate in the region will also be coordinated and will be reflected in the planned GFCM activities. Important information for the promotion of GFCM activities will be communicated to the Members. 9. In order to carry out the above tasks, the Secretary will maintain high level contacts with government officials, fisheries institutions and intergovernmental organizations concerned, to facilitate consultation and cooperation between them on the various activities. The Secretary will also stimulate interest among member countries of the Council and potential donors in the activities of the Council. Estimated Cost: $626 6401 Organization of the Twenty-third Session of GFCM 10. The Twenty-third Session of GFCM will be organized in 1999. The agenda will be formulated in consultation with the Members of the Council. All inputs, including preparation of the relevant documents, will be finalized in accordance with established guidelines for meetings. Estimated Cost: $54 500 Total estimated cost for coordination and administration of GFCM: $681 140 11. It should also be noted that the COPEMED project, funded by Spain (US$ 5 million) for five years, has been providing complementary support to GFCM activities, mainly with respect to fisheries statistics and management. Since COPEMED has mechanisms to programme its activities, it is not necessary to discuss its budgetary provisions in the document, though coordination with COPEMED activities must be fully ensured. B. COOPERATION WITH OTHER ORGANIZATIONS 12. The Twentieth Session of GFCM recommended further promotion of cooperation between the Council and the other organizations concerned with various aspects of fisheries in the Mediterranean, with particular emphasis on the strengthening of such cooperation with EC, ICCAT and the International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean (CIESM), UNEP and IOC. Priority will be given to the coordination of research activities between the Council and these organizations. Cooperation with EC 13. Once EC becomes a member of GFCM, cooperation between the two will certainly become closer. This cooperation could take the form of the Council and the General Directorate of EC jointly organizing meetings and coordinating activities. Estimated Cost: $8 000 Cooperation with ICCAT 14. Cooperation with ICCAT will be strengthened. The Secretariat will explore the possibilities of formalizing this cooperation. Meetings of the ad hoc GFCM/ICCAT Working Group on Large Pelagic Species would be organized. It is also hoped that a training course will be organized for 8 experts from the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries in new techniques of stock assessment and in the management of modelling procedures. Estimated Cost: $73 500 Total estimated cost for cooperation with other organizations: $81,500 C. FISHERIES STATISTICS 15. FAO Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Unit is responsible for the collection, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of information and statistics on fisheries, including aquaculture. The programme is of a global nature and while the GFCM area is serviced as a whole, there is a direct specific support to GFCM. The two main elements of specific GFCM activities are: (i) maintenance of statistical reporting using common formats and (ii) statistical foundation for an effort-control based management system. Maintenance of new technical standardizing with common formats
Under this element there are four main activities: a) Maintenance of the STATLANT 37A reporting system and database (fish production in volume from capture fisheries and aquaculture by sub-area and division); b) Upgrading of STATLANT 37B recording system and database (fish production in volume and effort by fishing method, venil type and size category, species, sub-area and month); c) Coordination of statistical activities and compatibility of systems established through national and regional projects; and d) Development of information and communication packages, including the publication of statistics, and their distribution through PC diskettes and the Internet. Estimated Cost: $104 500 Statistical foundation for management based on direct effort control Two major activities come under this element: a) Establishment and maintenance of a list of vessels above 15 m LOA operating in the GFCM area of competence; b) Set up of a new fishery database (i.e. a revised fishing fleet database). Estimated Cost: $55 000 Organization of a Working Party on Fisheries Economics and Statistics Estimated Cost: $42 000 Total estimated cost of fisheries statistics: $201 500
D. RESOURCES EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT 16. This programme promotes the optimum use of aquatic living resources, develops biological information systems including databases and Geographical Information Systems (GIS), monitors the state of Mediterranean and Black Sea resources, carries out studies on the economic performance of fleets and the social dimensions of the industry, and provides advice for fisheries management. The programme also addresses environmental aspects, as far as they directly affect fisheries potential and sustainability. 17. The following activities fall under this programme.
Technical Studies - preparation and publication of studies and reviews; - assistance to the maintenance and updating of databases, including MEDFISH; - analysis of catch trends; - economic analysis of fishing fleet capacity.
E. AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT 18. The programme of work relating to aquaculture can be divided in three elements: regular meetings of the Committee on Aquaculture, the intersessional work of the GFCM aquaculture networks and ad hoc activities. 19. It is envisaged that the next session of the GFCM Aquaculture Committee will be held in the last quarter of 1998 or early 1999. Technical backstopping and assistance for the organization of the meeting can be assured by FAO, as has been done for the first session. Regular meetings of the Coordinating Committees of each one of the four networks under the supervision of GFCM should also be organized during the next biennium by the partner organizations. The frequency of the Coordinating Committees should be biannual and their purpose is to revise the progress of the work carried out and to prepare a proposal for a programme of work to be endorsed by the Aquaculture Committee. The Aquaculture Committee will be directly responsible for the direction of the SIPAM network through the Secretariat and will organize the Coordinating Committee of this network. For the Coordinating Committees of the other three networks, TECAM, SELAM and EAM, the GFCM Secretariat will send a representative. A detailed programme relating to aquaculture networks is provided in Annex II.
PART II: PROPOSED AUTONOMOUS BUDGET 20. Annex I shows the detailed proposed GFCM budget for the 1998/99 biennium on the assumption that there is no restructuring and no autonomous budget. However, it should be noted that the proposed budget is indicative and subject to the availability of financial resources by FAO and extra-budgetary funds. The sources of funding are indicated in Annex IV. However, for GFCM to undertake these activities there is a need for committed funding which could take the form of an autonomous budget. Therefore, an autonomous budget is proposed. 21. Since its inception, GFCM has been financially supported by FAO, although extra-budgetary support has also been secured to support its technical activities in view of the financial situation facing the Organization. Given the likelihood that there will be no major foreseeable improvement in FAO�s financial situation in the short- to medium-term and considering the increased role to be played by the Council, it is necessary for GFCM to actively consider the adoption of appropriate financial arrangements to support the Council�s programmes. A proposed autonomous budget is not simply a way to shift GFCM�s financial burden from FAO to the Members,but rather a mechanism for safeguarding GFCM programmes and to potentiate its activities. 22. Together with the simultaneous restructuring of GFCM, the proposal aims at achieving sustainable and responsible fisheries and aquaculture in the Mediterranean in the longer run. Moreover, the measures would enable the Council to have permanent staff who can devote their efforts fully to the prioritized GFCM work programme, a key issue in achieving greater efficiency. 23. The process for the setting up of an autonomous budget and the extent to which the shifting of financial burden will take place will depend largely on FAO�s overall financial situation and of Members' plans for GFCM�s programmes. In this connection it should be noted that the proposed autonomous budget will not reflect the total cost of GFCM. In fact, the autonomous component of the budget covers the areas which would be required to support the core activities of the Council. 24. With respect to the aquaculture network, if all the network activities identified and ranked at the coordinating committees of the networks (some of which have not yet been examined by the Aquaculture Committee) and which are listed in Annex II, were implemented, the total cost would be US$ 717 000 (US$ 400 000 for TECAM, US$ 120 000 for SELAM, US$ 140 000 for EAM and US$ 57 000 for SIPAM) to be shared between the Network Coordinating Institutions (CIHEAM, MAP PAP/RAC, the Tunisian Government, the FAO Regular Programme and the GFCM autonomous budget). Considering the commitments available in principle and assuming that MAP will face its financial responsibility for EAM, an additional US$ 270 000 would need to be identified. This amount has been inserted as a GFCM budget contribution to the network activities as a basis for discussion and would need to be revised by the Aquaculture Committee when deciding on a work programme. 25. To maintain stability and to enable GFCM to carry out its programmes, it is proposed that the budget should have three components: 1. Assessed contributions by Members; 2. The FAO contribution to be approved by the Organization�s Governing Bodies. It is envisaged that this contribution will mainly involve support in kind. In the medium-term, it is anticipated that the FAO contribution would cover costs associated with the post of Secretary, the organization of the Council meetings and related technical support; and 3. Extra-budgetary resources: This component of the budget supporting ad hoc activities will vary from year to year and will be subject to the availability of donor funds for specific activities. 26. Annex III shows the proposed GFCM autonomous budgets for 1998/1999 biennium. It should be noted that continuous technical activities, such as "standardizing common statistical format", "effort control management", "technical studies", which appear in Annex I do not appear in Annex III. It is assumed that these activities will be undertaken by the permanent staff of GFCM, consultants or FAO staff providing backstopping. To the contrary, ad hoc panels, Scientific Committee and the Network on Aquaculture are included in the budget proposal in Annex III. 27. The calculation of the budget is based on the proposals contained in documents GFCM/XXII/97/3, 97/4 and above section of this document. Assuming that the Council, in principle, agrees to the proposal on the restructuring and autonomous budget, the biennium budget is divided into 1998 and 1999. The budget for 1998 is roughly half of the 1999 budget. It is assumed that a period of six months will be required before the restructured GFCM becomes operational. 28. Annex IV gives a comparison between the two budget scenarios defined in paragraph 7. It also shows the source of funds: FAO Regular Budget, extra-budgetary resources and contributions by the coordinating institution for the Aquaculture Networks. SUGGESTED ACTION BY THE COUNCIL 29. The Council is invited to review the proposed Programme of Work and Budget for the next biennium and make recommendations/decisions as it deems appropriate. 30. Should it adopt the proposed amendments to its Agreement and Rules of Procedure, the Council is also invited to consider the activities proposed under an autonomous budget and take necessary decisions. 31. The Council should note that the adoption of an autonomous budget should not foreclose the possibility of Members to fund occasional activities of GFCM. ANNEX I
ANNEX II PROPOSED ACTIVITIES RELATING TO AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT 1. The TECAM network activities are at present coordinated by CIHEAM through its IAMZ center of Zaragoza, Spain, which contributes to their funding together with the FAO Regular Programme. Activities have been prioritized at the last Coordinating Committee of TECAM for the five sub-groups (nutrition, pathology, diversification, genetics and technology) which at present form this network. The following activities have been programmed in order of priority: a) Nutrition sub-group:
b) Pathology sub-group:
c) Diversification sub-group:
d) Genetics sub-group:
e) Technology sub-group:
2. Other programmed TECAM activities not yet included in specific sub-groups include:
3. The SELAM network is also coordinated by CIHEAM in the same manner as for the TECAM network. SELAM is not yet structured in sub-groups as in the case of TECAM. The following activities have been programmed and prioritized by the last SELAM Coordinating Committee:
4. The EAM network is to be coordinated by the UNEP/MAP PAP/RAC center in Split, Croatia, which should obtain funding for its operation. However, in 1996 and 1997 this network has not been active due to the lack of financial resources. In this respect the first session of the GFCM Aquaculture Committee, held in September 1996, urged MAP PAP/RAC to allocate the required funding for the operation of the network and a solution to this impasse still has to be found. The first session of the GFCM Aquaculture Committee also discussed possible topics which could form a programme of work for EAM, should financial resources be available. The suggested programme should prioritize activities related to training and capacity building as key objectives. The discussion at the first session of the GFCM Aquaculture Committee prioritized the following elements:
5. The French delegation at the GFCM Aquaculture Committee session offered to support EAM in the implementation of a capacity building exercise on phytotoxin testing and monitoring. The interest of some countries was also expressed in the area of lagoon management, including development of guidelines. A new meeting of the EAM Coordinating Committee will also be required in the intersessional period. 6. The breakdown of expected costs for all the activities related to aquaculture development for the biennium 1998/99 without an autonomous budget is as follows:
Proposed Autonomous Budget for
ANNEX IV Comparison between Budgets under two Scenarios*
1 | Detailed costs are provided in Annex I. | |
2 | In 1996 funds came from extra-budgetary sources. | |
3 | Funds not yet committed by MAP. |