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Current World Food Situation

Reiterated its appeal to all members of IFAD to contribute expeditiously to the Fund's second replenishment (para. 16).

Agreed that food aid in a suitable form should continue to be provided to low-income countries including those which had registered a significant increase in food and agricultural production through efficient use of factor of production and food aid (para. 21).

Agreed that the primary responsibility lay with governments themselves to increase food production, the surest way of overcoming food problems (para. 22).

Endorsed the Commission on Fertilizers' call for greater fertilizer aid, either bilateral or multilateral such as FAO's International Fertilizer Supply Scheme (IFS) . Greater attention could be given, however, to the recycling of organic wastes to reduce a country's dependence on manufactured fertilizers (para. 23).

Emphasized the need for appropriate land use management so that agricultural production could be consistently increased without harming the environment (para. 24).

Reiterated the need for increased mobilization of resources to support efforts made by developing countries to increase food production and improve food security (para. 25).

Agreed that, given their important role in food markets, domestic agricultural policy measures taken by developed countries were of major importance to developing countries, both food importers and exporters (para. 28).

Food Situation in Africa

Expressed full support for the Global Information and Early Warning System and its proposed reinforcement (para. 34).

Urged the international community and the governments of the affected countries to take all possible steps to overcome logistic constraints in order to expedite the delivery of food aid and agricultural inputs to and within the affected countries (para. 36).

Stressed that a link should be established among emergency relief measures, medium-term measures of the Rehabilitation Programme and long-term arrangements for agricultural development in Africa and observed that this important issue would be covered in more detail by the major in-depth study (para. 42).

Adopted Resolution 1/87 on the Food Situation in Africa (para. 45).

Report of the Tenth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS)
(Rome, 10-17 April 1985)

World Food Security Compact

Approved the World Food Security Compact and recommended it to the Conference for adoption (para. 51).

Other Matters

Endorsed the Report of the Tenth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (para. 52).

Expressed its strong support for the work of the Global Information and Early Warning System in Food and Agriculture and urged all governments to participate in it by providing all available data for its more effective functioning and emphasized the importance of establishing and improving national and regional early warning systems and national preparedness plans (para. 55).

Fully supported the proposals of the Director-General for strengthening the System in the 1986-87 biennium, which it considered to be a high priority (para. 55).

Endorsed the conclusion of the Committee that food aid could play an important role in support of the three components of world food security, namely: increasing production, stabilizing supplies and improving access to food by the poor (para. 57).

Particularly stressed the importance of timeliness and better coordination of food aid shipments, among donors and others concerned (para. 57).

Requested that FAO consider disseminating information about availabilities of food surpluses in developing countries (para. 59).

Agreed with the recommendation of the CFS to invite the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (CFA) to consider the proposal for a stand-by reserve for IEFR, bearing in mind the views expressed by delegates at the Tenth Session of the CFS (para. 60).

Agreed that the proposal for a food aid insurance scheme and other alternative proposals needed further development and requested the Secretariat to submit more developed proposals to a future session of the CFS (para. 60).

Agreed with the suggestion that the Study on the contribution of food aid to strengthening food security (CFS: 85/3 Add.2) could provide a useful source document for CFA and WFC (para. 61).

Urged all governments which had not already done so to earmark, within the context of their national systems and legislation, the necessary reserves or funds for this purpose and requested the Committee to monitor and report on progress in this regard (para. 62).

Recommended inter alia that FAO increase its work in the area of agro-forestry systems which integrate forestry, crops and livestock production at the farm level, and strengthen the related information base (para. 64).

Report of the Eighth Session of the Committee on Agriculture
(Rome, 18-27 March 1985)

Endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the Report of the Eighth Session of the Committee on Agriculture (para. 68).

Review of FAO's Programme of Work in the Food and Agricultural Sector

Endorsed the objectives of the Major Programme 2.1: Agriculture which were designed to improve rural incomes, levels of nutrition, security of food supplies and the balance of trade and stressed the importance of improved nutrition, food conservation and processing, and the involvement of small farmers, women and youth in the development process. (para. 70).

Urged the Director-General to continue his efforts in consultation with UNDP to secure increased UNDP resources for agriculture in view of its important contribution to overall economic development (para. 71).

Emphasized the role of Technical and Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC and ECDC), and requested the Organization to further assist member countries in this area (para. 72).

Requested that further training activities in the Africa and Near East regions be undertaken by the Regional Offices (para. 73).

Recommended that maximum use be made of the results and lessons of field projects and that project reports be systematically maintained for this purpose (para. 74).

Agreed with the Committee's conclusions that the Medium and Long-Term Outlook for Food and Agricultural Development provided a useful review of long-term goals and strategies for world agricultural development and agreed that it was imperative to apply these strategies and see achievement of the Organization's objectives in the remainder of the decade (para. 76).

Reconfirmed that developed countries and international organizations should continue to offer timely technical and financial assistance in terms, conditions, amounts and composition that would make such assistance fully effective (para. 76).

Endorsed the Committee's conclusion that the selection of strategies, priorities, programme changes and means of action as embodied in the proposed Programme of Work and Budget for Major Programme 2.1: Agriculture reflected the wishes of member countries as expressed in the recommendations and resolutions of the Conference and Council, the Regional Conferences and other intergovernmental fora (para. 77).

Agreed with the programme priorities, which centered on the two pivotal themes of promotion of food production and increase in food security (para. 78).

Endorsed the special recognition of the problems of Africa which was apparent throughout the proposals in the Summary Programme of Work and Budget (para. 78).

Agreed that the proposed increases in the technical and economic programmes were justified (para. 79).

Supported the promotion of judicious use of mineral fertilizers combined with organic matters and increased attention to Biological Nitrogen Fixation and expanded use" of Azolla in the context of an integrated plant nutrition system (para. 81).

Strongly recommended that higher priority be given to the development of water resources, including small-scale irrigation development and water management (para. 82).

Agreed with the reorientation of farm management activities toward strengthening farming systems development, especially for small farmers (para. 83).

Reaffirmed its support to the extended commodity coverage of the PFL (Prevention of Food Losses) programme to include perishable fruits and vegetables, and stressed the importance of improving traditional food processing technologies (para. 88).

Endorsed the activities for the development of the livestock sector and the allocation of additional resources which implied a consolidation and strengthening of on-going priority work (para. 89).

Endorsed the orientation and activities in the areas of research development and information, agricultural applications of isotope research, remote sensing technology, environment and energy (para. 90).

Endorsed the thrust of rural development toward rural poverty alleviation, in pursuance of the WCARRD (World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development) Programme of Action, and reaffirmed the importance of the assistance provided by the Organization to member countries in the formulation, design and implementation of rural development policies and programmes (para. 91).

Supported the focus on people's participation, rural cooperatives and rural groups, monitoring and evaluation and involvement of NGOs (para. 91).

Agreed with the activities proposed in respect of education, training and extension and especially with their orientation toward small farmers, women and youth and supported the views of COAG which stressed the importance and the role of women as food producers and processors (para. 92).

Agreed with the emphasis on field-level activities to strengthen marketing extension services to small farmers; effective use of cooperatives and small-scale traders to improve marketing efficiency; and on the assessment of training needs, especially management skills in Africa (para. 93).

Supported in particular the domestic resources mobilization and institution-building activities, to assist developing countries in better utilization of their domestic resources for the agricultural sector and emphasized the need to continue assistance in improving access of rural women to credit (para. 94).

Endorsed the Organization's activities aiming at improving the level of nutrition, especially of rural low income groups (para. 95) .

Endorsed the plans of the Organization to strengthen and expand the Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS) (para. 96).

Supported the Organization's activities in the area of world food security (para. 97).

The Role of Minor Crops in Nutrition and Food Security

Supported the recommendations of COAG that FAO assist member governments in a better assessment of the importance of "minor" crops in food consumption and in the formulation of policies for their production, storage and marketing, distribution and processing (para. 104).

Processing of Food and Non-Food Agricultural Products

Endorsed the important role of agro-industry as an incentive to production, the creation of employment and in reduction of dependence on imports (para. 106).

Stressed the need for incentive government policies and importance of developing a suitable institutional framework for product development and marketing (para. 106).

Recommended that existing inter-agency cooperation with UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) should be further consolidated (para. 109).

Agricultural Price Policies

Agreed with the views expressed by COAG in its discussion of an interim version of the study by the Director-General of agricultural price policies, with particular reference to developing countries, as reported in paragraphs 187-200 of its report (para. 111).

Requested the Secretariat to include to the extent possible additional information on and analysis of the eight points (para. 113).

Agreed that the revised report on price policies should be submitted to the forthcoming session of the FAO Conference (para. 114).

Agreed with the proposed work programme of FAO on price policies and stressed the importance of the training role of FAO in price policy analysis, including its macro-economic aspects (para. 115).

International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides

Unanimously agreed with the need for such a Code, in view of the continuing and increasing use of pesticides essential for agricultural development and of the potential serious risks for human and animal health and their effects on the environment as a result of indiscriminate or uninformed applications or misuse (para. 119).

Stressed the need for the very early adoption of the Code and urged the acceptance of the present version in the spirit of cooperation and goodwill among all concerned in order to maintain the consensus already achieved (para. 121).

Agreed that further improvements to the Code, following its adoption by the Conference, could be considered in the light of practical experience gained from its use (para. 122).

Decided to transmit the draft Code to the Twenty-third Session of the Conference (para. 123).

Recommended that the draft Resolution on the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides, together with the Code, be submitted to the Conference for adoption (para. 126).

Report on the Ninth Session of the Commission on Fertilizers
(Rome, 19-22 February 1985)

Endorsed the Report on the Ninth Session of the Commission on Fertilizers (para. 129).

Agreed that together with food aid, fertilizers and other inputs were required for the rehabilitation of agriculture in the critically affected countries in Africa (para. 131).

Agreed with the importance of an appropriate crop/fertilizer price relationship to provide an incentive for farmers in developing countries to use fertilizers, particularly on food crops (para. 132).

Fully supported the concept of combining IFS fertilizer aid with the activities of the Fertilizer Programme (para. 135).

Endorsed the Commission's recommendations that case studies of successful joint ventures be undertaken (para. 136).

Endorsed the request that country and regional studies be undertaken by FAO, in cooperation with other appropriate agencies, to provide an objective assessment of the potential of developing countries, particularly those in Africa, for producing . fertilizers (para. 137)

Agreed with the Commission that developing countries should be assisted by the relevant agencies and donor governments to fully use the production capacity of their existing fertilizer plants (para. 137).

Endorsed the Commission's support of FAO's fertilizer activities and urged that greater effort should be made toward increasing the efficiency of fertilizer use and the complementary use of mineral fertilizers, organic materials and biological nitrogen fixation in integrated plant nutrition systems (para. 139).

Agreed that, on request, countries should be assisted by FAO in assessing and improving their fertilizer research and promotion programmes (para. 141).

Endorsed the Commission's recommendations with regard to future work, subject to final selection by the Director-General in consultation with the Chairman of the Commission (para. 142).

Recommended that the regular monitoring of fertilizer supply, demand and prices be continued and that menber countries be provided with this documentation on an annual basis (para. 142).

Report of the Sixteenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries
(Rome, 22-26 April 1985)

Fully agreed with the view of the Committee that the proposals contained in the Director-General's 1986-87 Summary Programme of Work and Budget for fisheries were well-balanced, responding to the needs of developing countries and reflecting the priorities laid down by the World Fisheries Conference (para. 145).

Endorsed the areas of special emphasis defined by the Committee as follows: conservation, management and rational utilization of fishery resources in marine and inland waters; aquaculture development; improved fish utilization and promotion of the role of fish in nutrition; fishery development and investment planning; strengthening of national and regional data services; and technical support to FAO regional fishery commissions as well as field projects (para. 145).

Agreed that periodic reports on the implementation of the Strategy for Fishery Management and Development should be submitted to the Committee on Fisheries and to the governing bodies of FAO (para. 146).

Concurred with the Committee that the Secretariat prepare a simple but flexible standard format and guidelines for national progress reports to assist member countries in their reporting (para. 146).

Requested FAO to consult with donor countries and interested international organizations with a view to remedying a certain imbalance in the distribution of funds among geographic areas and components of the Programmes of Action (para. 148).

Emphasized that, in implementing the Strategy and Programmes of Action, FAO should collaborate with interested regional and international organizations such as the 0rganizaci6n Latinoamericana para el Desarrollo Pesquero (OLDEPESCA), the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific, the South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (para. 150).

Urged governments to initiate programmes which would increase women's participation in fisheries activities including aquaculture and fish processing (para. 152).

Supported the involvement of FAO in the study of technical requirements for the marking of fishing vessels and in the analysis of information on the impact and extent of entanglement of fish and other aquatic organisms in gear and debris abandoned at sea (para. 153).

Unanimously endorsed the report of the Sixteenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries and commended the Committee for its thorough examination of the achievements of the World Fisheries Conference and its recommendations (para. 155).

Tenth Annual Report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes of the
UN/FAO World Food Programme

Urged WFP to link food aid, in close cooperation with recipient countries, to national and sectorial development strategies and programmes and emphasized that focus should be on broad-based employment-led rural development strategy (para. 167).

Urged the Programme to make more purchases in developing countries to the extent possible (para. 168).

Strongly urged all donors to make every effort to reach the. pledging target of US$1 350 million (para. 169).

Recent Developments in the United Nations System of Interest to FAO

Commended FAO's active and constructive cooperation with other agencies and bodies of the United Nations System which, among other things, contributed to the optimization of available resources (para. 176).

Fully supported the activities of the Organization in collaboration with other agencies in the follow-up of WCARRD (World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development) (para. 177).

Supported FAO's active participation in the preparation of the mid-term global review of the implementation of the Substantial New Programme of Action for the 1980s (SNPA) for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to be held in late 1985 (para. 179).

Repeated its appeal to all concerned to expedite the successful conclusion of negotiations for the replenishment of IFAD resources (para. 181).

Expressed the wish that UNDP make greater use of the competence of FAO for the execution of projects involving food and agriculture and urged that the agreed consultation procedures in this respect between UNDP and the specialized agencies such as FAO should be consistently followed (para. 182).

Preparations for the Twenty-third Session of the FAO Conference

Arrangements for the Session and Provisional Timetable

Agreed to add to the Provisional Agenda under Other Administrative and Financial Matters a sub-item entitled "Emoluments of the Director-General" (para. 185).

Decided that Item 7.4 "Code of Conduct on Distribution and Use of Pesticides" should be examined in Commission II rather than Commission I, as well as Item 15 "Follow-up of Conference Resolutions 8/83 and 9/83 Plant Genetic Resources". Both items would also be placed on the agenda of the Eighty-eighth Session of the Council (para. 186).

Approved the Provisional Agenda and general arrangements for the Conference with the addition in paragraph 185 above and the consideration of Item 7.4 in Commission II and consequential adjustments to the timetable (para. 187).

Deadline for Nominations for Independent Chairman of the Council

Established the deadline for the receipt of such nominations at 17.00 hours on Friday 6 September 1985. Nominations would be circulated by the Secretary-General to all Member Nations by Friday 13 September 1985 (para. 190).

Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1986-87

Views of Programme and Finance Committees

Supported the views of the Committees that the proposals for 1986-87 were framed to respond to the highest priorities of the Organization and the felt needs of member countries, that they provided a satisfactory basis for consideration by the Council, and merited its full endorsement (para. 198).

Agreed with the detailed review carried out by the Finance Committee of the methodology for calculating and presenting cost increases for 1986-87, which was in conformity with the practice previously approved by the FAO Conference and Council (para. 199).

World Background

Generally concurred with the Director-General's assessment of the world economic situation and the main features of the world food and agricultural context (para. 200).

Agreed that it was essential to preserve both FAO's technical capacity and operational effectiveness in responding to FAO's multiple challenges (para. 203).

Field Programme

Emphasized the inter-independence of FAO's Regular Programme and field activities and reiterated its deep concern at the downward trend of FAO field programme delivery under UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) funds (para. 204).

Stressed the importance of every measure being taken by all partners in development, including by governments themselves, to redress the falling share of food and agriculture projects in technical assistance country programmes financed by UNDP (para. 205).

Emphasized that the absence or inadequacy of assured supplies of such inputs would preclude any possibility of generating the needed production in rural areas of developing countries to feed rapidly expanding non-agricultural populations (para. 206).

Strategies, Priorities and Means of Action

Endorsed the strategies and priorities as well as the means of action proposed by the Director-General for 1986-87 and agreed that they faithfully reflected the guidance of the FAO Conference, Council and the recommendations of subsidiary committees such as COAG (Committee on Agriculture), COFI (Committee on Fisheries) and COFO (Committee on Forestry) and of the FAO Regional Conferences (para. 208).

Recommended that FAO forestry activities in 1986-87 and in future incorporate the result of the World Forestry Congress, to be held in Mexico City in early July 1985 (para. 209).

Agreed that the policy of decentralization, actively pursued by the Director-General through the Regional Offices and the network of FAO representations, contributed to enabling the Organization to ensure greater impact of FAO's programme activities at field level (para. 210).

Fully endorsed the overall emphasis on Africa, in order to meet the special, urgent and multiple requirements of that region (para. 211).

Reiterated the importance of further progress in Economic Cooperation between Developing Countries and Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries, particularly at a time of uncertain world economic and financial instability and given the uncertain pace of the North-South dialogue (para. 212).

Supported the overall emphasis on training and emphasized in this connection that the building up of a core of adequately trained manpower resources was an important foundation for development (para. 213).

Reiterated its general support to the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) which had become an intrinsic part of FAO developmental action (para. 214).

Programme Activities

Endorsed the proposed activities, as described in the Annex to the Summary Programme of Work and Budget (para. 218).

Fully supported the proposed strengthening of the Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS) (Sub-programme toward its even greater accuracy, wider coverage and increased timeliness (para. 219).

Fully supported the proposed net increase of resources and broadened scope under FAO's crops and livestock programmes, particularly under the former, to strengthen activities related to seeds and plant genetic resources (para. 220).

Endorsed continuing emphasis placed on the special requirements of small farmers and of women as agricultural producers, which cut across several programme areas (para. 223).

Recommended that adequate attention also be placed on rural youth through such measures as the provision of gainful employment to discourage migration from rural to urban areas (para. 223).

Financial Framework

Generally endorsed the Finance Committee's acceptance of the proposed cost increases (para. 226).

Real Growth

Fully commended the substantial transfer of resources from administrative and support services to FAO's technical and economic programmes and the shifts made from low to higher priority activities (para. 231).

Agreed that budgetary transfers from administration to substantive programmes could not be pursued indefinitely, lest it impair FAO's capacity to deliver its approved programmes efficiently (para. 231).


Approved the strategies, priorities, programmes and, in general, the related budgetary estimates proposed in the Summary Programme of Work and Budget, and requested the Director-General to prepare the full Programme of Work and Budget for 1986-87 on the basis of the Summary proposals and, insofar as possible, on the discussion in the Council (para. 232).

Financial Matters

Financial Position of the Organization - Contribution Matters

(c) Contributions in Arrears

Appealed to all Member Nations with outstanding contributions, and particularly to those which were in arrears, to remit the amounts due as soon as possible (para. 241).

(d) Voting Right Problems

Made a special appeal to the 15 Member Nations to pay the amounts outstanding without further delay so as to ensure their right to vote at the Conference, and requested them to inform the Organization of the reasons for non-payment (para. 244).

(g) Delayed Payment of Assessed Contributions

Confirmed that the Finance Committee should continue its deliberations on Delayed Payment of Assessed Contributions at its next session, with a view to the possibility of allocating any cash surplus in the future on a more equitable and a more rational basis (para. 247).

Scale of Contributions

Recommended the draft Resolution on the Scale of Contributions 1986-87 for adoption by the Conference (para. 252).

Reimbursement of Travel Expenses of Council Members

Requested the Director-General to examine the situation and to refer the matter to the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM) to determine whether Rule XXV-6 GRO may be interpreted to allow reimbursement to any one member of a delegation for travel to the Council. If not, the CCLM should prepare appropriate revisions to that Rule to permit reimbursement to any one member of a delegation for travel to the Council. The matter should also be referred to the Finance Committee for its consideration. These Committees' conclusions could then be reviewed at the Eighty-eighth Session of the Council and, if necessary, by the Twenty-third Session of the Conference (para. 255).

Reports of the Forty-eighth Session of the Programme Committee and the Fifty-fifth Session of the Finance Committee
(Rome, 6-16 May 1985)

Personnel Matters

Adopted the relevant paragraphs of the Finance Committee report dealing with personnel matters (para. 256).

Relations with the Host Government

Headquarters Accommodation

Emphasized that all efforts should continue to be urgently pursued by all concerned with a view to achieving the realization of the project as early as possible (para. 262).

Negotiations regarding the interpretation and application of the Headquarters Agreement

Expressed concern with the present situation of the negotiations regarding the interpretation and application of the Headquarters Agreement and urged both parties to arrive at an early conclusion of the negotiations (which had entered their eleventh year) (para. 266).

Report of the Forty-sixth Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters
(Rome, 29 April - 3 May 1985)

FAO's Immunity from Legal Process and Measures of
Execution in Italy

Invited the Host Government to take whatever measures were required to ensure that FAO would in fact be immune from "every form of legal process", as provided in Section 16 of the Headquarters Agreement (para. 272).

Agreed that every effort should be pursued to develop the dialogue with the Host Government in depth before having recourse to an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice but felt that the Organization must be prepared to go to the Court if necessary (para. 274).

Endorsed the conclusions of the CCLM to the effect that it was not necessary to raise the question of the interpretation of Section 17 with the Court since, in particular, measures of execution being a form of legal process, they were already covered by Section 16 (para. 276).

Decided to transmit to the Conference the two questions relating to the interpretation of Section 16 as set out in paragraph 275, considering them to be appropriate if the Conference should decide that it was necessary to seek an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice or that it authorize the Council to do so on its behalf at a later stage (para. 277).

Decided not to modify the position that it had taken at its Eighty-second Session (November/December 1982) to the effect that the Director-General"... should avoid any participation in the proceedings before the Italian courts that was inconsistent with..." the status whereby it enjoyed immunity from jurisdiction (para. 280).

Other Constitutional and Legal Matters

Application for Membership in the Organization

Authorized the Director-General to invite the Cook Islands to participate, in an observer capacity, at appropriate Council meetings as well as at regional and technical meetings of the Organization of interest to it (para. 282).

Invitations to Non-Member Nations to attend FAO Sessions

Approved the Director-General's proposal to invite Brunei, Kiribati, Nauru, Singapore and Tuvalu to the Conference of Plenipotentiaries to adopt an INFOFISH (Market Information Service for Fishery in the Asian and Pacific Region) Agreement (para. 284).

Date and Place of the Eighty-eighth Session of the Council

Decided that its Eighty-eighth Session should be convened in Rome from 4 to 7 November 1985 to allow additional time for the examination of two additional substantive items on the agenda (para. 289).

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