FC 93/1-Add.1

Finance Committee

Ninety-third Session

Rome, 13 - 17 September 1999

Annotated Provisional Agenda


This document does not constitute an invitation to the session. While complete sets of documents cannot be provided, one copy of specific committee documents can be provided upon written request.

1. Adoption of Agenda and Timetable (doc. FC 93/1, FC 93/1 Add.1, FC 93/INF/1) for decision

In accordance with the internal working procedures, the Provisional Timetable provides for discussion at the beginning of the meeting of those items on which the Committee is required to make decisions or recommendations to the Council


2. Programme of Work and Budget (doc. C 99/3) for discussion

In accordance with General Rules XXVII 7(a) and XXVIII the Committee will review the Director-General's proposals for the Programme of Work and Budget for 2000-2001. It is expected that the Finance Committee will consider the financial aspects of the Programme of Work and Budget, such as financial framework, budgetary framework (including cost increases, impact of exchange rates, lapse factor, etc.), Chapters 5 and 6, without concerning itself with the merits of the Programme. The comments of the Committee will be forwarded to the Council together with those of the Programme Committee

3. Programme and Budgetary Transfers in the 1998-1999 Biennium (doc. FC 93/3) for decision

In accordance with Financial Regulation IV, paragraph 4.5(b)(i), the Committee will be requested to review and approve the Director-General's proposals for inter-chapter transfers within the budget for the 1998-99 biennium

4. Support Costs (doc. FC 93/4) for discussion

The document is a progress report on the work being undertaken on the overall question of support costs. It is provided largely for the information of the Finance Committee but as it sets the conceptual framework (i.e. definitions, etc.), the Committee may wish to express its views on the approach being taken.

5. European Commission for Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease - Budget for 2000-2001 (doc. FC 93/5) for discussion

The Committee will be provided for its review and comment with the budget approved by the above-referenced Commission for 2000, together with that proposed for 2001.

6. Regional Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and the Pacific (APHCA) - Budget for 2000-2001 (doc. FC 93/6) for discussion

The Committee will be provided for its review and comment with the budgets proposed for the above-referenced Commission for 2000 and 2001.

7. Approval of the Budgets of the Desert Locust Commissions (doc. FC 93/7) for discussion

The Committee will be provided for its review and comment with the budgets approved and/or proposed for the above-referenced three Commissions for 2000 and 2001.


8. Financial Position of the Organization - Financial Position as at 31 May 1999 (Part I) and Status of Contributions as at 30 June 1999 (Part 2) (doc. FC 93/8) for discussion

The Committee will receive a report on the Financial Position of the Organization as at 31 May 1999. This report will contain information on the collection of assessed contributions as at 30 june 1999 and obligations incurred in the implementation of the appropriation for 1998-99. At the Session the Committee will receive a further working paper providing updated information

9. Audited Accounts

    1. FAO Credit Union 1998 (doc. FC 93/9(a)) for discussion
    2. Committee will receive for its information the audited accounts for 1996 of the FAO Credit Union.
    3. FAO Commissary 1998 (doc. FC 93/9(b)) for discussion
    4. Committee will receive for its information the financial statements for 1998 of the FAO Commissary.

10. Trust Funds - Exemption of Project Servicing Costs (doc. FC 93/10) for information

As requested by the Committee at its Twenty-fifth Session (April 1971), information will be provided on exemptions of Project Servicing Costs on Trust Funds below the level set by the Council.

11. Progress Report on Implementation of the External Auditor's Recommendations (doc. FC 93/11) for discussion

As requested by the Committee, a further report will be provided on actions taken in respect of recommendations made by the External Auditor in his report to the 1996-97 accounts.

12. Scale of Contributions 2000-2001 (doc. FC 93/12) for discussion

In response to the request of the 116th session of Council, the Committee will be provided with information on the impact of a possible reduction in the "ceiling rate" of the UN Scale of Assessments on the FAO Scale of Contributions.


13. Recommendations of the ICSC and UN Joint Staff Pension Board to the General Assembly (doc. FC 93/13) for information

In accordance with standard practice, the Committee will be informed of any developments which took place at the ICSC and the Pension Board which are of interest to this Organization.

14. Changes in Salary Scales and Allowances (doc. FC 93/14) for information

The Committee will be informed of those changes in salaries and allowances that have taken place since the last Session

15. Statistics of Personnel Services (doc. FC 93/15) for information

In line with normal practice, the Committee will be provided with its annual report on the number of established posts and other personnel services as at 30 June 1999 and comparative data for previous years.


16. Charter for the Office of Inspector-General (doc. FC 93/16) for information

As discussed at its 92nd session, the Committee will be provided with the Charter of the Office of Inspector-General developed in response to the instructions of the Director-General.

17. UN Joint Inspection Unit Reports for information

    1. Report of the JIU for 1999 (doc. CL 117/INF/11)
    2. UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS): Broader Engagement with United Nations System Organizations (doc. CL 117/INF/12)
    3. above documents will be provided to the Committee for information and any comments it may wish to make to the Council.

18. Status Report on the Year 2000 Issue (doc. FC 93/18) for information

The Committee will be provided with an update on the actions taken by the Organization in order to prepare for the possible consequences of the Year 2000 problem.


19. WFP Biennial Budget 2000-2001 (doc. FC 93/19) for discussion

In accordance with WFP General Regulation 30 and Financial Regulation 6.3, the Committee will review the biennial budget proposed by the Executive Director for 2000-2001. Any comments the Committee wishes to make will be submitted to the Executive Board

20. Funding of WFP's After-Service Medical Liabilities (doc. FC 93/20) for discussion

A document containing proposals for setting up and funding a special provision to meet after -service medical liabilities will be presented to the Finance Committee for its consideration and advice.

21. Progress Report on the Implementation of the External Auditor's Recommendations 1996-97 (doc. FC 93/21) for discussion

As requested by the Committee, a further report will be provided on actions taken in respect of recommendations made by the External Auditor in his report to the 1996-97 accounts.


22. Working Methods of the Finance Committee (no document) for discussion

In accordance with the standard practice of the Committee, members will be given an opportunity to comment on the functioning of the session and to make suggestions for future improvements.

23. Date and Place of Ninety-fourth Session for information

The Committee will be informed of arrangements for its next session.

24. Any Other Matters for discussion

(a) WFP Financial Regulations

In decision 1999/EB.1/5 the WFP Executive Board approved revisions to the General Regulations, General Rules and Financial Regulations. On the basis of these regulations and rules and in accordance with Financial Regulation 2.2, Financial Rules have been established by the Executive Director and under this item will be circulated to the Finance Committee.

(b) Incentive Scheme to Encourage Prompt Payment of Contributions - Determination of Discount Rate (doc. FC 93/24(b)) for decision

The Conference, at its Twenty-sixth Session in November 1991, noted that in determining the rate of discount to be used in the test discount scheme, the Director-General should consult the Finance Committee. The purpose of this paper is therefore to identify an appropriate rate of interest for 1999 discounts and to quantify the amount of discount earned on qualifying contributions in 1999 using the suggested interest rate.