CL 119/INF/10



Rome, 20 - 25 November 2000


Table of Contents



Yaound�, Cameroon, 21 - 25 February 2000


Country Statements and General Debate

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

1. Stressed that food security remained a high priority for Member Countries, and noted that improving agricultural performance was the key to increasing household incomes and reducing the incidence of poverty and malnutrition; (paragraph 25a).

2. Emphasised the need for cause and effect analysis of drought for awareness building at community, national and regional levels to enhance disaster management approaches as part of food security strategies; (paragraph 25d).

3. Re-emphasised the role of women in agriculture and food security and requested women's empowerment by identifying suitable technologies to reduce their labour input in household, farm and non-farm activities; (paragraph 25f).

4. Agreed that greater regional co-operation and integration were needed if African countries were to benefit from international trade negotiations under the WTO or other multi-national institutions; (Paragraph 25k).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

5. Recommended that FAO intensify efforts to assist countries in forest resources assessment and monitoring and in developing training and extension programmes, which contribute to the sustainable use and conservation of forest and wildlife resources in Africa; (paragraph 25g).

6. Recommended that the debate on access to bank loans for small farmers and agricultural workers be the subject of a specific agenda item of future regional meetings; (paragraph 25h).

7. Recognised the lack of quality control of food products in the region and recommended FAO assistance in establishing a regional food control laboratory in the context of Codex Alimentarius. Algeria offered to host such a laboratory; (paragraph 25i).

8. Recommended that FAO intensify support to non-conventional food products, especially bushmeat and non-wood forest products; (paragraph 25j).

Report on FAO Activities in the Region 1998-99 - ARC/00/2

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

9. Commended FAO for accelerating trilateral partnership under the South-South Cooperation initiative and urged member countries to take full advantage of assistance offered though these arrangements; (paragraph 27b).

10. Underscored the importance of the development and sustainable management of fisheries and aquaculture and the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries; (paragraph 27f).

11. Applauded the efforts of FAO in expanding integrated production and pest management to eight countries in Africa and reaffirmed the need to build national implementation capacity in this important area through Farmers' Field Schools; (paragraph 27g).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

12. Commended the Director-General for the expansion of the SPFS to 44 countries in Africa, and expressed appreciation for the technical assistance provided within the context of the Rome Declaration on Food Security and the WFS Plan of Action; (paragraph 27a).

13. Supported the priority given to sustainable management of natural resources and noted with satisfaction assistance provided to countries in land and water development, soil fertility management, integrated plant nutrition systems, transfer of irrigation technology, fertilizer use, land degradation studies and in standardizing soil analytical procedures; (paragraph 27c).

14. Appreciated the work undertaken in the field of forest genetic resources and the development of criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in dry zones of Africa. The meeting welcomed the recent initiative to prepare the Forest Outlook Study for Africa, in partnership with the African Development Bank, the World Bank and the European Union; (paragraph 27d).

15. Noted FAO's experience in drought and desertification control and the seriousness and extent of resource degradation in dryland ecosystems and fully supported the FAO pilot programme on an integrated, self-reliant and environmentally responsible approach to drought management in the semi-arid areas of Southern Africa, in addition to on-going initiatives in other sub-regions with CILSS and IGAD; (paragraph 27e).

16. Approved the orientation of the future Programme of Work for the Region based on the Strategic Framework of FAO and endorsed the policy objective of increased food production and food security; (paragraph 29).

Report of the Technical Committee: The Challenges of Sustainable Forestry Development (ARC/00/3)

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

17. Recommended that strategies be developed to better capture international support, through carbon offset mechanisms, debt for nature swaps and any other international fund for forestry development; (Appendix G, paragraph 14a).

18. Recognised the inter-dependence between rural communities, forestry, wildlife and agriculture in the context of sustainable livelihoods. Along with full integration of women and gender concerns, this should be one of the guiding principles of sustainable forestry development in Africa; (Appendix G, paragraph 14c).

19. Recommended that African countries adopt common transboundary strategies in combating environmental degradation; (Appendix G, paragraph 14e).

20. Recommended that African countries adopt common positions on key forestry issues and strengthen the roles of their respective sub-regional organisations to facilitate their participation in the on-going international debate on forestry; (Appendix G, paragraph 14f).

21. Recommended that African countries make additional efforts to promote intra-regional trade in timber and other forest products; (Appendix G, paragraph 14g).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

22. Recommended that FAO intensify efforts to mobilise additional funds to facilitate the implementation of conservation, sustainable management, use and improvement of forest resources; (Appendix G, paragraph 14b).

23. Stressed the need for a sub-regional meeting on forest genetic resources for Central Africa in partnership with the African Timber Organisation (ATO); and recommended that FAO take steps to convene such a meeting during the current biennium; (Appendix G, paragraph 14d).

24. Recommended that FAO continue its efforts in capacity-building to facilitate the effective participation of African countries in the multilateral negotiations on trade in forest products; (Appendix G, paragraph 14h).

Report of the Technical Committee: Public Assistance and Agricultural Development in Africa (ARC/00/4)

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

25. Urged member countries to allocate more financial and human resources to agriculture for investment and maintenance of agricultural public goods; (Appendix G, paragraph 16a).

26. Recommended that NGOs and the private sector should develop a positive view of and contribute to agricultural development; (Appendix G, paragraph 16e).

27. Recommended the provision of credit and its accessibility to all involved in agriculture, including resource-poor farmers, women and the youth; (Appendix G, paragraph 16f).

Report of the Technical Committee: World Food Summit (WFS) Follow-up: The FAO Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS) - National Ownership of the Programme and its South-South Dimension (ARC/00/5)

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

28. Urged Member Countries to enhance national ownership of the SPFS and to take full advantage of the benefits offered by South-South Cooperation; (Appendix G, paragraph 21a).

29. Recommended the development of an active partnership between governments and the private sector in all rural development activities; (Appendix G, paragraph 21e).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

30. Underlined the need to expand the programme in order to achieve national food security objectives and requested FAO to mobilise financing, to the extent possible; (Appendix G, paragraph 21b).

31. Recommended that FAO introduce more flexible working arrangements with regard to contracting personnel under South-South Co-operation; (Appendix G, paragraph 21c).

32. Recommended that FAO consider convening regional consultations for countries implementing the SPFS to exchange experiences for programme enhancement; and that the film on the SPFS made in Tanzania and Senegal should be reproduced and distributed among the Member Countries in the region; (Appendix G, paragraph 21d).

Report of the Technical Committee: World Food Summit Follow-up: Actions taken at Regional and Sub-regional Levels to implement the Plan of Action (ARC/00/6)

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

33. Recommended that national and regional policies were needed to enable member countries pool their efforts in combating both the causes and consequences of food insecurity; (Appendix G, paragraph 24a).

34. Recommended that governments establish a stable political environment to ensure sustainable peace and development of democratic institutions; (Appendix G, paragraph 24b).

Report of the Technical Committee: Progress Report on the Common African Agriculture Programme (CAAP) (ARC/00/INF/5)

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

35. Endorsed the "second track" proposal and called upon OAU/AEC and Member States to seek all possible co-operation from the Regional and Sub-regional groups in the development of CAAP; (Appendix G, paragraph 26a and 26b).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

36. Requested the Director-General to continue to support, to the extent possible, the development and implementation of CAAP, including through "second track", as appropriate; (Appendix G, paragraph 26c).

Report of the Technical Committee: Integration of Sustainable Aquaculture and Rural Development

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

37. Emphasised that aquaculture is a broad term encompassing a variety of production environments including small-scale and commercial fish production in reservoirs and irrigated rice farms as well as traditional production systems; (Appendix G, paragraph 27c).

38. Urged increased inter- and intra-regional collaboration, including the exchange of aquaculture information and technologies; (Appendix G, paragraph 27f).

39. Recommended that policies should address key public sector concerns of extension, research and maintenance of government aquaculture infrastructure as well as divestment of those elements that exceed government's means or producers' needs, without imposing a top-down structure or inhibiting producers' innovative spirit; (Appendix G, paragraph 27h).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

40. Recommended that FAO, within the limit of its resources, assist governments in elaborating effective aquaculture policies and streamlining public sector support to foster increased aquaculture production; (Appendix G, paragraph 27j).

Report of the Technical Committee: Drought Impact Mitigation and Prevention: Long-term Perspective (ARC/00/INF/7)

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

41. Recommended that FAO strengthen efforts to develop capacity for water resources development and management in dryland ecosystems; (Appendix G, paragraph 30d).

42. Recommended that FAO continue its assistance to the region in the dissemination of early warning information and in rapid response to adverse climatic changes (Appendix G, paragraph 30e).

Regional FAO/NGO/CSO Consultation for Africa

For the attention of Governments

The Consultation:

43. Recommended the participatory formulation of a coherent and equitable national food security policy with the involvement of all stakeholders; (Appendix H, paragraph 5).

44. Emphasised the need to assist farmer organisations to build the capacity to take up their increased roles in food production and food security; (Appendix H, paragraph 9).

45. Urged Governments to facilitate access by small farmers to production factors; land, water, technology and finance; (Appendix H, paragraph 12).

For the attention of FAO

The Consultation:

46. Requested FAO to facilitate policy dialogue between governments and farmer organisations and other stakeholders; (Appendix H, paragraph 15).

47. Urged FAO to assist in capacity building in policy analysis, service provision, and organisational strengthening; (Appendix H, paragraph 16).

48. Recommended inclusion of consultations with FOs/NGOs as a regular agenda item of FAO Regional Conferences; (Appendix H, paragraph 20).

Informal Consultation on Intra-Regional Trade in Food and Agricultural Products in Africa

For the attention of Governments

The Consultation:

49. Requested Member Countries to take a common position in order to effectively defend their interests during multilateral trade negotiations.

50. Urged African Governments to accelerate harmonization of their food trade policies and undertake appropriate reforms in the framework of existing regional organizations to promote intra-regional trade.

For the attention of FAO

The Consultation:

51. Commended FAO for the initiative taken to organise the Consultation on Intra-Regional Trade at short notice; (Appendix I, paragraph 1).

52. Urged FAO to play an important role in this area and to take the lead in providing advice and technical assistance to African countries to assess the economic and other implications of international trade agreements; (Appendix I, paragraph 4).

53. Urged FAO to assist African countries to develop the necessary tools to improve their preparations for future trade negotiations so that the outcome would reinforce intra-regional trade and enhance food security. (Appendix I, paragraph 5).



Beirut, Lebanon, 20 - 24 March 2000


Country Statements and General Debate

For the attention of Member States

54. The Conference agreed to establish the proposed "Animal Health Commission for the Near East", as formulated in the Document NERC/00/5.

55. In light of the important contribution provided by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) in promoting sustainable agricultural development in the Region, the Conference emphasized the need for continued international and regional support to this Center, in collaboration with national research institutions.

56. The Conference further agreed to exclude the presentations of country statements, and instead they could be circulated to delegates, in order to allow more time for other crucial technical topics to be reviewed and discussed.

The Conference called upon Member States to:

57. Continue the policy and institutional reforms at the macroeconomic and sector levels to ensure the creation of an enabling environment conducive to increasing agricultural production, productivity and competitiveness, to enhance the sustainable utilization of natural resources, as well as promoting equitable income distribution, particularly to marginalized and disadvantaged social groups; and

58. Focus targeting of agricultural development projects on special niches of the rural poor, with the participation of beneficiaries in all phases of project design and implementation, taking into consideration gender equity and safeguards against the leakage of benefits to rich farmers.

For the attention of FAO

The Conference requested FAO to:

59. Continue to provide policy advice, guidance and training to Member Countries to assist in their preparations for the next round of multilateral trade negotiations on agriculture, and in assessing the implications of joining the WTO on the countries' agricultural sectors.

60. Increase its support to the Palestinian agricultural sector given the suffering and difficult circumstances faced by Palestinian farmers as a result of the occupation, as well as taking the necessary measures to include Palestine in all activities and programmes provided by FAO to Member States; and

61. Further strengthen its country offices in the Near East to better support the Organization's regional and country field programmes.

Report of the Senior Officers Meeting

The Conference adopted the report of the Senior Officers Meeting with the following recommendations:

Follow-up to the World Food Summit

For the attention of Member States

The Meeting called upon Member States to:

62. Adopt internal reporting arrangements appropriate to their national government structures to monitor progress of the WFS Plan of Action internally, and prepare the periodic reports in preparation for the next Session of the CFS to be held in September 2000.

63. Approach donor agencies, with the assistance of FAO, to seek additional funding in support of implementing national SPFS activities.

64. Organize a workshop on "WFS follow-up at the national level", in collaboration with FAO, and seek the active participation of all relevant government officials, parliamentary commissions, actors of civil society, private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGO's) and other development partners.

65. Support setting up of national FIVIMS and urge all interested parties to provide resources to enable the conduct of these initial assessments, with coordinated donor support.

For the attention of FAO

The Meeting requested FAO to:

66. Enhance the exchange of expertise and information related to the SPFS among Member Countries.

67. Continue assisting Member States in approaching donors and international organizations for supporting their national efforts towards implementation of the World Food Summit Plan of Action.

68. Continue to respond positively to government requests to take part in the SPFS and to enhance technical collaboration between countries of the Region through the South-South Cooperation (SSC) initiative.

69. Continue its support to the setting up of FIVIMS at the national and international levels, in collaboration with concerned UN organizations, competent national institutions and non-governmental organizations.

70. Continue lending support to raising funds through the various activities of the TeleFood programme.

Towards a Strategic Framework for Sustainable Agricultural Development in the Near East Region

For the attention of Member States

The Meeting called upon Member States to:

71. Take into consideration the 10 elements for a strategic framework, suggested in Document NERC/00/4, in designing national sustainable agricultural development strategies, based on the specific circumstances and priorities for each Member country, with a view to provide enabling environment for increasing the role of the private sector.

72. Continue their efforts to review and formulate long-term sustainable agricultural and rural development strategies and policies and to elaborate detailed plans of action for the implementation of these strategies.

73. Enhance the country food supply capacity by reducing small farmers' risk in rainfed areas, and re-orienting landuse in irrigated lands.

74. Strengthen regional/sub-regional cooperation in all aspects related to agriculture, particularly intra-regional trade and investment, as well as in promoting the competitiveness of major crops such as date palm and others.

75. Participate in, and encourage regional/sub-regional group actions to confront environmental threats, such as desertification, pollution, transboundary plant and animal diseases and other similar threats that cut across national borders.

76. Confirm their commitment to the establishment of the Near East and North Africa Regional Network for Agricultural Policies (NENARNAP), through active participation in its meetings and activities.

77. Support regional centers and networks, which cooperate with FAO, through active participation in their meetings and activities.

For the attention of FAO

The Meeting called upon FAO to:

78. Continue its support to Member Countries in their efforts to review and formulate long-term sustainable agricultural and rural development strategies, policies and national plans of action.

79. Assist, within its available resources, Member Countries in conducting studies for establishing regional/sub-regional market information systems to stimulate intra-regional trade, as well as the feasibility of alternative mechanisms for joint procurement, marketing and collective bargaining with foreign trade blocks, in conformity with WTO rules.

80. Continue its support to applied agricultural research and extension to assist Member countries in priority areas, such as the development of varieties tolerant to drought, salt and heat stress; date palm production and post-harvest technology; combating desertification; utilization of non-traditional water resources; and rationalization of water use.

81. Provide, within its available resources, Member Countries with technical assistance and training in biotechnology and genetic engineering and enhance the exchange of information and experiences in these fields among countries of the Region.

82. Assist in organizing an expert meeting, in collaboration with relevant UN agencies and other regional and international institutions, on agro-industries and food safety, in the context of changing consumption patterns in the Region and requirements of export markets.

83. Continue its support to enhance the capacity building of policy analysts and planners at country and regional levels, particularly through its continued support to establish the Near East and North Africa Regional Network for Agricultural Policies (NENARNAP).

84. Continue assisting Member Countries in evaluating various options to enhance intra-regional trade in view of promoting regional and national food security.

Progress Report on Reactivating the FAO Near East Cooperative Programme (NECP)

For the attention of Member States

The Meeting called upon Member States to:

85. Encourage the bilateral cooperation between FAO and the relevant countries based on National Trust Fund arrangements already used by several countries in the Region.

86. Seek, jointly with FAO, financial support from regional and international funding institutions to implement some regional/sub-regional Trust Fund programmes proposed by the concerned countries.

For the attention of FAO

The Meeting requested FAO to:

87. Share with countries of the Region the experience accumulated from some of the successful national and regional Trust Fund Projects to benefit from the lessons learned when formulating possible future Trust Fund programmes in the Region.

88. Respond positively, within its available resources, to requests from Member States concerning national and regional projects with a view to foster cooperation and address issues of regional dimension.

Animal Health Commission for the Near East

For the attention of Member States

89. The Meeting recommended that an "Animal Health Commission for the Near East" be established under Article XIV of FAO Constitution.

The Meeting called upon Member States to:

90. Endorse the Agreement for the Establishment of a Regional Animal Health Commission for the Near East, following its approval by the FAO Council.

For the attention of FAO

The Meeting requested FAO to:

91. Follow up on the necessary steps suggested in the timetable outlined in the above-mentioned Document to ensure timely implementation of the activities for the proposed Commission.

92. Provide the Secretariat for the newly established Commission during the interim period at the Regional Office for the Near East.

Consultation on the Promotion of Intra-Regional Trade for Improvement of Food Security in the Near East

93. The Meeting listened to a presentation on "Intra-Regional Agricultural Trade in the Near East" and commended FAO for the valuable information included in the document, and for the timely presentation of this important topic during a special session in parallel to the Regional Conference. The Meeting requested FAO to include this highly significant topic on the agenda of future Near East regional fora.

Review of the Progress in the WTO Multinational Trade Negotiations on Agriculture

94. The Conference took note of the Document NERC/00/INF/6, "Review of the Progress in the WTO Multinational Trade Negotiations on Agriculture", and commended FAO for assisting Member Countries that are not yet members in assessing the implications of joining the WTO on their agricultural sectors, as well as for providing policy advice, guidance and training to countries that are already members of the WTO to assist in their preparations for the next round of multilateral trade negotiations on agriculture.

FAO-NGOs/CSOs Consultation for the Near East

95. In line with the WFS Plan of Action, calling for "actively encourage a greater role for, civil society organizations in addressing food security", FAO convened a Regional Consultation for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), in parallel to the Regional Conference. This Consultation was held on 21-22 March 2000, and reviewed similar topics to those of the Conference and FAO's Policy and Strategy for Cooperation with the NGOs/CSOs. The Report of this Consultation was presented by the Consultation's Rapporteur for consideration and adoption by the Conference. Following a thorough examination and discussion, the Conference adopted the Report of the Regional FAO-NGOs/CSOs Consultation for the Near East.

Proposed List of Topics to be considered at the 26th Regional Conference for the Near East

96. The Conference requested the Near East Group of Representatives to FAO to prepare a list of topics to be considered at the 26th Regional Conference for the Near East and requested that FAO takes this list into consideration in developing the Provisional Agenda of the next Conference, in consultation with Member Governments of the Region.

Date and Place of the 26th FAO Regional Conference for the Near East

97. The Conference welcomed the two invitations, extended by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and by the Government of Tunisia, to host the 26th FAO Regional Conference for the Near East. The Director-General of FAO would take these kind invitations into consideration when deciding on the date and place of the next Conference, in consultation with Member Governments of the Region.



M�rida, Mexico, 10 - 14 April 2000


General debate on trends and challenges in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and food security in the Region

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

98. Underlined that the international community should set about removing the obstacles that were preventing the elimination of poverty and hunger in the world (paragraph 22).

99. Stated that food security needed the commitment of governments and populations to put into effect the World Food Summit Plan of Action. It also stressed that a global effort was needed to explore new forms of cooperation between FAO and the countries of the Region (paragraphs 23 & 24).

100. Stressed that the liberalization of international agricultural trade was of vital importance to both exporting and importing countries. It stated that future negotiations on agriculture should include the elimination of obstacles so that countries could overcome poverty and food insecurity (paragraph 26).

101. Stated that it was necessary to uphold the rights of the countries of the Region with regard to the WTO and to see that national legislations were consistent with the WTO Agreement on Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and the standards of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. It also indicated that sanitary and phytosanitary measures should not be used as barriers to trade. It acknowledged the concern of the small island developing states of the Caribbean regarding implementation of the WTO agreements (paragraphs 28, 29 & 31).

102. Highlighted the importance of state reform and institutional change for a more decentralized and participatory administration and a stronger role for local authorities with support from central coordinating bodies (paragraph 32).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

103. Requested technical support to continue to update food legislation, food safety standards and plant and animal health standards; protect plant genetic resources; draw up inventories of water resources available for agricultural activity; establish systems for the prevention and mitigation of, and recovery from, the impact of adverse climatic events; and bolster rural development (parasgraphs 35 & 45).

Impact of technical and non-tariff barriers on agricultural trade in Latin America and the Caribbean

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

104. Requested that FAO continue with the regional programme of technical assistance to countries in agricultural trade negotiations and the exchange of experiences through the organization of technical meetings (paragraph 46).

Effects of adverse climatological conditions on food production and trade

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

105. Indicated the need to establish ongoing policies to prevent, mitigate and recover from the impact of natural calamities. It recommended strengthening technical cooperation among the countries of the Region (paragaphs. 49 & 50).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

106. Requested that FAO continue providing technical support to raise the awareness of decision makers in the development of information, education, training, modernization and organization programmes aimed at reducing the negative impact of adverse climatic events (paragraph 52).

Reform of rural development institutions

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

107. Considered the issue of institutional reform under discussion to be highly relevant to the countries of the Region. It emphasized that macroeconomic equilibria were necessary to activate rural development and that differentiated sectoral policies were needed if there was to be any impact on the peasant farming sector. It also underscored the need to strengthen the management capacity of municipal and local bodies. It stressed the need to overcome the discontinuity of rural development programmes and to seek mechanisms that would avoid this (paragraphs. 54, 55 & 56).

Follow-up to the World Food Summit

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

108. Underlined the importance of developing actions at individual, household, community, subnational, national and regional levels to attain food security. It recognized the role played by the Committee on World Food Security in the follow-up to the World Food Summit (pararaphs 58 & 59).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

109. Requested that FAO continue to help the countries fulfil the commitments made at the World Food Summit and support the exchange of know-how and experience in the Region. It expressed its concern at the lack of resources from the international community for implementation of the World Food Summit Plan of Action (paragraphs 60 & 61).

Water as a resource for food production

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

110. Underlined the merit in using irrigation water more efficiently. It stressed the importance of user responsibility in the rehabilitation of systems and the need to include drainage works to avoid soil degradation through salinization. It drew attention to the importance of the irrigation component in the Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS). It emphasized the practicality of using the watershed as the territorial unit for water management. It acknowledged the need for institutional reforms to improve the local management of water (paragraphs. 63, 64 & 66).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

111. Requested technical assistance to countries to review their legal framework, suggest institutional reforms, disseminate understanding of water resources and educate the population accordingly, improve the administration and management of water, control water contamination, establish systems for the treatment of poor-quality water, develop drainage systems, modernize hydrometric and meteorological stations, stimulate the participation of the private sector in irrigation and promote the harvesting of rainwater (paragraph 69).

Research and transfer of technology in food production

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

112. Recognized that governments should look into new forms of management of research and technology transfer so that these could be included as a priority item on the policy agenda (paragraph 74).

113. Took note of the need for more effective participation of countries in determining the priorities of the Centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) operating in the Region, as well as the CGIAR proposal for the gradual phasing out of Regional representation, as presently structured, until the current representative has completed his term in the year 2002 (paragraph 75).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

114. Requested technical assistance in the planning of strategies for research and technology transfer (paragraph 72).

Demonstration of the World Agriculture Information Centre (WAICENT)

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

115. Requested support for the implementation and strengthening of national agricultural information systems in the Region, including the necessary technical training (paragraph 77).

Reports of the Regional Commissions

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

116. Advocated the strengthening of the Regional Commissions and the continued regularity of their meetings. It also recommended that the reports of the Commissions be submitted to the Council and the Conference of FAO to achieve a regional perspective in the focus of its programmes (paragraph 20).

Date, Place and Agenda of the 27th FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

117. Took note of the offer of the Delegation of Cuba to host the 27th FAO Regional Conference, which would be held in Havana, Cuba, from 11 to 15 March 2002, and requested that the Director-General take this recommendation into account when deciding the date and place of the Conference, after consultation with the Government of Cuba and the other members countries of the Region (paragraph 84).

Other matters

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

118. Requested that FAO place greater emphasis in its studies and documents on the state of food and agriculture in the small island developing states of the Caribbean (paragraph 80).



Porto, Portugal, 24 - 28 July 2000


Ministerial Roundtable on Food Safety and Quality

For the attention of Governments

The Conference (Roundtable):

119. Supported the "farm to fork" approach to food safety which would require food operators throughout the food chain to be responsible and accountable for the safety of their products (paragraph 16).

120. Recognized that the application of good manufacturing practices, good hygienic practices and quality assurance systems such as the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system, were essential in preventing food safety risks and in ensuring consumer protection (paragraph 16).

121. Emphasized the importance of traceability for all food, feed and their ingredients, as an essential requirement of food safety systems (paragraph 16).

122. Supported the principle of separating risk assessment from risk management, recommended maximum transparency in the operation of both components of risk analysis and agreed that the Codex Alimentarius Commission was the right forum for decisions on this matter
(paragraphs 17 & 19).

123. Took note with interest of the proposal made by The Netherlands to hold a Pan-European Conference on Food Safety and Quality in 2001; also noted the Director-General's suggestion that similar initiatives could be envisaged for other regions so as to promote a global action in favour of improved food safety and quality world-wide and that Sweden would host an EU Conference on Food Safety in March 2001 (paragraph 20).

Country Statements on the Follow-up to the World Food Summit

For the attention of Governments

The Conference highlighted:

124. The relationship between food security and political stability in the countries of the Region and took note of the serious economic and humanitarian impact caused by the Kosovo crisis on neighbouring countries (paragraph 24 a).

125. The importance and the need to involve NGOs and Civil Society in agricultural and rural development activities (paragraph 24 b).

126. The usefulness of national and regional workshops and conferences organized by some of the Member Nations on sustainable agriculture and rural development (paragraph 24 c).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference highlighted:

127. The need for assistance to a number of Member Nations to combat prolonged drought
(paragraph 24 d).

128. The willingness of the Member Nations in the Region, including the CEECs, to contribute with expertise and resources to assist in reducing hunger and world food insecurity including providing support for preventive measures as well as support in crisis situations (pararaph 24 e).

129. The appropriateness of an increased use of experts from CEECs and EU countries in the implementation of technical assistance projects (paragraph 24 f).

Review of the State of Food and Agriculture in the Region

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

130. Was in agreement with the conclusions contained in the document inasmuch as the main factors that would shape the economic environment in the European Region in the coming years were the EU enlargement, the Balkans reconstruction and the situation in the CIS-4 countries (paragraph 27).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

131. Noted that the future development of the agri-food sector in the EU accession countries would require harmonizing their market regulations and trade policies as well as institutions to put them in line with EU requirements (paragraph 27).

Rebuilding and Developing of Agriculture in Areas Stricken by Disaster and Armed Conflict (Balkans)

For the attention of Governments

The Conference stressed:

132. That coordination between all donor initiatives to achieve an integrated approach was a key factor for successfully rebuilding the agriculture sector in the Balkans (paragraph 31).

133. That to achieve stability and sustained prosperity in the Subregion, it would be necessary to foster social inclusion and cohesion through domestic reform programmes, rehabilitation of infrastructure, strong governance and democratic institutions (paragraph 31).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

134. Agreed that in defining its future activities in the Subregion, FAO should give particular attention to assisting the countries in moving from emergency to recovery/rehabilitation and development as well as in implementing the necessary reforms in their agricultural sectors (paragraph 30).

Food Safety and Quality as Affected by Organic Farming

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

135. Emphasized that organic foods have to conform to quality and safety standards applicable to conventional food and that they needed to comply with organic production principles throughout the food chain from production on the farm through to processing, transportation, storage, labelling and marketing (paragraph 33).

136. Suggested the inclusion of fermentation as a natural process for preserving organic foods and the usage of appropriate preservation techniques to prevent contamination of animal feed used in organic animal production (paragraph 35).

137. Noted that there were still significant differences between countries in the degree of institutionalization and implementation of the rules and regulations related to inspection and certification of organic foods (paragraph 37).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

138. Invited FAO to bring forward priority actions to promote organic farming in the Region
(paragraph 39).

Food Safety and Quality as Affected by Animal Feedstuff

For the attention of Governments

The Conference recommended:

139. That traceability should be established in the whole feed chain (paragraph 42 a).

140. The establishment of a negative list of raw materials in feeding stuffs and a list of undesirable substances and products, the presence of which should be minimised in feed, to ensure better consumer protection (paragraph 42 b).

The Conference stressed:

141. The importance that countries establish official control systems to ensure effective implementation of legal provisions (paragraph 42 c).

142. That phasing-out of antimicrobial growth promoters should be implemented and gradually replaced by non-antimicrobial alternatives to promote changes in animal production practices that would improve animal health and welfare (paragraph 42 f).

143. The importance to minimise all sources of pollution of relevance to the food/feed chain in order to support the activities related to improved food/feed safety and quality (paragraph 42 g).

144. The importance of an international monitoring programme on feed contaminants accompanied by the necessary institutional and capacity building (paragraph 43).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

145. Welcomed the work that FAO had started in the area of animal feedstuffs and agreed that the conclusions and recommendations, contained in the relevant document, provided a basis for the identification of priorities for future work on the issues of food safety and related animal feedstuffs (paragraph 41).

146. Stressed that coordination between different international organizations needed to be encouraged in order to ensure coherence, to avoid duplication and to identify gaps in existing legal provisions (paragraph 42 d).

Multifunctional Character of Agriculture and Land

For the attention of Governments

The Conference highlighted that:

147. Every country has the right to pursue non-trade objectives such as strengthening socio-economic viability and development of rural areas, food security and environmental protection (paragraph 48 b).

148. Besides the primary production function of agriculture there are other multiple functions inseparable from agricultural activity which often have the characteristics of public goods (paragraph 48 c).

149. The multifunctional role of agriculture in the preservation of rural areas and biodiversity is very important for the countries in the Region and can contribute to food security; rural development and employment; and the protection of agricultural resource base and the environment (paragraph 48 d).

150. The multifunctional role of agriculture can be particularly important in marginal and less favoured areas (paragraph 48 e).

151. The multiple functions of agriculture are of significant importance to some Central and Eastern European countries, which faced the problems caused by transformation and adjustment of their agricultural sector (paragraph 48 f).

152. The concept of multifunctionality can be valuable in helping to meet the objectives of sustainable agricultural and rural development (paragraph 48 h).

Report on FAO Activities in the Region (1998-99)

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

153. Noted that priorities set out in the document are in line with the Strategic Framework
(paragraph 50 a).

154. Recognized the valuable role of FAO in research, extension and information exchange activities and underlined that these should be further strengthened (paragraph 50 b).

155. Noted that more CGIAR funds should be made available for CEE and CIS countries
(paragraph 50 c).

156. Noted that coordination and cooperation with other institutions, working in similar areas, would build needed synergies (paragraph 50 d).

157. Encouraged the continuation of joint activities with the UN/ECE and other institutions
(paragraph 50 e).

158. Noted that greater emphasis should be given to the pre-accession process as this is of high importance to most countries in transition (paragraph 50 f).

The Conference further :

159. Agreed that the issue of the meetings of the European Commission on Agriculture (ECA) should be further discussed by the European Regional Group in Rome based on a document which would include the implications of the various alternatives to be provided by the Secretariat for a meeting of the Group scheduled in September 2000 (paragraph 51).

Reflections on Agenda and Structure of the Regional Conference

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

160. Noted that the new structure of setting up Technical Committees to meet in parallel with the Plenary had worked well and considered that the distribution of work between the Plenary and Technical Committees should be reviewed (paragraph 53).

161. Noted that the number and type of topics included in the agenda of the 22nd Session could pose problems for future sessions (paragraph 54).

162. Agreed that this matter should be taken up by the European Regional Group when establishing the agenda for the 23rd Regional Conference for Europe (paragraph 54).

Date and Place of the 21st FAO Regional Conference

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

163. Welcomed the offer by Cyprus to host the next Conference and that the main item on the agenda should be "Combatting Desertification"; took note of the reservation expressed by one delegation that, should the next Conference be held in Cyprus, it would not attend; and further welcomed the offer by France to host the 24th Regional Conference for Europe (paragraphs 56 & 57).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

164. Agreed that the offers to host the Conferences in 2002 and 2004 be conveyed to the Director-General for decision in consultation with the Members of the Region (paragraph 57).



Yokohama, Japan, 28 August - 1 September 2000


Ministerial Level Session of the Conference

For the attention of Governments and FAO

The Conference:

165. Encouraged the further strengthening of mechanisms for exchanging technical knowledge and experience through Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC), South-South Cooperation and other partnerships (paragraph 23).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

166. Encouraged FAO to maintain and expand close collaboration with other organizations to ensure coherence in the pursuit of food security and rural development (paragraph 23).

Sustainable Agricultural Development and Poverty Alleviation in the Millennium: Reflections and Lessons from the Asian Crisis

For the attention of Governments and FAO

The Conference:

167. Stressed the importance of making disaggregated data on agricultural development widely available (paragraph 35).

168. Endorsed the recommendations of the eighteenth session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission, highlighting the importance of sustainable forest management in the region (paragraph 38).

169. Urged support for the implementation of the Proposals for Action developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests and the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests (paragraph 38).

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

170. Invited member countries and international donor organizations to increase funding for agricultural research and for supporting institutions relevant for small-scale farmers (paragraph 33).

171. Called for implementation of policy reforms that encourage private and public sector participation in economic activities in accordance with their comparative advantages (paragraph 34).

172. Encouraged governments to focus on addressing cases of market failure, ensuring competitiveness and quality of support services, protecting the environment and common property resources, and promoting balanced regional development (paragraph 34).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

173. Urged FAO to continue and to strengthen its activities in support of integrated pest management, effective water and fertiliser use, integrated plant nutrition systems, pre- and post-harvest technologies and appropriate application of biotechnology (paragraph 30).

174. Recommended that FAO assist countries in establishing clearly defined and enforceable land and property rights and broad-based decentralised development of economic activities in rural areas (paragraph 31).

175. Urged FAO to assist member countries in developing effective micro-credit programs, extension services, education and marketing support for small-scale farmers, especially women, the less-skilled and disadvantaged (paragrap 32).

176. Requested FAO to assist developing countries in meeting the sanitary and phyto-sanitary (SPS) requirements of food-importing countries (paragraph 33).

177. Requested FAO to provide direct support and capacity-building services for carrying out needed agricultural sector reviews, assessments of policies for food security and poverty alleviation, and studies of pricing policies for resources and inputs such as water and irrigation (paragraph 34).

178. Encouraged FAO to assist member countries in collecting, analysing and sharing key information on agricultural development (paragraph 35).

179. Requested FAO to identify factors undermining sustainable fisheries and to promote effective measures against such factors (paragraph 37).

180. Urged FAO to study opportunities for advancing the comprehensive and sustainable management of marine resources, based on the ecosystem approach (paragraph 37).

181. Requested FAO to actively contribute to international discussions on the relationship between forest products trade and sustainable forest management (paragraph 38).

182. Encouraged FAO to collaborate with all relevant organizations in developing national and regional strategies for action for food security and rural development to ensure coherence and relevance of activities, including adequate budgetary support for its own activities in the region (paragraph 39).

Implications and Development of Biotechnology

For the attention of Governments and FAO

The Conference:

183. Invited international donors to provide the necessary financial support to FAO to assist in the work of establishing mechanisms for assessing and managing the potential environmental risks associated with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) (paragraph 47).

184. Emphasised the importance of implementing the Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, which was adopted at the International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources in Leipzig, Germany, in 1996 (paragraph 48).

185. Urged that the International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources of the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, be finalised soon so as to promote judicious conservation and use of genetic resources for alleviation of food insecurity and poverty (paragraph 48).

186. Endorsed the work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) in setting standards and developing guidance for member countries in the areas of biosafety and foods derived from biotechnology (paragraph 50).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

187. Supported FAO's efforts to help member countries realize the positive effects of biotechnology, while working to minimise potential negative impacts (paragraph 43).

188. Urged FAO to strengthen its program of policy advice, information exchange and technical assistance related to biotechnology (paragraph 43).

189. Requested FAO to provide policy advice to member countries, upon request, on matters such as setting priorities for the development and application of biotechnologies, and the comparative advantages of biotechnologies vis-�-vis alternative technologies (paragraph 44).

190. Endorsed a proposal calling on FAO to establish a regional biotechnology network (tentatively dubbed "Asia-Pacific Bionet") (paragraph 45).

191. Requested FAO to organize consultations and workshops on the application of biotechnology (paragraph 45).

192. Urged FAO to strengthen its efforts to assess technology options and to monitor and analyse developments in the field of biotechnology, and to make timely and appropriate information available to countries and the public (paragraph 46).

193. Recommended that FAO provide capacity-building support to developing countries in establishing mechanisms for assessing and managing the potential environmental risks associated with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) (paragraph 47).

194. Requested FAO to strengthen its assistance in developing and disseminating methodologies for in situ conservation of genetic resources (paragraph 48).

195. Requested FAO to assist developing countries in establishing suitable domestic regulatory environments to ensure biosafety and harmonisation with international standards (paragraph 49).

196. Stressed the need for FAO to coordinate and collaborate with all relevant partners on biotechnology issues and applications (paragraph 51).

World Food Summit (WFS) Follow-up

For the attention of Governments and FAO

The Conference:

197. Invited donors to work with FAO and the FIVIMS Interagency Working Group to establish or improve national and regional FIVIMS (paragraph 55).

198. Welcomed the initiative of the Government of Japan and FAO to develop the Asian FIVIMS (paragraph 55).

199. Recommended that special attention be paid to key areas such as natural resource management, problem soils (salinization), post-harvest management and loss prevention, food safety and harmonisation of production policy (paragraph 63).

200. Recommended that future reviews of food insecurity give consideration to the issues of food insecurity in developed countries of the region (paragraph 67).

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

201. Urged concerned Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries (LIFDCs) to strengthen national plans of action for World Food Summit follow-up and assign the highest priority to increasing investments in sustainable agriculture and rural development (paragraph 54).

202. Encouraged all countries in the region to expedite the political, social and economic reforms needed to enhance broad participation in governance and development (paragraph 57).

203. Urged member countries to strengthen commitments to South-South Cooperation as a cost-effective approach for sharing technology and knowledge (paragraph 59).

204. Urged countries to make disaster prevention and mitigation an integral component of sustainable agriculture and rural development (paragraph 60).

205. Called upon governments to undertake measures to assist small farmers in adjusting to liberalised trade regimes (paragraph 62).

206. Urged governments to make the Ministerial Decision on assisting LIFDCs, negatively affected by trade liberalisation, more operationally effective (paragraph 62).

207. Recommended that countries give special attention to investment and trade policies favourable to the poor (paragraph 65).

208. Urged all countries to improve the management, education and protection of migrant workers and their families (paragraph 66).

209. Recommended that countries strengthen national agricultural research systems and reinforce their roles in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) (paragraph 68).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

210. Recommended that FAO continue to strengthen three of its WFS follow-up programmes, which have significantly improved the investment climates in LIFDCs: the Special Program for Food Security, Telefood and Strategies for Agricultural Development and Food Security (paragraph 59).

211. Recommended that FAO increase technical assistance in disaster management to the most affected countries (paragraph 60).

212. Recommended that FAO assist countries in strengthening policies, reinforcing infrastructure and building capacity for trade in agricultural commodities (paragraph 61).

213. Encouraged FAO to continue and strengthen collaboration with other organizations working in food and agriculture, and to contribute to other international fora with its knowledge and expertise (paragraph 69).

Action taken on the Main Recommendations of the 24th Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific and other FAO Activities in the Region (1998-1999)

For the attention of Governments and FAO

The Conference:

214. Encouraged the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission to take a more proactive role in facilitating the implementation of the proposals for action developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests (IPF) and the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests (IFF) (paragraph 73).

215. Encouraged FAO and member countries to continue and expand efforts to protect and use sustainably mangroves and other coastal resources (paragraph 74).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

216. Encouraged FAO' initiatives to enhance the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, the adoption of the International Plan of Action for the Management of Fishing Capacity, as well as its leadership in tackling various issues of fisheries in the Asia-Pacific region, including questions on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (paragraph 72).

217. Recommended that FAO continue to provide strong support for the implementation of the Code of Practice for Forest Harvesting in Asia-Pacific (paragraph 73).

218. Requested that FAO continue to report separately to the Conference on activities in Pacific Island Countries (paragraph 76).

219. Urged FAO to incorporate, in future reports to the Conference, an assessment of outcome of actions and activities undertaken in the region (paragraph 77).

220. Encouraged FAO to further focus on topics of specific relevance and priority for the Asia-Pacific region in future Conferences (paragraph 78).

Concluding Items

For the attention of Governments and FAO

The Conference:

221. Noted that the invitations of Nepal and the Philippines to host the next Conference would be conveyed to the Director-General of FAO, who would decide on the date and place of the Conference in consultation with member governments (paragraph 83).

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

222. Invited member countries to forward to FAO specific recommendations on the main subjects to be addressed in the next Conference (paragraph 84).