FC 94/INF/1-Sup

Finance Committee

Ninety-fourth Session

Rome, 8 - 12 May 2000

Provisional Timetable

Malaysia Room (B-227)


Please note the following change:

on Tuesday 9 May, (page 2 and 3), the following items will be discussed:
09:30 hours Item 4
Review of Support Costs:
  1. Current Profile of FAO's Field Programmes and Other Programmes Funded from Voluntary Contributions (doc. FC 94/4(a))
  2. Current Reimbursement Rates for Support Costs on Field Programmes and Other Voluntary Contributions (doc. FC 94/4(b))
14.30 hours
  1. Methodology Used to Calculate the Cost of Supporting Field Programmes and Other Programmes Funded from Voluntary Contributions (doc. FC 94/4(c))
  2. Proposed Principles for Support Cost Reimbursement Rates for Field Programmes and Other Programmes Funded from Voluntary Contributions (doc. FC 94/4(d))
Item 5
Budgetary Transfers in the PWB 2000-2001 Arising out of the Conference Approval of the Budget at Lire 1875 (doc. FC 94/5)