Animal feeding and food safety (FAO Food and nutrition paper - 69)

Table of Contents

Report of an FAO Expert Consultation Rome, 10-14 March 1997

Rome, 1998

Reprinted 1999

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ISBN 92-5-104158-X

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FAO 1998

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Table of Contents




International trade

Potential hazards associated with feed

Infectious agents

Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in ruminants
Salmonella enterica
Toxoplasma gondii
Trichinella spiralis

Veterinary drugs and agricultural and other chemicals

Veterinary drugs
Agricultural and other chemicals

Assessment of the risk

Sources of feedborne hazards

Control of feedborne hazards

Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies
Biological agents
Veterinary drugs
Agricultural chemicals





Annex 1 - list of participants
Annex 2 - draft code of practice for good animal feeding
Annex 3 - control of health factors in the production of animal feeds: an overview
Annex 4 - infections and intoxications of farm livestock associated with feed and forage
Annex 5 - Codex Alimentarius Commission - standards, guidelines and other recommendations related to the quality and safety of feeds and foods