Contents -

IX. Budget for 1960 and 1961


566. Resolution No. 53/59


Resolves that, for the financial period 1960-61:

1. Appropriations are voted for the following purposes:

Chapter I - Conference and Council 282 190
Chapter II - Office of the Director - General 1 422 940
Chapter III - Department of Public Relations and Legal Affairs 3 549 230
Chapter IV - Division of Ad ministration and Finance 1 483 350
Chapter V - Common Services 1 872 925
Chapter VI - Technical and Economic Program 10 796 515
Chapter VII - Area Liaison Service (Regional Offices) 1 799 200
Chapter VIII - Miscellaneous Expenditure 130 500
Chapter IX - - Contingencies 200 000
Total $ 21 536 850

2. that the appropriations voted in para. 1 above should be financed by contributions from Member Nations after adjustment as provided in the Financial Regulations: for this purpose (a) it is estimated that the lump sum allocation in respect of ETAP Headquarters costs will be $1278 400 for each of the calendar years 1960 and 1961; and (b) Miscellaneous Income is estimated at $529 050 for the financial period 1960 - 61;

3. that contributions from Member Nations in 1960 and 1961 should be paid in accordance with the Scale adopted by the Conference at its Tenth Session;

4. that notwithstanding the provisions of Financial Regulation 4.4, the Director - General may effect on his own authority between - chapter transfers of Allowances articles, provided that the total appropriation for Allowances is not exceeded.

Contents -