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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations will celebrate its Tenth Anniversary this year on 16th October. At the end of the last war this Organization was set up to achieve the greatest freedom of all - freedom from want - and the motto of this Organization is Fiat panis "let there be bread." There could not he any nobler work for an international organization and nothing could unite all the nations more than the common tight against our greatest enemy-hunger. The manner in which the 71 Member Nations of FAO have co-operated in this work in spite of their divergent interests is one of the most encouraging signs of the times. FAO has done good work during these ten years hut much mole remains to he done. I take this opportunity to send my greetings to FAO and wish it greater success during the next decade in the noble task which it has set before itself.

President of India


During the ten years of its existence, FAO has more than justified itself. Among the welter of the problems that confront us in the world, there can be no doubt that food and agriculture still retain primacy. Indeed, their importance grows because of the growing population of the world. Under-developed countries where standards of nutrition are low, are specially interested in the activities of FAO. Any real approach to the problem of adequate and nutritious food should be international. FAO supplied this approach. Therefore, it is right that we should celebrate this Tenth Anniversary of FAO and co-operate in the great tasks which it has before it.

Prime Minister


Since it met first at Quebec ten years ago, the story of FAO is one of a total war against want and hunger. The shortages of food-grains and commercial crops, which followed in the aftermath of the war, were consuming our foreign exchange resources and hampering development. In our attempt to rebuild the war-torn farm economy, we acknowledge gratefully the help given by FAO through the technical co-operation program including exchange of experts and trainees, organization of seminars and supply of equipment. The results have been promising enough to give satisfaction to FAO and ourselves.

The political tension and mutual distrust among the nations of the world have retarded the full growth of FAO's work. A lasting peace can only be built on trust and co-operative efforts. In creating the proper climate, FAO can do much, for wheat and cotton translate themselves more fully into the languages of the earth. FAO has given the vocabulary: it is now for others to join hands with FAO in building that noble language. We of India have fully co-operated with FAO and shall continue to cooperate.

On the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary I offer my greetings to FAO, and the innumerable men and women workers from all over the world who have lent a hand in building it. I pray that FAO may grow and help in making the earth the true mother to all.

Minister for Food and Agriculture



On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Thereby have the honour to express my sincerest wishes and congratulations on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of FAO on 16th October 1955.

It is our deepest desire that this Organization under your able guidance and direction will continue its excellent work of mutual advice and assistance to the benefit of all its members in particular and the human race in general.

May this day be commemorated in the true spirit of international understanding and co-operation.

The Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, Rome


On occasion of Tenth Anniversary our congratulations. Food and agricultural condition in past decade improved to large extent due to FAO-ETAP We sincerely hope FAO will continue rendering service to agricultural development and welfare among all nations. We wish FAO every success.

Ministry of Agriculture



On the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of FAO the Minister of Agriculture and representatives of other Departments of Government and private agricultural associations of Iran attending the celebration meeting in Tehran wish to express to FAO their deep appreciation of services rendered by FAO to Iran, and their best wishes for continued expansion and greater technical assistance for the world-wide development of agriculture and rural societies. so that people may live a more abundant life.

Minister of Agriculture



On this Tenth Anniversary of the Food and Agriculture Organization's foundation, the Government of Iraq seize this happy occasion to transmit this message of sincere greetings and heartfelt wishes to the Conference in its Eighth Session.

While congratulating the Organization on its fine and splendid achievements during its first decade towards improving the living conditions of the people of the world, the Government of Iraq wishes the Organization every success in its future work and activities.

Minister of Agriculture



Warmest congratulations and good wishes on completion of ten years distinguished work and service by FAO. Your Organization's great achievements in developing the world's food and agricultural resources and in raising scandals of living have the fullest admiration and support of the Irish Government and people.

Minister for Agriculture



On the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the foundation of the Food and Agriculture Organization I wish to extend to you the best wishes of the Government of Israel and of the agricultural community of this country.

Ever since Israel became a member of the Organization, it has followed the activities and progress of the Organization with great interest and warm sympathy. Our country has, no doubt, derived great benefits from the work of the Organization in furthering agricultural development and improving standards of living.

I am happy to take this occasion to extend our sincerest thanks to the Organization for the help it has given us in achieving objectives which are the close concern of the Government of Israel, no less than of FAO.

I am glad to record the cordial relations existing between the Organization and the State of Israel and to assure you of our best endeavours to continue in furthering the purposes of the Organization in the future.

Please accept my best wishes for the future success of your work.

Minister of Agriculture



Sorry unable participate solemn celebration Tenth Anniversary FAO. Please convey my best greetings to authorities, delegations and participants. With cordial congratulations to the Organization on its meritorious work in raising the standards of living of the peoples of the world.

former Minister of Agriculture, Chairman of the Sixth Session of the FAO Conference



It is indeed a privilege, in observance of the Tenth Anniversary of the Food and Agriculture Organization, to express, on behalf of the Government of Japan, sincere congratulation for the brillant achievements and outstanding activities which this Organization has recorded in the history of international co-operation in the field of food and agriculture. This is due, I believe, to the unqualified endorsement by the participant countries of the lofty ideals and purposes of the Organization and also to their whole-hearted teamwork. Not a small part of the credit, however, should go to the Secretariat for their untiring efforts, creative planning and efficient operation under the excellent leadership of the successive Directors-General.

I should like to offer sincere felicitations on this occasion and wish the Organization further successes in the years to come.

Special Adviser to the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry



May I take the opportunity of the Tenth Anniversary of FAO to extend my congratulations and express my appreciation of the invaluable service rendered to Jordan by FAO experts.

I sincerely hope that our mutual co-operation will continue to the benefit of Jordan and toward better human relationships.

Minister of Agriculture



The Republic of Korea considers it a great privilege to join other Member Nations in sending a message to FAO, on this memorable occasion of its Tenth Anniversary, to congratulate it on its magnificent achievements in the past in promoting the common welfare of the different peoples of the world.

The Republic of Korea notes with great admiration that FAO, since it began to function to achieve its great task, has found effective solutions to the malnutrition of more than hall of the world population which followed World War II, and that it has made remarkable contributions to the development of world economy rendering various useful technical services to land reforms, land utilization and management, livestock breeding and disease control forestation and fisheries.

The Republic of Korea wishes to express again on this occasion its sincere appreciation of the deep sympathy and concern of FAO for the early rehabilitation of Korea's agriculture forestry and fisheries that was expressed in sending a FAO survey mission to Korea in 1952 and also in supporting later the recommendations made by the survey mission on a five year rehabilitation plan.

It is sincerely hoped that FAO may continue to grow in the future by achieving many more successes in its future undertakings for the welfare of all Member Nations of FAO.



Le Gouvernement du Royaume du Laos est heureux de s'associer � l'hommage rendu � l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture, � l'occasion de son 10�me anniversaire.

Depuis dix ans d�j� l'Organisation s'efforce par des r�alisations pratiques d'aider les Nations Membres � surmonter les difficult�s rencontr�es dans le domaine de la production agricole et de la nourriture.

Mais l'action profonde de l'Organisation va plus loin: en montrant aux diff�rentes nations qu'il leur est possible de collaborer au mieux de leurs int�r�ts pour la solution de probl�mes mat�riels et techniques, elle pose de pr�cieux jalons en vue d'une entente internationale dans des domaines plus �tendus.

L'�conomie laotienne est encore � base essentiellement agricole. La remise en �tat de cette �conomie profond�ment troubl�s par 16 ann�es cons�cutives de querre est l'un des principaux soucis du Gouvernement Royal.

La certitude o� nous sommes que l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture ne nous m�nagera pas son aide, est d'un pr�cieux r�confort dans l'accomplissement de cette t�che.




On the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of your great and effective Organization extend to you on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia, congratulations and felicitations for the many and varied accomplishments and contributions that you have made toward the promotion of and raising the standards of living of peoples everywhere throughout the globe and for your contribution to Liberia in particular.

President of Liberia



The Government and people of the United Kingdom of Libya welcome this opportunity of offering to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, through its Conference, their warm and hearty congratulations on the occasion of its Tenth Anniversary.

In doing so they wish to pay tribute to what FAO has achieved in the pursuit of its high ideals and objectives-the furtherance of the brotherhood of man, the relief of want, and the promotion of peace and the spirit of mutual aid between nations.

More particularly the Government and people of Libya wish to express their lively appreciation of the generous aid received from FAO through its Expanded Technical Assistance Program. Indeed Libya owes a very special debt of gratitude to the United Nations, under whose auspices the young independent State was brought into being.

On this auspicious occasion Libya salutes FAO as a pioneer in the furtherance of peace, progress and fraternity in the free world today, and looks forward with confident expectation to its continued support and assistance in the critical years that lie ahead.

Minister of National Economy



Compl�zcome expresar a usted y en su nombre a Organizaci�n Naciones Unidas para Alimentaci�n y Agricultura, felicitaci�n Gobierno M�xico por d�cimo aniversario su fundaci�n durante el cual la Organizaci�n ha realizado importantes trabajos en materia comp�tele, procurando fomentar producci�n alimentos y adecuada distribuci�n centre pueblos mundo, as� como propiciando progreso cient�fico y racional agricultura. Al hacer votos por prosperidad FAO y su desarrollo futuro.

Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores


En nombre de la Secretar�a de Marina y m�o propio me es grato expresar a la Organizaci�n de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentaci�n nuestra cordial felicitaci�n con motivo del d�cimo aniversario de su existencia, inspirada en el prop�sito de conquistar un rendimiento mayor de los recursos naturales y una alimentaci�n suficiente y equilibrada para todos los pueblos de la tierra. El esfuerzo desplegado por ese organismo para dotar a las naciones de una t�cnica racional y m�todos eficaces que eleven paulatinamente el nivel de la econom�a y la salud popular tiene un alto significado en la lucha creciente por obtener mejores condiciones de vida para las generaciones venideras por lo que, conscientes del alto sentido impreso a esta obra generosa hacemos llegar a ustedes maestros fervientes deseos por que SUS frutos sean cada vez m�s importantes en beneficio de la humanidad.

Subsecretario Marina Encargado del Despacho


En nombre de la Secretar�a de Educaci�n y m�o propio, me es grato expresar a la Organizaci�n de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentaci�n, nuestra cordial felicitaci�n con motivo del d�cimo aniversario de su existencia, inspirada en el prop�sito de conquistar un rendimiento mayor de los recursos naturales y una alimentaci�n suficiente y equilibrada para todos los pueblos de la tierra. El esfuerzo desplegado por ese organismo, para dotar a las Naciones de una t�cnica racional y m�todos eficaces que eleven paulatinamente el nivel de la econom�a y la salud populares, tienen un alto significado en la lucha creciente por obtener mejores condiciones de vida para las generaciones venideras, por lo que conscientes del alto sentido impreso a esa obra generosa, hacemos llegar a ustedes nuestros fervientes deseos por que sus frutos sean cada vez m�s importantes en beneficio de la humanidad.

Secretario de Educaci�n P�blica



On behalf of the Kingdom of the Netherlands I want to extend to you and to your staff sincere congratulations on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

My Government feels that the work achieved by FAO during its first decade has been effective and deserves of high praise.

The Government of the Netherlands will continue to support FAO and is anxious to see FAO expand its activities all over the world, in particular, in those areas which are as yet less favored. It will be through the development of agriculture in the first place that the gap which now exists between the levels of prosperity in various parts of the world can be bridged.

It is our hope that co-ordinated action between the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies amongst which FAO takes such an important place-will in the years ahead contribute to strengthening a free world where there will be no place for fear, want and war. FAO is an essential instrument towards attaining "The prosperity of the World, our common responsibility. "

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food



New Zealand has been associated with FAO since the beginnings of the organization. The reasons which guided us in this matter at Hot Springs in 1943 were not selfish ones. It is true that trade in agricultural products is of vital importance to us; it is, in fact, the very basis of our economic existence and we must, therefore. be particularly concerned with problems of marketing.

Apart altogether from that, we in New Zealand have always been interested in the type of philosophy which brought FAO into being; for what is FAO but an organized means of ensuring that all the world's countries which care to participate have a chance to develop their resources and thus provide their peoples with a higher standard of living.

Reports from many countries from all regions of the world confirm the value of the work of FAO in the various technical fields within its competence. If the same success has not yet been achieved in the field of distribution the reason lies not in any inherent defect in the idea conceived at Hot Springs in 1943, or in its implementation, but in the fact that this aspect of the work of FAO impinges on deeply rooted economic problems - problems so deeply rooted, in fact, as to be perhaps almost beyond the competence of any single specialist organization. For that reason, the degree of success achieved in international action on surplus disposal problems is all the more remarkable.

We in New Zealand feel that the Organization is going from strength to strength and that in another ten years it will be recognized to be one of the really significant factors in international cooperation.

Minister of Agriculture



It is with great pleasure that I take the opportunity to send a message on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations of which Norway has been a member since its foundation.

During these ten years the Norwegian Government and the Norwegian people have followed with great interest the development of the Organization and its widespread activities, and I need hardly say that the high ideals of FAO have found a ready response in my country.

Within the Organization's field of activity I would particularly draw attention to the Technical Assistance Program, aiming at raising the standard of living and well-being of the peoples in the less developed areas of the world. I hope that the success already achieved can he further pursued, and that the countries concerned will benefit as fully as possible from the programs undertaken by FAO in this important field.

The inequality in food consumption and the uneven distribution of foodstuffs between the different parts of the world is a source of constant concern, and I hope that the Organization will carry on its efforts to find practical solutions of this serious problem.

Another field in which FAO has already achieved considerable results and in which my Government hopes to see further progress made, is the co-ordination and rationalization of the many international and regional organizations dealing with food and agricultural problems.

I would also like to express my appreciation of the excellent publication and statistical service which the Organization has built up during these ten years. The extensive use in my country of the statistics issued by FAO illustrates clearly the need for such an information service.

In conclusion I would express my best wishes for the future work of FAO, trusting that the Organization, faithful to its noble aims, will always prove an effective instrument for solving the many important and urgent problems in the field of food and agriculture.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway



On the successful completion of the first ten years of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations I offer on behalf of my Government and myself our deep appreciation of the useful work done by this Organization in a most important field of human activity. The set-back which agriculture got as a result of the second world war and the maladjustment in the production and distribution of agricultural commodities which followed in its wake for many years thereafter could only be rectified by the united action of all nations and we feel that, in accomplishing this noble task, the Food and Agriculture Organization has done pioneering work of great value. I hope that this Organization will continue to discharge its noble duty towards mankind and help the under-developed countries in freeing them from want and raising their standards of living, which is the only way to assure the maximum happiness and a lasting peace in the world.

Prime Minister


I offer my heartiest congratulations to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on the successful completion of the first decade of its life. The Organization has rendered valuable services to Member Nations in the difficult period of post-war reconstruction I hope this Organization will continue to do well and be of great assistance to the under-developed countries. I wish the Organization every success.

Minister of Agriculture


Message du Gouvernement Portugais pour le dixi�me anniversaire de la FAO, transmis par S.E. Antonio Ferro, Ministre du Portugal � Rome

Le philosophe Karl Jaspers, dans son livre Origines et sens de l'Histoire, a �crit que �l'�ternit� aime les ouvrages du temps�. La phrase est vraie, car l'�ternit� non seulement aime les ouvrages du temps, mais elle a besoin essentiellement des moments, des heures, des �poques qui se suivent, ouvrage du temps, elle-m�me, de tous les temps. Mais si la phrase est vraie dans ses lignes g�n�rales, si les contrastes des diverses p�riodes de l'histoire s'encha�nent et y trouvent m�me leur logique et leur explication quand ils se projettent dans l'�ternit�, chaque �poque, dans ses expressions collectives, dans son rythme de vie s'aime trop elle-m�me, dans un inconscient et dangereux narcissisme.

Nous traversons ainsi actuellement l'�ge de la technique, mais nous laissons tellement absorber et d�vorer pal elle, nous l'aimons si passionn�ment, que nous ne nous rendons souvent pas compte des hauts sentiments qui inspirent quelques-unes de ses manifestations et de ses r�alisations: nous oublions que la technique est un moyen et non pas un but. La forme nous force ainsi fr�quemment � oublier le contenu; le fonctionnement nous int�resse plus que la fonction; l'euphorie du chemin nous �loigne de la finalit�, de l'objectif, et nous fait placer au second plan la raison qui nous a pouss�s � construire la route.

La fa�on dont on dont ou dont on ne voit pas l'admirable organisme international dont nous f�tons aujourd'hui le dixi�me anniversaire, est la meilleure et la plus expressive illustration de cette introduction. La FAO est �videmment une organisation technique; elle est une des plus efficaces qui aient �t� cr��es ou r�nov�es depuis la derni�re guerre. Tout le monde conna�t et rend justice � cette efficacit� et � l'œuvre remarquable qu'elle a r�alis�e sans tapage, si discr�tement. Mais ce que tout le monde n'aper�oit pas - tout en reconnaissant la technique parfaite de ses services - ce sont les grands principes qui l'inspirent. l'esprit chr�tien qui la domine. C'est cet aspect en tout cas (et plus qu'un aspect, car c'est la raison d'�tre de la FAO), qui fait que le Gouvernement Portugais envoie son message � cette organisation mod�le. La FAO est, en effet un organisme pacifique, fait pour la paix et qui peut vivre seulement dans la paix. Cette id�e juste est sans aucun doute dans le subconscient de tous, mais il faut qu'elle devienne consciente et vivante dans l'esprit de tous ceux qui sont int�ress�s � son pr�sent et � son avenir, car ce sera la seule fa�on d'�tre vigilant et attentif aux dangers qui peuvent menacer son existence ou d�naturer ses finalit�s. II suffit d'ailleurs de mentionner les titres de ses diff�rentes sections -- �conomie, agriculture, p�che, for�ts, alimentation - pour contempler et admirer le paysage si vaste et si paisible de ses nobles activit�s.

L'illustre Directeur g�n�ral de la FAO a eu raison quand il a �crit dans son dernier rapport: �Il n'existe en fait qu'un programme unique, dont l'unique but est en d�finitive de donner plus de bien-�tre � l'humanit�, en augmentant et en am�liorant la production, la distribution et l'utilization des denr�es alimentaries et des autres produits de l'agriculture, des forets et des p�ches.� Et encore cette synth�se parfaite: �l'unit� du dessein que nous poursuivons: contribuer � am�liorer le bien-�tre de l'humanit�. En effet, arriv�s au sommet de la colline de ces dix ann�es, o� nous sommes tous r�unis pour embrasser d'un seul coup d'œil le panorama de l'œuvre r�alis�e, nous pouvons nous sentir en m�me temps orgueilleux et humbles: orgueilleux du chemin d�j� parcouru, humbles de la conscience que nous devons avoir - conscience cr�atrice d'ailleurs - de tout ce qui nous reste � faire.

La FAO, comme le Gouvernement Portugais d�sire le souligner, est un des rares organismes internationaux apolitiques de notre temps, c'est-�-dire, l'un des rares o� l'on ait cherch� � �viter jusqu'� aujourd'hui les frictions qui pourraient affecter directement ou indirectement la souverainet� des nations, lettres droits historiques et moraux. S'il est possible de concevoir une plate-forme o� l'on puisse concilier les besoins de tous les peuples, quels que soient leur r�gime ou leurs idees on peut dire quelles a �t� r�alis�e par la FAO.

Mais la prudence n'est pas de trop, pour �viter � tout prix que la FAO ne soit contamin�e, consciemment ou inconsciemment, par ce virus politique de notre temps qui fut souvent la cause de la d�cadence ou de la mort de tant d'organisations internationales. Ceux-m�mes qui r�vent de la paix, qui la d�sirent ardemment, sont parfois les premiers � la menacer ou � la troubler, en portant la discussion sur des probl�mes d�licats qui int�ressent exclusivement la vie intime des peuples, et qui peuvent provoquer des malentendus regrettables.

La grande force de cet organisme est pr�cis�ment son pacifisme int�gral, actif et productif. II est n�cessaire pour le bien de tous qu'il soit fid�le � ce drapeau, � son id�al, o� fusionnent toutes les id�ologies dans ce qu'elles peuvent avoir de vraiment humain. Que tous les pays qui font partie de la FAO continuent � suivre ce chemin cette route ouverte, droite, nette, en �vitant toutes les d�viations, tous les d�tours qui pourraient brusquement la conduire � une impasse. En f�licitant la FAO pour l'œuvre remarchante de ses dix premi�res ann�es et en saluant chaleureusement son prestigieux Directeur g�n�ral et tous ses collaborateurs, le Gouvernement Portugais adresse � la FAO ses meilleurs vœux, le jour de cet anniversaire, en souhaitant que son avenir soit aussi f�cond que son pass�.



Au cours des dix premi�res ann�es de son existence, l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture a apport� un e contribution particuli�rement importante � l'œuavre des Nations Unies pour le bien-�tre de l'humanit�. Ses efforts tendant � assurer aux hommes la satisfaction de leurs besoins vitaux doivent �tre toujours plus encourag�s et soutenus.

A l'occasion de son dixi�me anniversaire j'adresse � l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture, au nom du Conseil f�d�ral, les f�licitations les plus chaleureuses et forme les meilleurs vœux pour son avenir et son activit� future.

Pr�sident de la Conf�d�ration Suisse



On behalf of His Majesty's Government of Thailand as well as on my own, I have great pleasure in sending to FAO our very warm congratulations on its Tenth Anniversary, which falls on 16th October, 1955. Ten years of active and unsurpassed work have come to pass since all the Member Nations were drawn together by their common desire for international co-operation in order to tackle collectively world food and agricultural problems. The passage of time has strikingly witnessed great improvement in agricultural production technique, together with great increase in productivity.

I am most happy to say that the valuable work undertaken in non-political fields is the most important activity of the Food and Agriculture Organization, particularly with regard to the Technical Assistance Program. FAO has been shouldering heavy burdens by helping the member countries towards economic advancement with more food and better standards of living for their peoples; and, indeed, the founding of this worthy Organization can be regarded as one of the utmost significance, contributing to the preservation of everlasting world peace.

In view of our common task, there is much that still remains to be done. But it is with never-failing conviction that I hope our untiring efforts will take us nearer to our objectives that FAO was set to achieve.

In conclusion I avail myself of this opportunity to wish FAO and its staff every success in its undertaking.

Prime Minister


It is my very special privilege to present to you herewith the Prime Minister's message, [see preceding letter] conveying to FAO and its staff every good wish on His Majesty's Government's and his own behalf on the Tenth Anniversary of the Organization. All that remains for me to say is that the work in every agricultural field under FAO's responsibility more than deserves our profoundest gratitude. In the world as we know it to-day, world prosperity and safety cannot by any means be achieved unless the nations fully realize the significance of international co-ordination of their efforts and are made aware of the objectives for which they strive.

With sincere hope for the realization of the Organization's cause, I wish you all every felicity on FAO's Tenth Anniversary.

Under-Secretary of State for Agriculture


On this auspicious occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of FAO on 16th October, 1955 I am happy to state that the valuable work undertaken in non-political fields is the most important activity of the Food and Agriculture Organization, especially in respect of the Technical Assistance Program. FAO is helping the member countries to develop economic progress and improve living conditions for their peoples: and the establishment of the Organization is indeed one of the most significant contributions to world peace. The National FAO Committee of Thailand takes much pleasure in wishing FAO and its staff every success and prosperity.

Chairman of the National FAO Committee



On behalf of my country and of the Turkish National FAO Committee I would like to congratulate, with best wishes, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on its Tenth Anniversary. This Organization has convinced and fascinated the whole world about the nature and value of its services with the positive results obtained since its establishment.

We wish great achievements in the work of this Organization of which we are proud to be a member since April 1948, and we are sure that the Organization will work successfully for the good of the people in the future as it has done in the past.

On behalf of our country, we consider it a pleasant duty to thank you and all members of your staff for their capable services in this Organization.

President of the Turkish National Committee of FAO



On behalf of Her Britannic Majesty's Government I send greetings and congratulations on the successful completion of the first ten years' work of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Since 1945 the aid which your Organization has been able to bring to the under-developed areas of the world has given new hope to millions of our fellow beings, and has brought men of many nations together in peaceful endeavour.

Her Majesty's Government will continue to give full support to this work and sends its best wishes for the future activities of your Organization.

Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food



The Government of the United States congratulates the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on its Tenth Anniversary. In these first ten years the Organization has grown well and has made substantial progress toward the objectives which Member Governments set for it ten years ago. Through FAO, Member Governments have sought co-operatively to find better answers to the age-old problems of food and agriculture. The Government of the U.S. feels confident that building on these first ten years we can look ahead to further sound developments in FAO as an Organization and as a means of further progress toward a better life for rural people and for all people on whom they must depend for food. clothing and shelter.

Assistant Secretary, Department of Agriculture



Le Gouvernement du Viet-Nam a l'honneur d'adresser ses chaleureuses f�licitations � l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture � l'occasion du 10�me anniversaire de sa fondation et de l'ouverture de la 8�me Session de sa Conf�rence.

En cette circonstance, le Viet-Nam est heureux d'exprimer � l'Organisation toute sa gratitude pour l'assistance technique qu'elle lui a accord�e pendant ces derni�res ann�es et formule le v�cu d'obtenir une aide plus grande pour les ann�es � venir, afin de lui permettre d'am�liorer le niveau de vie et le bien-�tre de ses habitants.

Le Gouvernement du Viet-Nam tient �galement � souhaiter � la Conf�rence un plein succ�s et � lui dire combien il appr�cie l'accueil chaleureux que les d�l�gu�s vietnamiens ont toujours trouv� aupr�s d'elle.

II saisit cette occasion pour renouveler � l'Organisation l'assurance de l'enti�re collaboration des services nationaux vietnamiens en vue de la r�alisation des buts qu'elle poursuit.

Ministre des Affaires �trang�res



A l'occasion du dixi�me anniversaire de l'activit� fructueuse de la FAO, le Gouvernement de la R�publique Populaire F�d�rative de Yougoslavie formule ses vœux de voir la huiti�me conf�rence contribuer � l'extension et � l'apport ondoissement de la collaboration internationale en vue de promouvoir l'agriculture dans le monde.

L'activit� de l'Organisation dans tous les domaines au cours des dix ann�es �coul�es a marqu� d'importants r�sultats. Le Gouvernement yougoslave a pr�t� son appui � l'activit� de l'Organisation dans la conviction de contribuer ainsi au progr�s g�n�ral de l'huimanit�. En outre, le Gouvernement yougoslave appr�cie l'aide que l'Organisation lui avait accord�e au moment o� le pays fut touch� par les cons�quentes d e la s�cheresse. L'assistance technique qui fut accord�e � notre pays, et qu'il re�oit encore, a une grande importante pour le d�veloppement de notre agriculture. Les actions de la FAO dans divers domaines se sont aussi favorablement refl�t�es sur le d�veloppement de notre agriculture. Le Gouvernement yougoslave continuera � soutenir les efforts de la FAO en vue de r�gler les grands et difficiles probl�mes qui se posent devant l'Organisation, croyant contribuer ainsi � la cause de la paix, au rapprochement entre les peuples, ainsi qu'� l'�l�vation du standard de vie dans toutes les r�gions du monde. Une collaboration internationale d�velopp�e et une juste compr�hension de l'int�r�t g�n�ral sont susceptibles d'aider au r�glement des probl�mes actuels en �tude devant l'Organisation.

Le Gouvernement yougoslave est persuad� que la conf�rence, enrichie par les exp�riences de son activit� d�cennale trouvera une solution ad�quate dans l'esprit des principes sur lesquels repose la constitution de son Organisation.

Le Sous-Secr�taire d'Etat aux Affaires �trang�res

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