Contents -

H. Rural welfare division

The Conference has reviewed the activities of the Division of Rural Welfare during 1948 and the program for 1949 in the light of the resolutions of the Third Session of the Conference. It has been greatly helped in its deliberations by having before it the report of the first meeting of the Standing Advisory Committee on Rural Welfare.

The Conference notes that the worn of the Division in 1948 has been hampered by limitations of staff and budget. Having regard to these limitations and to the fact that a large part of the energies of the Division during its first year of operation has been devoted) to establishment and making necessary contacts, the Conference expresses its satisfaction with results which have been achieved in giving effect to the resolutions of the Geneva Conference. These have included the collection of a substantial amount of information on welfare conditions and programs; the establishment of close working relations with other divisions of FAO and with official and unofficial international organizations; the completion of a basic work on Essentials of Rural Welfare; a study of the Shantan Bailie School, Kansu Province, China; and the planning and commencement of a study on Danish Rural Reform and Advance. The Conference considers that these represent types of activity which should be continued and developed.

Functions and Method, of Operation

While all the technical services of FAO are concerned with the Organization's third goal of "bettering the condition of rural populations," the Division of Rural Welfare has a special responsibility in the attainment of this objective.

The Conference

- Endorses the recommendation of the Standing Advisory Committee, which "urges the importance of giving attention not only to improvements in material conditions, such as nutrition, health, housing, and supply of clothing and other consumer goods, and rural amenities, but also to family life, community relations, education, recreation and use of leisure, and other nonmaterial elements in the well-being of country people"; and considers that, bearing in mind the great variety and complexity of conditions affecting rural welfare in relation to the personnel and other resources available, the Division should be especially concerned with the processes by which the various aspects of welfare may be improved, and, in particular, that it should pay special attention to education and to the development of rural organizations (including co-operatives and rural women's and youth's organizations) as a means of bettering the condition of rural populations;

- Supports the recommendation of the Standing Advisory Committee that the Division should continue to give its major attention to those sections of rural populations and those areas in which the need for betterment is most pronounced.

Collection of Information

The Conference

- Recognizing that the collection, analysis. and dissemination of information is a major, continuing function of the Division and that the co-operation of governments is necessary for the exercise of this responsibility,

- Endorses the recommendation of the Third Session of the Conference that member countries indicate the particular problems of rural welfare in which they are interested and on which information would be helpful to them; and stresses the importance of inclusion in reports to FAO of information on welfare conditions and on programs and developments which may be of interest to other members, and of making available published reports and other documents on these matters as they appear;

- Supports the proposal of the Standing Advisory Committee on Rural Welfare that member governments which will participate in the 1950 World Census be requested to consider the possibility of including in their world census schedules questions which will secure the maximum possible information on the living conditions of their rural population;

- Endorses the proposal that in the immediate future special attention be given to the collection of information on levels of living (including rural health, housing, and social security), education, rural women's and youth's organizations, cooperation, credit, and land tenure; and the suggestion that FAO should make available to governments information concerning processes and techniques which: have been successful and which might be applicable elsewhere; and

- Considers it important that the Division continue to consult with United Nations agencies and other international organizations and with other divisions of FAO to promote division of labor in the collection of information, avoid unnecessary duplication, and facilitate the exchange of information.

Relations faith Other International Organizations

The Conference considers that in addition to developing further the arrangements already made with United Nations and other international organizations in the collection and exchange of information, all practicable means should be used to strengthen relations at the staff level with a view to promoting joint activities and mutual assistance in other ways. It regards the appointment of representatives of United Nations agencies to the Standing Advisory Committee on Rural Welfare as a valuable means of strengthening such co-operation.

The Conference also attaches importance to establishing close relationships, wherever possible, with rural organizations, religious groups, and other bodies which are able to represent the needs of rural people, or are concerned with improving their well-being.

Accordingly, the Conference commends the Rural Welfare Division for its policy of seeking cooperative relationships with all international worldwide intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations who are concerned with various aspects of rural welfare; suggests that the Director-General continue to extend greetings to governmental and nongovernmental organizations interested in rural welfare, and welcomes their cooperation with the Rural Welfare Division in making their services available to the rural people of the world. The Conference believes that such co-operation will materially assist FAO in fulfilling its responsibility to member governments.

Studies and Reports

The Conference welcomes the plans of the Division to undertake studies of significant development in particular countries in education land tenure, rural hygiene, co-operation and other aspects of welfare. Such studies are likely to prove of value to other countries at similar stages of development and faced with similar problems. It is impressed by the fact that, in many parts of the world, the small size of holdings or joint or communal ownership of land hamper the adoption of modern methods of agriculture. It notes that the Third Session of the Conference emphasized the importance of giving attention to land settlement and colonization on cooperative lines. It, therefore, considers that the study of methods which have been adopted to overcome these difficulties might provide guidance to countries that are faced with similar problems, or are concerned with the planning of land settlement schemes. It commends the proposed study of corporate (or co-operative) forms of land tenure to be undertaken in collaboration with the Agriculture Division and outside experts.

The Conference is also of the opinion that attention should be given to the related problem of the conditions determining the most economical size of holding, especially in its bearing on cooperative or other approaches to improvement in land tenure, more particularly in intensely populated countries with small agricultural holdings.

The Conference considers that systematic and analytical enquiries which would elucidate particular problems and throw light on the principles of action in the attack on welfare problems should be undertaken by the Rural Welfare Division. It welcomes the proposal of the Division to conduct an enquiry of this type into "the place of rural industries in the development of economically backward areas."

The Second and Third Sessions of the Conference drew attention to the desirability of studying the possibilities of industrial development in rural areas. The Conference reaffirms this opinion and regards the development of such industries as an important means of utilizing natural and human resources at present unused or underemployed, contributing to increased farm production and improving rural well-being.

The Conference is of the opinion that the Rural Welfare Division should be prepared to assist member governments in planning and conducting surveys into welfare situations and problems, should this be required.

Regional Activities

The Conference considers that co-operative societies provide one of the best means of reducing the cost of farm production supplies, credit and marketing, reducing the price of consumer goods to all people, and developing crop insurance and other forms of mutual aid which will enable rural populations to improve production and conditions of life.

The Conference

- Therefore commends FAO for the start made in the field of co-operatives, and welcomes the proposal to hold a conference of workers with practical experience in co-operatives in the Far East during 1949;

- Recommends that similar conferences be held in other regions as requested; and further, that the work of FAO on farm credit, marketing, and consumers' and other types of cooperatives be expanded by providing a consultative service to member governments on methods of aiding and developing such cooperative programs, both through the central and regional FAO offices. E or this purpose,

The Conference

- Urges the Director-General to consider the possibility of adding technically qualified personnel to the staff to work with the FAO divisions concerned in the promotion of cooperative activities, and to secure, if necessary, authorization from the Council of FAO for the necessary transfer of funds. In this program FAO should consult and co-operate with the International Labour Organisation, the International Federation of Agricultural Producers, and International Co-operative Alliance.

The Conference is of the opinion that small meetings or conferences of experts, such as that proposed on co-operatives in the Far East, would also be valuable in respect of other aspects of welfare, and should be arranged when appropriate, as a means of promoting discussion and exchange of information and experience, indicating problems requiring further investigations, and suggesting ways by which FAO may be of assistance to member countries. Since welfare problems and social conditions differ greatly in different parts of the world, it is normally desirable to arrange these among experts from contiguous countries.

In many countries the planning and implementation of welfare programs is hampered because there is not a sufficient number of trained workers.

The Conference

- Being of the opinion that small schools of workers in various aspects of welfare may be a useful means of providing assistance to member countries in overcoming this difficulty, welcomes the proposal to hold in Latin America in 1949 a Training School on Educational Methods to Improve Rural Welfare, which school will pay special attention to social and cultural aspects of the problems as well as to the technical educational aspects, and

- Endorses the recommendation of the Standing Advisory Committee on Rural Welfare that the Division seek the co-operation of the Organization of American States, the Inter American Institute of Agricultural Sciences, UNESCO, ILO, and other international organizations.

Abstracting and Collation of Legal Data Relating to Agricultural Conditions

The Conference


(1) the importance to the various divisions of FAO of collating legal data, and the value of documentation accumulated in the first place by the International Institute of Agriculture-work afterwards taken over and completed by FAO in its Rome Office as a service of world-wide interest;

(2) the special interest which the Division of Rural Welfare has in legislative measures and the legal set-up of rural communities and their various activities; and

(3) the fact that the Division of Rural Welfare is, by the very nature of its sociological duties, best equipped to continue the compiling of legal data,

- Endorses the recommendations of the Standing Advisory Committee, and

- Considers that the legislative service of the Rome Office should be continued and that it might be attached to the Rural Welfare Division.

I. Information division

An essential part of each technical program of FAO is to gather, analyze, evaluate, and disseminate information. The dissemination of information is particularly important in the work of an organization having mainly informational and advisory powers, and dealing with, subjects of such broad human concern as does FAO. In this, as in other aspects of FAO's work, the Conference recognizes that in order to achieve maximum benefits from the Organization's work, action must be taken by member governments together with action by FAO.

The Conference observes that the service functions pertaining to the dissemination of technical information, such as the translation, editing, and supervision of printing and distribution of publications, as well as the aspects of mass communication through press, radio, and films, have now been brought together administratively in the Division of Information. The informational work itself, however, is functionally an ancillary part of each technical project which it is meant to help accomplish.

The specific proposals for publications intended for issuance in 1949 as implements of various projects, have been discussed in the study of the respective divisional programs of work. The plans for support of these technical projects through the media of mass communication have been more generally considered by the Conference together with the facilities which will be necessary to enable appropriate informational services to be provided to member countries by FAO. There was general recognition, firstly, that it is desirable for the informational activities of FAO to be conducted in such manner as will result in the time dissemination of current information to member countries in appropriate languages, and secondly, that the responsibility rests with member countries for the appropriate adaptation and dissemination of such information for use in their respective areas.

Distribution of Publications

The Conference believes that the objectives of the FAO program could in many cases be more rapidly achieved by wider and more effective distribution of the publications pertaining to the parts of such programs, and draws attention to the importance of further developing the sale of FAO publications. Therefore,

The Conference

- Invites the Director-General to compile a list setting maximum limits to the number of copies of each publication allowed for free distribution to the various member governments;

- Recommends that member nations consider what measures each can take in co-operation with FAO to enlarge the circulation of such publications among administrators, technicians, students, leaders, and others in the various fields of FAO's work to whom such publications are useful.

Further, recognizing that publications should be made available without delay not only to national governments but also to the statistical offices of governments, and to universities, important nonofficial bodies, and provincial and state governments,

The Conference

- Urges member governments to transmit lists of persons or institutions in their respective countries to whom publications of various types should be sent free or on subscription, and to work out in cooperation with the FAO secretariat mutually satisfactory methods by which both overlapping and gaps in distribution can be avoided.

Broadening the Channels of Information

The Conference recognizes that if the aims of the Organization are to be realized more fully, information on its technical programs frequently must be brought to the notice of large groups other than the government officials and technical experts for which FAO technical publications are primarily designed.

The Conference


(1) that efforts be continued and broadened to encourage and assist member nations to prepare popularizations of appropriate technical publications;

(2) that efforts be continued and broadened to supplement every technical project for which wide. technical understanding is important with an integrated use of all appropriate public information media, such as press, radio, motion pictures and film strips, and special approaches to organizations and educational institutions.

The Conference is impressed with the possibilities of making the FAO program of work more effective by wider dissemination of pertinent information within member countries through coordination of the information activities within each country. Therefore,

The Conference

- Recommends that member governments consider the establishment of national advisory or coordinating groups, similar to the United Nations Consultative Committee on Information, to work with National FAO Committees or other national FAO instrumentalities, for the purpose of bringing into co-ordinated action all the means of extending information about problems and progress in FAO's fields. Besides the National FAO Committee, membership in such an advisory or co-ordinated group might include members of FAO Standing Advisory Committees; representatives of UN Information Centers within the country and of national commissions of other specialized agencies; and representatives of popular organizations, appropriate educational institutions, and associations of press, radio, film, and other media.

Co-operation with UN and Specialized Agencies

The Conference recognizes the advantage of working closely with the United Nations and other specialized agencies in the field of information, with a view to making use of production and transmission facilities of all kinds, avoiding duplication ,and pursuing integrated policies of mutual interest. Therefore,

The Conference

- Recommends

(1) that the present policy of working closely with the United Nations and other specialized agencies on informational matters be continued, and new avenues of co-operation be explored;

(2) that authorities of member countries assist by providing information to FAO about channels which exist in each member country for carrying both technical and popular information; and

(3) that FAO broadcasts over the UN short-wave system may, by arrangement with national broadcasting systems, be picked up and relayed over these domestic systems to reach listeners having conventional receiving sets.

Library at European Regional Office

The Conference is impressed by the desirability of ensuring the continued operation of the library at the European Regional Office.

The Conference

- Recognizing that FAO, when it took over the activities of the International Institute of Agriculture, acquired the valuable library of that Institute, which was built up through the common efforts of all the members, and

- Having given the greatest consideration to the resolution adopted by the Standing Committee of the International Institute of Agriculture in February 1948, in accordance with the wish expressed by the Fifteen General Assembly of the International Institute of Agriculture, with a new to making this library the nucleus of a foundation dedicated to agricultural documentation and progress (bearing the name of David Lubin, the great pioneer of international co-operation in agricultural matters), under the aegis of FAO and eventually of other organizations,

- Approves the principles of this resolution, which is submitted to the Council for purposes of study and report at the next session of the Conference of FAO;

- Recommends that FAO make the maximum use of this library, where feasible in co-operation with other international organizations;

- Accepts provisionally the offer of collaboration made by UNESCO with a view to avoiding all interruption in the functioning of this service; and

- Urges member governments and National FAO Committees to support the library, keeping it up to date by supplying it with relevant agricultural publications.

Long-Term Publications Program

Several delegations presented proposals concerned with the development and reorganization or FAO's periodic publications. Discussion of these proposals has revealed considerable divergence of views which, in the limited time at: the disposal of the Conference, could not be reconciled. It is therefore decided to incorporate all proposals and the discussion dealing with them in the summary record (Documents C48/II/SR 10, 11, 12, and 17), and to invite the Director-General to prepare forthwith for submission to the Council a report on FAO's long-term publications program with due consideration to the discussions referred to above. All delegates, however, are in agreement that, pending the adoption and application of a new publications policy, the present periodic publications, in particular the, European bulletin, Food and Agriculture, and Unasylva, should be continued.

Delegates have also expressed the hope that, subject to a decision regarding FAO's new publications policy, special bulletins for Latin America and the Far East be issued as soon as possible in accordance with budgetary facilities.

J. Regional activities

The Conference is gratified to note the increasing emphasis on regional work as demonstrated by the fact that one-third of the funds available for technical work in 1949 has been earmarked for local and regional projects. It agrees with the view expressed by several delegations that FAO will be judged largely on the basis- of its regional performances and approves, therefore, the Director-General's intention to strive for centralization of policy and technical direction at headquarters, and for decentralization of execution, through the appointment of regional representatives assisted by permanent regional offices. In this way, all regional work will be closely integrated with headquarters organization and policies, and the danger of autonomous regional offices pursuing independent policies may be avoided.

The Conference has noted the Director-General's plans for regional arrangements as outlined in document CL4/10 "Regional Arrangements, " and expresses its general approval. The regional activities of FAO are covered in the Program of Work for 1949 in connection with the divisions concerned with each project, and therefore call for no Conference consideration on a regional basis.

With regard to Europe, the Conference expresses its satisfaction with the work accomplished in this region and considers that the adaptation of FAO's activities to the specific problems and conditions of the region; the cooperation established between member governments, agencies of the United Nations, and other public and private organizations; and the other methods employed in Europe may constitute a desirable pattern for the development of FAO's activities in this and other regions.

The Conference -

- Recommends that the program initiated in Europe be continued since any interruption or regression would greatly impair the standing of FAO;

- Urges the Director-General to give serious consideration to the experience acquired in Europe by the International Institute of Agriculture and the European Office of FAO in developing FAO's activities in different parts of the world, in order to achieve continuously and uninterruptedly the major objectives of FAO.

The Conference

- Endorses the decision to establish a Regional Office for Asia and the Far East, and notes that at the Fourth Session of the Council the Director-General announced his selection of Bangkok as a provisional center for the Organization's Far Eastern work, on the understanding that this selection would not prejudice a decision regarding a permanent site;

- Recommends

(1) that the Council review the position with the object of making a recommendation to the Fifth Session of the Conference on a permanent site or, by process of rotation, the next site;

(2) that in selecting such a site the Council give special consideration to (a) suitability of local climate and environment, (b) convenience of access by sea and air, and (c) location of regional headquarters and activities of other international organizations.

The Conference also notes with satisfaction the Director-General's decision to establish without further delay a regional office in Latin America, as recommended by the Third Session of the Conference.

The Conference hopes that the Director-General will soon be in a position to appoint permanent representatives for the Far East and Latin America chosen from among persons from the regions and familiar with their problems. With these exceptions, the Conference approves the Director-General's intention to detach, for regional work, the most competent technical officers he can find irrespective of nationality.

In accordance with the principles listed in the beginning of this chapter, the Conference recognizes the inadvisability of applying a rigid formula in deciding the amounts to be spent in different regions. It believes that the present program of work strikes a reasonable balance in this respect although it hopes that increasing emphasis could be placed on activities in the Far East, Near East, and Latin America, since those areas are in particular need of advice and assistance and could quickly achieve important and tangible results of world-wide significance if given the necessary facilities. The Conference therefore invites the Director-General to give early consideration to the sections of Chapter II in this report that outline the problems which, in the opinion of the governments of each region, deserve urgent attention.

Regional meetings on specific technical problems have repeatedly yielded most satisfactory results. The Conference believes that such consultations could in future become a useful element in preparing the work for FAO's Conference sessions.

The Conference notes with satisfaction the intimate co-operation established between FAO and the Economic Commission for Europe and is impressed with the economies and efficiency thus obtained. It encourages the Director-General to continue and expand co-operative arrangements with ECE and to seek, wherever feasible, similar co-operation between FAO's regional offices and other regional commissions of the United Nations.

K. Establishment of the International Rice Commission

The Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has considered the recommendations of the Rice Meeting held in Baguio, Philippines, 1-13 March, 1948, as approved in principle by the Council of FAO at its meeting in April 1948; and has noted the gravity of the continuing world rice shortage and the long-term problems relating to rice production, conservation, distribution, and consumption outlined in the Report of the Rice Meeting. It records its conviction that rice problems urgently call for a concerted international effort including the planning and co-ordination of national development measures.

In compliance with a suggestion made by the Interim Co-ordinating Committee on International Commodity Arrangements, the Conference suggests that in order to avoid confusion in terminology, the proposed designation of the new body be changed from "Council" to "Commission" without modifying otherwise its earlier contemplated terms of reference or constitution. Accordingly,

The Conference

- Approves the creation of an International Rice Commission in accordance with the provisions of the Draft Constitution for an International Rice Council drawn up at the Rice Meeting held in Baguio, Philippines, 1-13 March, 1948; and


(1) that the International Rice Commission make regular reports on its activities to the Council of FAO; and

(2) that the Director-General, as expeditiously as feasible, proceed with the organization of this Commission and with the preparation of

(a) rules of procedure providing for the necessary integration of the activities of the International Rice Commission with the policies and work of FAO, and

(b) the necessary financial and administrative regulations.

L. Action on ECOSOC resolution

The Conference

- Being fully aware of the need for close co operation between agricultural and nonagricultural agencies in the solution of many agricultural problems, and recognizing the great importance of "co-ordinated action to meet the continuing food crisis" as envisaged in the action taken at the Sixth Session of the Economic and Social Council,

- Approves the steps taken by the Director-General in co-operation with other agencies to find ways of breaking industrial bottlenecks that impede agricultural production, and in particular the of joint working parties for agricultural requisites between FAO and the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, and FAO and the Economic Commission for Latin America; and

- Recommends that the Director-General continue to seek the co-operation of such regional commissions and of other international agencies on matters that are of common concern. Furthermore,

The Conference

- Recommends that wherever feasible, joint committees, commissions, or working parties be established for matters of concern to several international agencies, in order to secure maximum efficiency, and that the FAO/ECE Committees on Agriculture and Timber, composed of representatives of member nations, and serviced jointly by the interested organizations, may afford a suitable pattern for such regional arrangements.

The Conference is gratified to learn of the steps that have been taken for close collaboration between FAO and the Economic Commission for Europe, notes the useful activities and publications which have already resulted from that co-operation, and expresses the hope that such cooperation may be continued in appropriate fields of activity.

M. Exchange of statistical information

The Conference recalls that the matter of current reporting of statistics to FAO was the subject of discussion at the last session of the Conference, when the Conference made certain recommendations to governments calling upon them to supply FAO with printed and other publications and with advance copies of publications related to food and agriculture as they become available. The Conference is gratified to learn that progress has been made in this respect and that published materials are coming to the headquarters office in larger volume than a year ago.

Nevertheless, the Conference would recall to the attention of governments the need for regularly and promptly supplying to FAO their published and unpublished reports relating to food and agriculture.

The Third Session of the Conference also recommended that FAO develop and communicate to governments a timetable of the information needed at various periods of the year; and develop a program of sending questions requesting such information to governments as far in advance of the reporting date as feasible. The Conference notes that progress in respect of these matters has been made during the past year, and urges that FAO continue with this program.

The Conference notes with approval the steps being taken to facilitate co-operation in statistical matters with other international agencies: in particular, the publication of the quarterly bulletin Timber Statistics, data for which are assembled and published jointly by FAO and ECE; and the co-operative project with the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund for the joint collection of trade statistics needed by the several agencies.

The Conference notes with approval that arrangements have been made for the regular periodic publication of current statistics relating to food and agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. It is impressed with the need for prompt transmittal of such information to FAO, if FAO is to publish the data with a minimum of delay,

The Conference

- Recommends

(1) that FAO and member governments continue to develop arrangements for the prompt transmission of information to FAO; and in particular, arrangements whereby requests for statistical data may be transmitted directly to the offices which will be responsible for furnishing such data;

(2) that member governments co-operate with Statistical Office of the United Nations in supplying the current information relating to trade in agricultural commodities, called for in the "consolidated trade questionnaire which is being circulated to member governments by the United Nations Statistical Office; and

(3) that FAO continue to develop methods whereby the information supplied to FAO by member governments may be made generally available with a minimum of delay.

N. Approval of program

In the light of the considerations contained in this chapter,

The Conference

- Commending the Program of Work for 1949 put forward by the Director-General,

- Approves the Program subject to the amendments necessary to carry out its recommendations, and

- Requests the Director-General to include in the Program- of Work for 1949 the additional projects contained in this report and to adjust his program, in consultation with the Council, with due consideration to the discussions of the Conference and the suggestions contained in the Chairman's statement in the document "Budgetary Implications of Commission II Recommendations and Suggested Solutions."


Work of FAO, 1947/48 (C48/10)
Program of Work for 1949 (C48/2)

Nutrition Problems of Rice-eating Countries in Asia - Report of the Nutrition Committee, Baguio, Philippines, 23-28 February 1948

Report of the Rice Meeting, Baguio, Philippines, 1-13 March 1948

Report of the Nutrition Conference, Montevideo, Uruguay, 18-28 July 1948 (N48/CO2/11)

Energy-yielding Components of Food and Computation of Calorie Values

Nutrition Work in Collaboration with UNICEF in Europe (C48/II/12)

Milk in Europe (C48/II/14)

Report of FAO Nairobi Rinderpest Meeting, Nairobi Kenya, $8 October-1 November 1948

Program for the 1950 World Census of Agriculture

A Summary of FAO's Agricultural Advisory Work under UNRRA Transfer Funds (C48/II/16)

Report on Quality Standards for Fish Entering into International Trade (C48/II/15)

Report of the Latin-American Conference on Forestry and Forest Products, Teresopolis, Brazil, 19-SO April 1948

Forest Resources of the World (Unasylva, Vol. II, No. 4)

Yearbook of Forestry and Forest Products-1947

Timber Statistics, Quarterly Bulletin, Geneva

Report of the European Commission on Forestry and Forest Products, Geneva, 6-10 July 1948 (C48/II/5)

Relationship between FAO and the International Union of Forest Research Stations (C48/II/6)

Memorandum on Forestry Requisites and Forest Industries Equipment (C48/II/9)

Third Meeting of FAO committed on Wood Chemistry (C48/II/13)

Report of the Standing Advisory Committee on :Rural Welfare, 28 October 1948 (W48/S-1)

Note by the e Director-General on Methods of International Consultation in Technical Matters (C48/II/7)

Memorandum Submitted by the French Delegation on Methods of Work in FAO (C48/II/10)

Program of Work of the European Office of FAO, 1949 (C48/II/17 Rev.)

Program of Work in the Near East, 1949 (C48/II/18)

Report of the FAO Regional Conference for the Near East, Cairo, 14 February 1948 (OL2/11)

Report of the Committee on Financial Control (Third Session (C48/4)

Contents -