
Report of the Conference of FAO
Twenty-sixth Session
Rome, 9-27 November 1991

Table of Contents

I. COUNCIL (until 31 December 1992)

II. COUNCIL (as from 1 January 1993)

III. Introduction

A. Seventeenth McDougall memorial lecture
B. Presentation of the B.R. Sen awards for 1990 and 1991
C. Presentation of the A.H. Boerma award 1990-91
D. In memoriam

IV. Procedure of the session

A. Election of the chairman and vice-chairmen of the conferences
B. Appointment of the general committee and the credentials committee
C. Adoption of the agenda
D. Arrangements for the session and allocation of agenda items

Establishment of commissions and appointment of their chairmen and vice-chairmen
Resolutions committee of the conference
Right of reply
Verbatim records
Verification of credentials
Voting rights

E. Admission of observers

Observers from applicants for membership
Observer from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
Liberation movements
Intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations

V. Major trends and policies in Food and Agriculture

A. Statements by heads of delegations in the general discussion
B. World Food and Agriculture situation

The state of Food and Agriculture
International agricultural adjustment: Seventh progress report
Technical assistance to the Palestinian people
Forestry (tenth world forestry congress)

C. FAO activities related to environment and sustainable developments
D. Third progress report on the world conference on agrarian reform and rural development (WCARRD) programme of action
E. Commission on plant genetic resources and international undertaking: Progress report
F. Helping the least developed countries to define an agricultural development strategy
G. Implementation of the international code of conduct on the distribution and use of pesticides including the prior informed consent (PIC) clause
H. Plan of action on people's participation
I. Plan of action for the integration of women into agricultural and rural development: Progress report

VI. Activities and programmes of the organization

A. Review of the regular programme 1990-91
B. Medium-term plan 1992-97

Director-General's introduction
Part I: Overview of background issues
Part II: Cross-sectoral actions
Part III: Programme priorities and regional dimensions
Part IV: Conclusions

a) Major policy orientations
b) Resource considerations
c) Future versions of the plan

C. Programme of work and budget 1992-93

Proposed system of indicative country allocations under the TCP
Financial framework
Budget level
Search for consensus
Programme of work and budget and budget appropriations for 1992-93
Programme-budget process

a) Outline procedure
b) Other aspects

D. Review of field programmes 1990-91
E. Strategy for fisheries management and development: Progress report
F. Implementation of the review of certain aspects of FAO's goals and operations

Selected aspects

G. Preparations for the international conference on nutrition 1992
H. United Nations/FAO World Food Programme (WFP)

WFP proposed pledging target 1993-94

I. Relations and consultations with international organizations

VII. Constitutional and administrative matters

A. Constitutional and legal matters

Statutory report on statue of conventions and agreements, and amendments thereto

a) Multilateral treaties deposited with the director-generals

Membership of regional economic integration organizations in FAO

a) Amendments to basic texts of the organization

Cooperation agreement between the African Development Bank (ADB), the African Development Fund (ADF) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Revision of conference resolution 46/57 and the appendix thereto (Part R. volume II of the basic texts
Amendments to the general regulations of WEP

a) Administration of the WFP fund

Observations on the terms of reference of the committee on constitutional and legal matters (CCLM)

B. Administrative and financial matters

Headquarters accommodation
Emoluments of the director-general
Audited accounts 1988-89

a) Regular programme 1988-89
b) UNDP 1988-89
c) World Food Programme 1988-89

Scale of contributions 1992 - 93
Financial position of the organization

a) Status of contributions
b) Payment of contributions

In-depth study on the question of contributions outstanding and in arrears

a) Measures to be considered to encourage prompt payment of contributions

Status of cash flow and other information on the financial position as of 31 October 1991
Increase in level of the working capital fund
Replenishment of the special reserve account for 1992-93
Commissary account - 1988-89: Authorized transfers to reserves

C. Personnel matters

Statement of staff representatives
Chances in salary scales and allowances
Statistics of personnel services
Recent developments in the activities of the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) and the UN joint staff pension board

a) International Civil Service Commission
b) UN joint staff pension board

VIII. Appointments and elections

A. Applications for membership in the organization

Puerto Rico
European Economic Community

B. Election of council members
C. Appointments

Appointment of the independent chairman of the council
Appointment of representatives of the FAO conference to the staff pension committee

IX. Other matters

A. Use of official languages at regional conferences
B. Date and place of the twenty-seventh session of the conference

X. Appendix A. Agenda for the twenty-sixth session of the conference

XI. Appendix B. List of delegates and observers

XII. Appendix C. List of documents

XIII. Appendix D. Statement by the director-general

XIV. Appendix E. Plan of action for people's participation in rural development

XV. Appendix F. Statement of the computation of contributions for 1992 and 1993

XVI. Appendix G. Explanation of votes on Resolution 7/91- Amendments to the basic texts of the organization

XVII. Appendix H. Scale of contribution 1992-1993