Unasylva - No. 202 - Forests, food security
and sustainable livelihoods

Table of Contents

An international journal of forestry and forest industries - Vol. 51- 2000/3

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Editor: A. Perlis
Editorial Advisory Board
Forestry Department:

J. Ball, I.J. Bourke, S. Braatz,
S.A. Dembner, M. Morell,
C. Palmberg-Lerche, A. Perlis, L. Russo,
K. Warner, O. Souvannavong, M. Wilkie
Editing, design, graphics and desktop publishing: Editorial Group,
FAO Information Division

Unasylva is published quarterly in English,
French and Spanish editions. Subscription
price: one year US$36.00, payable to the
Sales and Marketing Group, FAO, Viale
delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome,
Italy, or to any of the FAO sales agents
listed on the inside back cover.

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Cover caption: Millet harvesting under
Borassus aethiopum trees in an agroforestry
system in Thiés, Senegal
Credit: FAO Community Forestry Unit/CFU000397/R.Faidutti

Table of Contents


K. Warner
Forestry and sustainable livelihoods

E.H. Sène
Forests and food security in Africa: the place of forestry
in FAO's Special Programme for Food Security

F. Egal, A. Ngom and P.D. Ndione
Integration of food security and nutrition
in forestry planning: the role of participatory approaches

L. Lipper
Forest degradation and food security

D. González Posso
Coca, deforestation and food security
in the Colombian Amazon region

Y.B. Malla
Impact of community forestry policy on rural livelihoods and
food security in Nepal

D.V. Vladyshevskiy, A.P. Laletin and A.D. Vladyshevskiy
Role of wildlife and other non-wood forest products
in food security in central Siberia

C. Danks
Community forestry initiatives for the creation of sustainable
rural livelihoods: a case from North America

FAO forestry

World of forestry
