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How existing legal frameworks shape forest conversion to agriculture

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    Book (series)
    Comment les cadres juridiques existants régissent la conversion des forêts en terres agricoles
    Étude sur le bassin du Congo
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    La conversion des forêts en terres agricoles est actuellement la principale cause de déforestation dans le bassin du Congo. Cette publication examine trois pays du bassin du Congo (Gabon, Cameroun et République Démocratique du Congo), en analysant dans quelle mesure leurs cadres juridiques sont efficaces pour gérer la conversion des forêts à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur des zones autorisées. Elle souligne l'importance des plans nationaux d'utilisation des terres pour prévenir la conversion incontrôlée des forêts et analyse les règles et réglementations existantes régissant les changements d'affectation des terres et les permis de défrichement des forêts. Cette analyse permet de montrer comment et pourquoi ces règles et réglementations sont soit trop complexes soit incohérentes pour assurer une bonne gouvernance et une gestion durable des forêts dans cette région.
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    Book (series)
    Comparative analysis of forest laws in twelve Sub-Saharan African countries 2004
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    The paper summarizes results of a study evaluating national forest laws currently in effect in the following sub-Saharan African countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Gabon, the Gambia, Guinea Lesotho, Madagascar, Senegal, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. Six major themes are examined: integration of forestry into development and environment policies; new roles for stakeholders; diversification of management systems; valuing products and services; forest conservation; and measures to promote an appropriate framework for the forestry sector. The results show that most of these aspects are taken into account in the forest laws of the countries investigated. However, they are regulated with varying intensity, and differ to some extent from standards and guiding principles established by the international community.
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    The making of resource frontier spaces in the Congo Basin and Southeast Asia: A critical analysis of narratives, actors and drivers in the scientific literature
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Forest frontiers are rapidly changing to production of commodity agriculture throughout the tropics, with far-reaching transformations in landscapes and livelihoods. Diverse land uses in frontiers – often mixed swidden cultivation systems and forest mosaics under forms of customary tenure –generate multiple ecosystem services, support local societies, and are being lost with increasingly high costs. Many of the dynamics that drive frontier commoditization are well-rehearsed. Policies to deregulate markets, privatize land tenure, improve connectivity and open borders to trade have stimulated resource exploitation. The accompanying territorial interventions such as new enclosures, property regimes and claims are purposefully employed to create space and labor, and have radically reconfigured the relationships of millions of people to land and rule. Within these politico-economic landscapes, local people navigate and execute agency to pursue their own development aspirations. Narratives of what is an opportunity for whom, who should benefit from these spaces, and what is a problem in need for a solution have shaped these policies and practices over time. They are also employed to legitimize development choices in frontiers. Science plays a critical role in these processes, by putting forward (and discarding) particular knowledge and understandings, contributing to problematisations and suggesting new solutions. In this paper, we ask how science has portrayed forest frontiers in the Congo Basin and Southeast Asia over time. Specifically, we analyse the storylines put forward in the scientific literature and how these have contributed to the creation of spaces for resource frontiers of the colonial and post-colonial state. Which actors have what roles in the frontiers, and how are processes of territorialization justified or challenged? This analysis allows for a deeper understanding of how commodification of frontiers came about, and what role science plays within. Keywords: Forest frontiers, narratives, territorialization, Congo Basin, Southeast Asia ID: 3488085

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