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Increasing agricultural production in Angola - UTF/ANG/047/ANG

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    Augmentation de la production agricole en Angola - UTF/ANG/047/ANG 2017
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    Compte tenu du fait qu’environ 10 pourcent des terres arables en Angola sont actuellement cultivées, la productivité agricole et les rendements agricoles des pays sont extrêmement faibles. Étant donné que plus de la moitié des pauvres en Angola habitent en zones rurales et dépendent presque exclusivement de l’agriculture pour leur subsistance, il était fondamental de renforcer la capacité institutionnelle du secteur agricole, en particulier dans des domaines tels que l’irrigation, l’analyse des politiques et les statistiques agricoles. La FAO a été sollicitée pour établir de nouvelles écoles pratiques d’agriculture dans les provinces de Bié, Huambo et Malanje, pour former des maîtres formateurs dans les zones cibles et pour mettre au point un programme de formation. L’assistance technique et la vulgarisation rurale fournies par le projet visaient à organiser les agriculteurs, à renforcer les marchés et à adopter des techniques et des innovations appropriées au contexte local, dans le b ut de renforcer la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle.
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    Strengthening Capacity of Smallholder Farmers and Farmers’ Organizations in Angola through Farmer Field Schools - UTF/ANG/059/ANG 2024
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    Agriculture is Angola’s second largest productive sector. On average, it contributes 9.7 percent to the country’s gross domestic product, making it the main economic activity of the Angolan people. At present, 80 percent of Angolan farmers are smallholders who produce around 80 percent of all agricultural products in the country. However, they face a number of constraints, comprising weak capacity and limited knowledge of improved agricultural practices and technology; poor access to extension services; limited access to modern inputs, including seeds and fertilizers; inadequate market information; and post-harvest losses. The agriculture sector’s institutional capacity is also weak, particularly in relation to irrigation, policy analysis and agricultural statistics. Against this background, the project aimed to support smallholder producers to improve their production conditions and organization for marketing in three provinces considered the breadbasket of Angola, Bié, Huambo and Malanje. The project built on a previous World Bank-supported project - the Market Oriented Smallholder Agriculture Project (MOSAP I) - implemented in the three above-mentioned provinces.
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    Running farmer field schools in times of COVID-19: A resource handbook 2020
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    This handbook provides guidance and suggestions to farmer field schools (FFS) facilitators, Master Trainers, project coordinators and rural advisors to run FFS activities and other agricultural trainings in times of COVID-19. It includes basic protective measures, important considerations, proposed FFS activities, links to WHO resources and videos and more. It was written with FFS activities in mind, but will also be useful for Extension and Advisory Services and anyone running agricultural field trainings.
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    Augmentation de la production agricole en Angola - UTF/ANG/047/ANG 2017
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    Compte tenu du fait qu’environ 10 pourcent des terres arables en Angola sont actuellement cultivées, la productivité agricole et les rendements agricoles des pays sont extrêmement faibles. Étant donné que plus de la moitié des pauvres en Angola habitent en zones rurales et dépendent presque exclusivement de l’agriculture pour leur subsistance, il était fondamental de renforcer la capacité institutionnelle du secteur agricole, en particulier dans des domaines tels que l’irrigation, l’analyse des politiques et les statistiques agricoles. La FAO a été sollicitée pour établir de nouvelles écoles pratiques d’agriculture dans les provinces de Bié, Huambo et Malanje, pour former des maîtres formateurs dans les zones cibles et pour mettre au point un programme de formation. L’assistance technique et la vulgarisation rurale fournies par le projet visaient à organiser les agriculteurs, à renforcer les marchés et à adopter des techniques et des innovations appropriées au contexte local, dans le b ut de renforcer la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle.
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    Strengthening Capacity of Smallholder Farmers and Farmers’ Organizations in Angola through Farmer Field Schools - UTF/ANG/059/ANG 2024
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    Agriculture is Angola’s second largest productive sector. On average, it contributes 9.7 percent to the country’s gross domestic product, making it the main economic activity of the Angolan people. At present, 80 percent of Angolan farmers are smallholders who produce around 80 percent of all agricultural products in the country. However, they face a number of constraints, comprising weak capacity and limited knowledge of improved agricultural practices and technology; poor access to extension services; limited access to modern inputs, including seeds and fertilizers; inadequate market information; and post-harvest losses. The agriculture sector’s institutional capacity is also weak, particularly in relation to irrigation, policy analysis and agricultural statistics. Against this background, the project aimed to support smallholder producers to improve their production conditions and organization for marketing in three provinces considered the breadbasket of Angola, Bié, Huambo and Malanje. The project built on a previous World Bank-supported project - the Market Oriented Smallholder Agriculture Project (MOSAP I) - implemented in the three above-mentioned provinces.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Running farmer field schools in times of COVID-19: A resource handbook 2020
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    This handbook provides guidance and suggestions to farmer field schools (FFS) facilitators, Master Trainers, project coordinators and rural advisors to run FFS activities and other agricultural trainings in times of COVID-19. It includes basic protective measures, important considerations, proposed FFS activities, links to WHO resources and videos and more. It was written with FFS activities in mind, but will also be useful for Extension and Advisory Services and anyone running agricultural field trainings.

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