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Joining forces in the fisheries sector. Promoting safety, decent work and the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing

Outcomes of the Regional Technical Seminar, Mahé, Seychelles, 21-23 May 2019

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Joining forces in the fisheries sector: Promoting safety, decent work and the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing
    Outcomes of the Gulf of Guinea Regional Technical Seminar Accra, Ghana, 8-11 October 2019
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    The brochure presents the outcomes of the regional technical seminar on safety, working conditions and IUU fishing for the West Central Gulf of Guinea. The meeting was organized by the FAO, the Apostleship of the Sea and the Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC), in October 2019 in Accra, Ghana. The objectives of the seminar were to identify and discuss measures and actions to increase awareness on the protection of human rights in the fishing sector along with the main international legal frameworks covering the issue; promote increased cooperation among responsible international agencies like FAO, IMO, ILO and UNODC and related regional and national authorities; increase political commitment and the development of regional/national actions and measures to fight labour abuses and IUU fishing in the fishing sector; and identify possible ways of inter‐agency collaboration and future actions by concerned stakeholders. Participants were experts from the West Central Gulf of Guinea region (Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria) on matters of fisheries, labour, safety, human trafficking, human rights and small-scale fisheries. In total 45 specialists from faith-based organizations, trade unions, government agencies and international organizations (ILO, IMO, UNODC) participated in the meeting and adopted the Accra Call for Action.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Joining forces in the fisheries sector: Promoting safety, decent work and the fight against IUU fishing
    Outcomes from the Manila Regional Technical Seminar
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    This brief presents the “Manila Call for Action” adopted at a regional technical seminar on the promotion of safety, decent working conditions and the fight on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing. The seminar brought together more than 60 experts from the South Asia region. The meeting was jointly organized by FAO and the Apostleship of the Sea, the International Transport Workers’ Federation, COMPASS with the participation of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The meeting had the objective to present the main international instrument in relation to IUU fighting, promotion of safety vessels and decent working and living conditions and discuss how to create synergies in the enforcement of such instruments.
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    Book (series)
    Regional fisheries bodies and their role in improving safety and decent work on fishing vessels 2022
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    In 2021/2022, FAO studied the role of regional fishery bodies (RFBs) in promoting safety and decent work in fisheries under their mandates. Secretariats of thirty-seven regional fisheries management organizations and regional fishery advisory bodies representing inland and marine small-scale and industrial fisheries across the globe participated in a survey. The research showed that safety at sea is a priority for 51 percent of the RFBs. Thirty-five percent regard safety as important, but not a priority. Moreover, 38 percent of the RFBs surveyed consider decent working conditions a priority. Decent working conditions are important, but not a priority for almost 30 percent of the RFBs. The basic texts of RFBs provide the main legal basis for their mandate to work on safety and decent work in fisheries. Commission meetings and requests by members contribute substantially to RFB measures on these subjects. Management measures, especially for safety of observers, are often the entry point for work on safety and decent work standards by regional fisheries management organizations. The obligations of members under international fishing safety instruments also play a role. RFB secretariats support safety in fisheries through trainings and manuals (32 percent), awareness raising materials (32 percent), and recommendations and measures (24 percent). Most RFB secretariats noted that decent working conditions in fisheries have not been addressed or are not within the mandate of these organizations. Some RFBs however prioritize decent working conditions in fisheries. Since 2018, several RFBs have supported decent work and safety in fisheries through regional technical seminars organized by FAO in collaboration with the Apostleship of the Sea, International Maritime Organization and the International Labour Organization. These seminars aimed to address illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, decent work and safety in fisheries. Knowledge of international fishing safety instruments is generally limited among RFB secretariats. The technical, financial and human capacity limitations within the secretariats impede their attention to safety and decent work. Many RFB secretariats recognize that development of action plans would be beneficial to integrate safety and decent work better in the management of fishing fleets under their mandates. FAO is supporting some RFBs with their action planning processes, with assistance from the European Commission DG Mare.

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