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Supporting an enabling legal environment for women’s empowerment in food and agriculture

Rubin, D. and Sutz, P. 2021. Supporting an enabling legal environment for women’s empowerment in food and agriculture. Legal Brief 7. Rome, FAO. 

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    Qualitative research on women's economic empowerment and social protection - a research guide 2015
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    The FAO’s Social Protection and Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment research programme of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) falls under FAO’s Strategic Objective 3 of Reducing Rural Poverty and is delivered through two flagship initiatives: the Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment Initiative (RWEE) and the From Protection to Production (PtoP) programme. The research seeks to gain a better understanding of how social protection policies and programmes can be improved to enhance impacts on rural women’s empowerment. The programme also aims at identifying ways in which social protection schemes or systems can be strengthened with regard to reducing gender inequalities and improving rural women’s economic and social empowerment, actions which can lead to more sustainable pathways out of poverty. A number of case studies will analyse the impact of social protection programmes on rural women’s economic empowerment, particularly in two domains: economic advancem ent and power and agency. The case studies will also assess the impact of programme design on these two domains, as well as the degree to which gender equality and women’s empowerment are mainstreamed in programme design and implementation. Finally, to a lesser extent, the programme will assess the synergies that these programmes have with rural services and other livelihoods interventions. Based on previous experience from the PtoP, the case studies are conducted using a mixed- method approac h that combines qualitative and quantitative methods. To achieve comparability and enable cross-country analysis, the research methods are being implemented systematically across countries. This Qualitative Research Guide describes in detail the sequencing, timing and methodology of the research process to be implemented in each country of study: training, fieldwork preparation, a simple and clear fieldwork roadmap, the theory of change hypotheses for the studies, guiding questions and researc h tools. The Guide will be used for conducting qualitative research as part of this programme and will also serve as a basis for future FAO research on women’s empowerment and agriculture.
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    Rural women's access to financial services
    Credit, savings and insurance
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    This paper reviews rural women’s access to financial services, a key factor of successful rural development strategies. Designing appropriate financial products for women to be able to save, borrow and insure is essential to strengthen women’s role as producers and widen the economic opportunities available to them. For this purpose it is essential to understand how context-specific legal rights, social norms, family responsibilities and women’s access to and control over other resources shape t heir need for capital and their ability to obtain it. The paper argues that it is important that development strategies that aim to boost rural women’s productive capacity must enhance women’s direct access to financial services, i.e. not mediated through their husbands. A second benefit of improving women’s direct access to and control over resources is that this leads to higher investments in human capital and have a stronger impact on children’s health, nutrition and education with important long-term implications for families and societies. The paper details the new products and service delivery models introduced to address some of the constraints faced by women. These include technical innovations that improve access to existing financial services, changes in product design to better tailor products to women’s preferences and constraints, and the development of new products such as microinsurance.
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    Women-led cooperatives support programme
    FAO's experiences in the field
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    "FAO Türkiye’s Women-led cooperatives support programme" booklet offers a multi-faceted look into the role of cooperatives in women’s economic, social, and cultural empowerment. The document is an illuminating exposition on the intersection of gender equality, sustainable development, and agricultural development cooperatives. The booklet dives into FAO's Global Strategy on Women-led Cooperatives, detailing success stories that underscore the transformative power of these cooperatives in rural Turkish communities. The narrative weaves through the framework of FAO's Strategic Objectives, demonstrating how cooperatives serve as a platform for rural women’s empowerment, offering both economic opportunities and a platform for social and cultural engagement. Furthermore, ten of these cooperatives jointly initiated the establishment of a new e-commerce platform,, under the guidance of FAO Türkiye. aims to enhance market opportunities and contribute to the long-term sustainability of the cooperatives by enabling them to reach a broader customer base by digitalization.This comprehensive resource is designed to appeal to a broad audience, from global development actors to local stakeholders including policymakers, researchers, practitioners in the field of gender and agricultural development, and anyone interested in the intersection of gender equality and sustainable agriculture by illuminating the cooperative model as a force for transformative change. It serves as an educational tool, offering insights into the practical aspects of running and sustaining women-led cooperatives, while also addressing broader themes such as women's rights, economic development, and social justice in the context of Türkiye's evolving cooperative movement. Through its detailed analysis and compelling case studies, the document underscores the vital role of cooperatives in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in the agriculture sector.

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