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Empowering rural women in Haiti: a step forward

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    FAO in Europe and Central Asia 2023 2024
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    FAO’s work globally and in the Europe and Central Asia region is guided by the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–2031, which articulates the Organization’s vision of a sustainable and food-secure world for all. The Strategic Framework seeks to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through the transformation to more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems for better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life, leaving no one behind. With the Strategic Framework and the four betters as a lens, this report reviews and describes the project and the programme work of the Organization at the regional level and in each of the FAO programme countries of the region. For the Europe and Central Asia region, the year 2023 was marked by the tests of war, conflicts and natural disasters. The year began with the 6 February earthquake in Türkiye and Syria – the most severe to occur in Türkiye in a century – that directly affected an estimated 9.1 million people in the 11 hardest-hit provinces, and caused great loss of life. Additionally, the war in Ukraine continued to disrupt domestic, regional and world food markets and displace great numbers of people. The region also experienced extreme weather events. This report summarizes FAO’s achievements and accomplishments in Europe and Central Asia in 2023, including work to increase social protection, ensure climate action, improve conditions for youth and women and implement solutions based on science, innovation and digitalization. The first section of this report interprets FAO’s work in countries and regionally through the lens of the four betters, while the second summarizes the work completed in each country in 2023 and outlines ongoing efforts.The report captures snapshots of FAO's work in the Europe and Central Asia region. Short entries cover such topics as FAO's work on agrifood systems transformation, the digital and green transformation of agriculture to increase sustainable resilience, land banking and consolidation, the Digital Villages Initiative, Farmer Field Schools, precision agriculture, the One Health approach, fish health management, the One Country One Priority Product initiative, reduction of food loss and waste, women's empowerment and gender equity, youth empowerment, the Hand-in-Hand Initative, food systems controls, climate change action, mainstreaming biodiversity, the regional seed programme, management of agrichemicals, an overview of the fruit and vegetable sector of the Eurasian Economic Union, Agricultural Market Information and strengthening agrifood policy and market developments and resource mobililization.
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    Autonomisation des femmes rurales en Haïti, un pas en avant
    Une approche axée sur l’Intégration des Femmes au Développement (IFD)
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    Cette systématisation présente les résultats de l'utilisation de l'approche "Intégration des Femmes au développement" (IFD) par la FAO-Haïti. Cette approche, réservée aux femmes, reconnaît le rôle productif des femmes, en plus de leur rôle reproductif, et cherche à améliorer les conditions de vie des femmes par la mise en œuvre de projets générateurs de revenus. Compte tenu de la fragilité des femmes rurales en Haïti due aux faiblesses structurelles qui limitent l'accès des femmes aux services de base, au capital financier et aux moyens de production, l'utilisation de cette approche est très importante dans ce contexte. Les ressources internes de la FAO (400 000 USD) ont financé ce projet, qui a impliqué quinze organisations de femmes correspondant à 1 200 personnes. Les résultats de ce projet ont fait apparaître des transformations très positives telles que l'augmentation de 30 à 50% des capacités d'investissement des femmes dans les unités de transformation alimentaire, certaines associations ont vu le nombre de femmes parmi leurs membres augmenter de 40%, la satisfaction des bénéficiaires (88% sont très satisfaites), entre autres. Cette publication s'inscrit dans le cadre de la transformation des systèmes alimentaires en mettant l'accent sur la production, la transformation et la conservation des produits végétaux en améliorant la qualité du travail grâce à des techniques innovantes impliquant des acteurs de différents secteurs de la vie nationale. L'utilisation de nouveaux équipements de transformation, de conservation et de conditionnement constitue une action innovante qui peut améliorer les conditions de travail des femmes. Cette initiative est alignée sur le domaine prioritaire 2 du Cadre de Programmation Pays (CPP) et se réfère à l'initiative régionale 2 : "Main dans la main vers des sociétés rurales prospères et inclusives" et aux aspirations "Meilleure production" et "Meilleure vie".
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    Women farmers and sustainable mechanization
    Improving lives and livelihoods in the Hindu Kush Himalaya
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    Women farmers and sustainable mechanization: Improving lives and livelihoods in the Hindu Kush Himalaya Episode I: The Nepal chapter Mountain agriculture is physically demanding and time-consuming. Rural women, who mostly work as subsistence farmers while also performing domestic work and communal activities, often face a poverty trap, undermining their well-being. Despite increasing labor participation in this sector, women remain invisible as active players and agents of change. A range of new and inexpensive agriculture machinery, adapted to local conditions, could potentially enhance labor productivity, reduce work burden and drudgery, and enable women to gain new skills and knowledge that can transform rural gender relations and reduce inequalities. It could also allow them to shift from subsistence to more market-oriented farming. However, the extent to which these technologies are available, suitably introduced (by individual use or via extension services), or adopted by women farmers in the HKH is still not clear. Given this background, ICIMOD and the FAO have come together to organize a series of country-specific (Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar) and regional webinars to discuss current mechanization gaps, and identify good practices and possible solutions for improving and facilitating women’s active participation in agriculture. The webinar series The webinar series will discuss strategies contributing to the process of mainstreaming and institutionalizing successful efforts of agricultural mechanization for improving productivity while also reducing drudgery for women farmers. Objectives The specific objectives of the webinar series are:
    • Share lessons learned from projects, programmes, and policies focusing on agricultural mechanization for women in the HKH
    • Showcase successful examples and solutions of agricultural mechanization used in the HKH
    • Identify key actionable solutions and approaches to promote agricultural mechanization in the HKH
    Each webinar will conclude with a call for action to align policy with practice to leverage technology to address the constraints and solutions that women farmers face for sustainable, efficient, and profitable farming.

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