Лесное хозяйство в засушливых регионах

На этой странице представлены последние новости в сфере лесного хозяйства в засушливых регионах.

La Grande Muraille Verte : le projet à changé les habitudes alimentaires dans la zone sylvo-pastorale

28 July 2016
iGFM, Louga – La grande muraille verte n’est pas seulement une bande de végétation qui part du Sénégal à la Corne de l’Afrique. A coté des activités de reboisement, le projet a développé des activités de maraîchage à l’image des jardins polyvalents villageois dans la zone sylvo-pastorale. Ainsi ces populations [...]

Reverdissement du Sahel : La méthode Tiipaalga citée en exemple dans le Soum

23 July 2016
L’initiative de la Grande muraille verte pour le Sahel et le Sahara (IGMVSS) au Burkina Faso a pour but de lutter contre la dégradation des terres et la désertification au Sahel et au Sahara, de renforcer la sécurité alimentaire et soutenir les communautés à s’adapter au changement climatique. Dans sa [...]

More investment crucial to upscale Great Green Wall initiative

20 July 2016
Rome - During a high-level event on the Great Green Wall initiative, leaders of African countries called for increased investment in combatting desertification and land degradation to improve the lives of the people of Africa’s drylands. "FAO is committed to scaling up support to the Great Green Wall initiative,” said José [...]

FAO study provides the most detailed snapshot to date on trees, forests and land use in the world's drylands

19 July 2016
A valuable policy-making and investment tool for sustainable development, addressing climate change 19 July 2016, Rome - A new FAO report helps to fill a significant knowledge gap on the presence and extent of forests and trees in the world's drylands, where the food security and livelihoods of millions of people, already [...]

Tackling land degradation and desertification in The Gambia

05 July 2016
Banjul – With the launch of Action Against Desertification on 24 May, The Gambia accelerates it support to Africa’s Great Green Wall initiative, focusing on empowering rural communities to sustainably manage the country’s natural resources. According to an official estimate, desertification has caused the loss of nearly 100 000 hectares of [...]

Achieving land degradation neutrality in Iran

22 June 2016
This week, following the commemoration of the World Day to Combat Desertification 2016 held on Saturday 18 June 2016 as a joint ceremony organized by the FAO Representation in Iran and the Forest, Rangeland and Watershed Management Organization (FRWO) of the Ministry of Jihad-e Agriculture, the urgency of the issue [...]

side box

21 June 2016

Local communities in the Sahel start planting

17 June 2016
Rome -  As FAO celebrates World Day to Combat Desertification calling for urgent action to achieve a land degradation-neutral world, the onset of the rainy season in the Sahel allows local communities to start planting trees, shrubs and grasses as part of large-scale land restoration efforts organised under FAO’s Action [...]

Making land fertile again

04 May 2016
Tera – Land restoration in northern Niger is making degraded areas productive again, providing economic opportunities in a region where migration has become a tradition. Now, under FAO’s Action Against Desertification programme, these efforts are being expanded to six African countries. When Moumouni Nuhu returned to his village after thirty years, [...]

Moctar Sacande: “Land degradation is not yet irreversible.”

04 May 2016
Rome – Large-scale land restoration is underway across Africa’s Great Green Wall under FAO’s Action Against Desertification programme. Expert Moctar Sacande about the need for restoration and the secrets behind the success of FAO’s approach. Its results on the ground have yielded scientific recognition.  You recently visited degraded areas in Niger. [...]