Ambitious initiative supporting Africa’s Great Green Wall to fast-track drylands restoration
27 March 2017
Ouagadougou – It is time to upscale restoration across drylands in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, experts concluded after meeting in Burkina Faso to take stock of progress made by Action Against Desertification, a major international effort to expand Africa's Great Green Wall.
“No single actor alone can claim to [...]
Ethiopia and FAO accelerate implementation of Great Green Wall Initiative
20 February 2017
Kombolcha – The Ethiopian Government and FAO renewed their commitment to the implementation of Action Against Desertification (AAD) project during a consultative workshop held on 20-21 February in Kombolcha to boost the role of non-state actors and local communities in preventing desertification and landscape rehabilitation along the Great Green Wall [...]
La FAO et l’ANGMV lancent un projet sur la mise en œuvre de la Grande Muraille Verte au Sénégal
27 January 2017
Louga – La composante nationale du projet « Action contre la désertification», mis en œuvre par la FAO et l’Agence Nationale de la Grande Muraille Verte (ANGMV) et financé par l’Union européenne, a été lancée le 27 janvier 2017 à Louga (Nord-Ouest) au Sénégal.
Le projet aura des retombées directes et [...]
European Union’s global action on sustainable land management
30 November 2016
Leading up to COP22 in November 2016, the European Union (EU) presented an overview of its support for sustainable land management. Action Against Desertification features among the concrete partnerships in which the EU is engaged to tackle land degradation and desertification.
Pastoralists’ complex tenure rights are key to community resilience
25 November 2016
Rome - Assuring adequate tenure rights to land is an important step in improving food security for millions of people in developing countries, but safeguarding tenure isn't so straightforward when it comes to the way land is used by mobile pastoralist communities. [more]
Final report of the third African Drylands Week
17 November 2016
The final report of the third African Drylands Conference held in Windhoek, Namibia from 8-12 August 2016, seeks to boost political commitment to sustainable management of Africa’s natural resources by calling for the integration of the African Drylands Week into the work of the African Union.
Final report of the third [...]
10 million hectares a year in need of restoration along the Great Green Wall
16 November 2016
Marrakech - A groundbreaking map of restoration opportunities along Africa's Great Green Wall has been launched at the UN climate change conference, based on collection and analysis of crucial land-use information to boost action in Africa's drylands to increase the resilience of people and landscapes to climate change.
"The Great Green Wall [...]
Beefing up efforts to restore the world’s drylands
16 November 2016
Rome - A set of global guidelines on restoration of the world’s drylands, drawn up by FAO and partners, is now available in French translation.
Over forty percent of the world’s land cover consists of drylands, home to around two billion people. Between 10-20% are estimated to be degraded.
Drylands face [...]
Call to integrate African Drylands Week into African Union’s work
07 September 2016
Rome - At the 3rd African Drylands Conference held in Windhoek, Namibia from 8-12 August 2016, delegates from global, regional, and national institutions involved in drought mitigation and drylands management in Africa called for the integration of the African Drylands Week into the work of the African Union.
Sustainable management of [...]
Launch of a COFO Working Group on dryland forests and agrosilvopastoral systems
29 July 2016
Dryland forests and agrosilvopastoral systems, when well managed, contribute to the food security, livelihoods and resilience of millions of people as well as to sustainable landscapes. To understand and tackle the problems behind the loss and degradation of agrosilvopastoral systems in drylands, and to better support these systems, FAO was [...]