FAO China and Pinduoduo organize webinar on smart agriculture
03/01/2022, Beijing - The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations Representation in China and Pinduoduo Inc. jointly held a webinar on how smart agriculture can bolster food production and security.
The webinar Smart Agriculture in China: Role of Digital Technology in Agriculture aims to: a) explore and discuss the potential scenarios for smart agriculture; b) share the experiences of digital technology for agriculture in China, including cases from the Smart Agriculture Competition on strawberries and tomatoes, as well as best practices on smart fishing, smart husbandry, and smart farming in China.
Representatives from FAO, Pinduoduo, China Agricultural University, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and finalists of the Smart Agriculture Competition took part and presented at the webinar.
“Technology can bring real benefits to farmers and by extension to society at large,” said Carlos Watson, FAO representative to China. “FAO is a big supporter of initiatives to promote smart agriculture as it can boost food security and safety.”
“Knowledge sharing is a key component of the adoption and proliferation of technology,” said Andre Zhu, Senior Vice President of Pinduoduo. “By organizing such sharing sessions, we want to help promote smart agriculture and its benefits and generate more interest in this very important sector of society.”
The global agri-food systems require innovative solutions. Smart agriculture can play an important role in ensuring food security and nutrition for all, managing natural resources sustainably, and contributing to inclusive growth. Digitalization in agriculture can exert a tremendous positive impact by raising the level of efficiency across the food value chain, making agriculture more productive and sustainable.
FAO is committed to innovation-powered solutions. By working closely with partners, it aims to harness the transformative power of technology to make our agri-food systems more efficient, sustainable and inclusive.
Pinduoduo is a staunch supporter of smart agriculture through its annual Smart Agriculture Competition, which it organizes jointly with China Agricultural University and Zhejiang University with technical guidance from the FAO and Wageningen University & Research of the Netherlands. This year, hundreds of applicants from top research institutes around the world applied to join the competition. The result is expected to be announced next month.
Webinar recording: https://fao.zoom.us/rec/share/EpKflgU-CBhxjEWc7-9zuHgm8Uz2Js_-3H3LnBo8Ee.. (Password: VtMGT!1!)