Call on digital innovations for agriculture in the Europe and Central Asia region

FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia has launched a call on digital innovations for agriculture in that region.
The call aims at collecting lessons learned and recommendations for the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) or digital innovations in the sectors of agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry or rural development. Selected innovations will be disseminated on online platforms, social media and will be part of an online FAO publication on the use of digital technologies for agriculture in Europe and Central Asia.
The innovations you wish to document should be about the use of ICTs, digital innovations for agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry or rural development. They can cover a wide range of topics such as the advisory services, value chain, agrometeorological information, or precision agriculture. The proposed ICT for agriculture innovations should be useful and accessible for smallholder farmers. We pay attention to gender issues and suggest taking them into account in the documentation.
This call is focussing on innovations from Europe and Central Asia. All stories are welcome, gender-focused ones are highly appreciated.
The deadline for submission of digital innovations is 25 April 2019. Download the submission template on the Resources section
Digital innovations submissions should comply with the following:
- Use of the template provided for this call
- Submissions for this call will be accepted in English and Russian
- Submissions should be written in plain, concise language, and in a style that is accessible and meaningful to all readers, including non-scientists, and readers for whom English/Russian is not a first language. Terms that may be unfamiliar to readers should be defined and explained the first time they appear.
- Every submission should contain 2 or 3 high-resolution pictures. Each picture needs to indicate copyright and a caption.
- All citations and work of other authors should be referenced at the end of the document.
Bibliographic References
Bibliographical references should include:
- name of author(s)
- year of publication
- title
- place of publication and publisher (for books)/ journal title,
- volume and pages (for articles)
The names of all authors of a work should be given in references. Where there are more than three authors in the reference, abbreviate to et al. in the text (but not in the reference).
The name of the author is to be followed by the initials of the first name(s), year of publication, title of the document, journal or any other publication in which it appeared, name of the editor and number of pages.
If the document is part of a collection, the title should be quoted in brackets at the end of the reference. If the document is also available on the Internet, the Internet address may follow the reference ("also available at www...").
Contact form for the author
The main author of the good or promising practice should fill out the following form and submit it together with the template.
- Name and Last name:
- Address:
- Country:
- E-mail address:
- Telephone number:
- Photo: Short bio (10 lines max):
By submitting the good practice for the call, the author allows FAO and its partners to use the information and to publish the submitted document.
- Contact: [email protected] for the submissions in English
- Contact: [email protected] for the submissions in Russian.
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