Zoominar V on The Role of Youth in Agri-Food System Innovation in the Context of COVID-19

Young people are driving innovation in agri-food systems and have a key role to play in achieving global food security and nutrition. The current crisis has brought both new challenges and opportunities for young innovators working to transform the sector. Paramount to ensuring that young people and their transformative ideas thrive is the ability of governments and partners to deliver an enabling environment and the business and technical support they need to grow.
The Zoominar will address the following questions:
- How have young ag-tech innovators been affected by the crisis?
- How can governments and partners foster youth innovation in ag-tech during COVID-19?
- What initiatives exist to support young people that can be scaled up and replicated?
- Othman AlMoamar, Chair, Y20 Engagement Group – TBC.
- Fatma Aglan, Agricultural & Youth Specialist, The World Bank – Egypt.
- Ramy Boujawdeh, Deputy General Manager, Berytech – Lebanon.
- Sulieman Qandah, Founder, Mushroom Box – Jordan. Mushroom box offers self-controlled incubators with the optimum conditions for growing mushrooms at home on a biweekly basis to save time and money and have a trusted clean source of fresh and healthy mushroom produce (research and development phase).
- Lara El Khoury, Founder, RiginO – Lebanon. RiginO is an end-to-end traceability platform enabling food producers and manufacturers to capture, log and track their data across the supply chain in order to expand market access, generate Business growth, improve brand image and company to regulation (early stage start-up).
- Hoda Steve and Maya Dohou, co-Founders, AfriCereal Group (mature start-up) – Benin – TBC. AfriCereal Group manufactures and provides threshing and winnowing services for paddy, soy and sorghum with motorized threshers. The services are accompanied by a digital AppRice application which alerts the producer to the weather conditions and allows producers to request services or offer their products.
Registration Link: https://fao.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIscu2urjooEtJOLHSjGORGvSptaWgYkwOn
**Kindly note that attendees register once; those already registered do not need to register again and can attend the recurring Thursday Innovation Zoominar sessions, using the same link and password. Invitations and passwords are individual and should NOT be forwarded to others.
For more information please feel free to contact: [email protected]
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