
Posts on the topic "Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR)"

Posts on the topic "Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR)"

  • Day 5: Summarize the salient points of this discussion and recommend priority aspects for the f2f consultation

    Please summarize what in your opinion have been the salient points of this discussion and recommend the priority aspects on which our face-to-face consultation should focus.

    Résumer les points saillants de cette discussion et recommander les aspects prioritaires pour la consultation face-à-face.    
    Veuillez résumer ce qui, à votre avis, a été le point saillant de cette discussion et recommander les aspects prioritaires sur lesquels notre consultation face-à-face devrait se concentrer. 

    Cuáles fueron los principales puntos de la discusión y recomendaciones prioritarias que deberían considerarse en la consulta presencial en julio de 2018?

    Por favor resuma cuáles son en su opinión los puntos sobresalientes en esta discusión y recomiende los aspectos prioritarios sobre los cuales  la consulta presencial debería enfocarse.

  • 'Data Driven Services for Farmer Led Business" Webinar by GFAR/CTA/GODAN

    GFAR/CTA/GODAN invites interested persons to a webinar "Data Driven Services for Farmer led Business" to be held on Thursday the 5th of April, 2018 This webinar is part of the work on farmers’ rights to data and following up on the face-to-face course on Farmers’ Access to Data organized in Centurion in November 2017, GFAR continues its collaboration with the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition initiative (GODAN) and the Technical Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperarion (CTA) on a series of webinars on data-driven agriculture, its opportunities and its challenges. More...
  • Highlights of the symposium on farmers’ access to data

    GFAR has just published the highlights of the farmer’s access to data symposium which was held in November 2017 in Centurion, South Africa. And as an outcome, a white paper on ‘ Digital and data-driven agriculture – enhancing use of data by smallholders ’ will soon be co-published by GFAR , GODAN and CTA . The symposium had three panels that ran all on the 24th of November 2017. The panel themes were, ' Data and Farmers ', ' Digital Agriculture - Challenges and Opportunities ' and ' Fair and Equitable open data ' which represented panel 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Panel Theme Video Panel 1 on “...
  • Webinar series on Farmers’ access to data

    GFAR recently announced a series of webinars on farmers' rights to data and this is a follow-up to the face-to-face course on Farmers Access to Data that was held in Centurion (Pretoria), South Africa in November 2017. According to the GFAR website ,the webinars will be co-convened together with GODAN and CTA and will be conducted by the very same trainers who so successfully handled the course in Centurion: Dan Berne, Stephen Kalyesubula, Nicolene Fourie and Anneliza Collett. The two webinars will be held on the 22 and 28 February at 4pm CET , and a recording of each respective webinar will...
  • International Symposium on Farmers' access to data

    On the 24th of November GFAR (Global Forum on Agricultural Research) has convened a syposium on farmers' rights and access to data in Johannesburg, South Africa. The event is co-funded by GODAN and CTA and organized by ITOCA . In order to learn more about the event or to register for the event, click here . During the symposium different angels of data access and data ownership will be adressed, specifically focussing on smallholder farmers. The fulll programme of the day is not yet available, but the announcement of the symposium gives us already a previeuw of some of the keynote speakers:...
  • Blog Post30.05.2017

    Invitation to join the Workshop at WSIS Forum 2017 on eKrishok

    Dear Fellow Colleagues,

    Greetings from Bangladesh, Trust all are doing well.

    We are glad to share that BIID will host a session titled eKrishok: Making ICT Works for Agricultural Sector to Empower Farmers and Agro-SMEs during the WSIS Forum Meeting 2017 to be held during June 12-16, 2017 at Geneva, Switzerland and interested to invite experts from other countries and organization to share experiences or contribute as Expert in the session. The session will be held on June 12th at 11 am at Popov Room 1, ITU Tower.

    I like to invite you to join the session and contribute. Your contribution will enrich the session. If anyone interested to speak in the session as Panelist, please let us know at [email protected] 

    For details please follow this link

    See you soon.


    Shahid Uddin Akbar


