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3rd International School Milk Conference in China

Kunming, China, 11-15 April 2005

The 3rd International School Milk Conference presented a platform for participants from various countries to exchange experiences, examine successful models, and to discuss strategies and trends.

By this process, the organisers wished to further promote the development of school milk programme worldwide. During the conference, participants were able to see and understand how China's new and vibrant national school milk programme operates.

The conference aimed at demonstrating the important role of school milk programmes in promoting nutrition amongst children and thereby ensuring that they will be strong and healthy.

The programme also illustrated the strong linkages between a school milk programmes and the development of the national dairy industry, especially in countries with relatively low levels of milk consumption.

Presentations can be downloaded in .pdf version (see links at the right margin of the page)


"School Milk programmes guarantee children's right of healthy growth and lead to the development of the national dairy industry"