Markets and trade

Meetings and events

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Annual Meeting of the Agricultural Trade Policy Network in Europe and Central Asia

04 Oct 2017 -

Tbilisi, Georgia

Network members will discuss the results achieved during the year, and set up the programme of future network activities.

Dialogue: Developing a coherent national policy framework on agricultural trade

13 Sep 2017 -

Kigali, Rwanda

The workshop was organized to validate the assessment findings and recommendations with national stakeholders and agree of the path forward to strengthen agriculture and trade policy coherence in Rwanda. 

Workshop | The agrifood export promotion strategies in the post-Soviet countries

05 Sep 2017 -

Moscow, Russia

The workshop will discuss the existing evidence of best practices and challenges met in agrifood export promotion by some countries from Europe and Central Asia as well as learn the best practices in export promotion from Latin America. 

Dialogue: Developing a coherent national policy framework on agricultural trade

16 Aug 2017 -

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

The workshop presented identified gaps and synergies in the agriculture and trade policies and policy making progresses.

Dialogue: Developing a coherent national policy framework on agricultural trade

27 Jul 2017 -

Lusaka, Zambia

The workshop was organized to validate the findings of the analytical report, agree on priority areas for sectoral coordination, and identifying actionable next steps for addressing the priority areas.