Markets and trade
©FAO/Filipe Branquinho

Dialogue: Developing a coherent national policy framework on agricultural trade

26 July 2017, Maputo, Mozambique

The importance of coherent agriculture and trade policies are crucial in promoting agricultural productivity. In Mozambique, the majority of the population are employed in agriculture related sectors, yet initiatives to improve agricultural productivity in the country are often constrained by the market and trade-related bottlenecks, which are a result of incoherent agricultural and trade policies. This not only affects Mozambique's international trade potential but also creates obstacles in the pursuit of achieving food security and the sustainable development goal of zero hunger for all.

To address this challenge and to assess the coherence of policy and coordination mechanisms between the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MASA) and the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIC), FAO, with support from the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) and the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) facilitated a two-day workshop in Maputo (25 - 26 July 2017). Mozambique is one of four countries of the FAO’s project - Trade related capacity development in Eastern and Southern Africa.

The workshop, which follows of a dialogue on policy coherence between trade and agriculture, held in Maputo last year, was attended by a cross section of stakeholders from the Ministries of Agriculture and Food Security, Industry and Commerce, Economy and Finance, private sector representatives and donor groups.

The workshop was able to identify areas that require attention, including:

 dissemination of existing policies, plans and strategies to the public
 elaboration and publication of agricultural production and trade data
 coherence and coordination of the policies