Markets and trade
The creation of the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG), composed of FAO, IFAD, UNCTAD and the World Bank, was one of the first major initiatives promoting responsible agricultural investment. The IAWG jointly developed the Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment that Respect Rights, Livelihoods and Resources (PRAI) in 2009, which were conceived as a contribution to an ongoing dialogue and a “living document” to be further refined in the light of empirical evidence.
Five international consultations and a further 15 other information sharing events on the PRAI were held between 2010 and 2011. Since then, the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) has taken the lead in hosting consultations on a new set of principles for responsible agricultural investment. The IAWG members have actively supported the CFS consultation process on principles for responsible investment in agriculture that was launched in October 2012.
By clicking on the links below you may find more information about the IAWG consultation and information sharing events on the PRAI. - Impacts of investment on African agriculture and the Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment (PRAI) : evidence from field research, implications for policy and next steps - TICAD V side event
2 June 2013 - Current research on the impacts of investment and PRAI on developing country agriculture - CFS39 side event
Rome, 18 October 2012, FAO headquarters - Expert meeting on international investment in the agricultural sector of developing countries
22-23 November 2011 - Least Developed Countries
Istanbul, Turkey, 11.05.2011 - The private sector
Rome, Italy, 02.03.2011 - Briefing on PRAI for Permanent Representatives
FAO HQ, Rome, 24.01.2011 - Near East
Khartoum, Sudan, 05.12.2010 - Policy roundtable on land tenure and investment in agriculture
FAO, Rome, 13.10.2010 - Asia and the Pacific
Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 01.10.2010 - Africa
Luanda, Angola, 05.05.2010