Markets and trade

Trends in foreign direct investment in agriculture

Many stakeholders, including the G20, have recently called for more data on foreign direct investment (FDI) in agriculture. FAO monitors trends in agricultural FDI and shares data and analyses on a regular basis through publications, factsheets, a bimonthly e-bulletin and updates on this webpage.


Trends in Foreign Direct Investment in Food, Beverages and Tobacco (2016)

This paper analyses foreign direct investment (FDI) flows in food, beverages and tobacco, including primary agriculture and retail, from 2003 to 2014. It provides information on global, regional and - where possible - national trends in FDI flows in food, beverages and tobacco.

Trends and impacts of foreign investment in developing country agriculture – Evidence from case studies (2013)
This publication examines the trends in agricultural FDI and its economic, social and environmental benefits and risks at the national and local levels, as well as the determinants of these impacts. Download as e-book or PDF.