Markets and trade

Activities in the Pacific

Farmer-buyer linkages in the Pacific. Photo FAO/H.Bammann

Fruits and vegetables
In the Pacific region FAO supported four cooperatives in the analysis of their business models and the development of action plans for upgrading. Consistency of supply was identified as a major constraint and critical factor in all cases. The supported cooperatives are:
Fiji: Nature’s Way Cooperative, NWC
Samoa: Samoan Farmers Association SFA (Formerly SCCA)  
Vanuatu: Farm Support Association, FSA
Solomon Islands: Kaston Gaden Association, KGA

In Samoa upgrading activities will also address key components of the fruits and vegetables strategy (see key area on policy development). For Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands activities focus on supply chain management. Activities in Fiji and Vanuatu have been completed.

Business models