The overall AAACP programme follows a general approach of developing commodity strategies through multi-stakeholder committees, followed by the formulation and implementation of an implementation plan. At the start of the programme, FAO and ITC jointly prepared Trade Opportunity Scans for each region to inform the commodity selection process.
To support the development of sound sector strategies for the selected commodities, FAO has contributed to capacity building of policy makers and other stakeholder in their understanding of the value chain approach and supporting policy options. To this end, FAO has commissioned a series of analytical background studies and case studies for the commodities concerned. Subsequently FAO staff have advised the multistakeholder committees in their deliberations and as the strategy development progressed, FAO also commissioned validation studies for some of the proposed strategies.
These papers will be useful not only for the AAACP strategy development process, but also for policy makers in general who seek to improve the policy environment in which the producers and traders of particular commodities operate.
Activities in this area have been developed in the following regions: Pacific, East and Southern Africa, West and Central Africa, Caribbean