En 1991, le Groupe intergouvernemental sur les graines oléagineuses et les matiéres grasses a été désigné par le Fonds commun pour les produits de base (FCPB) comme organisme international pour les produits (OIP) chargé de formulation,la évaluation et supervision de projets sur les produits susmentionnés. Depuis 1991, le Groupe a ratifié 13 projets d'une valeur de plus de 37 millions de dollars EE.UU. situés en Afrique, en Asie & Pacifique, en Amérique latine et aux Caraïbes.
Les cultures et produits comprenaient le palmier à huile, l’huile de palme e de palmiste, le cocotier, l’huile de coco, l’arachide, arachis sauvage, noix et buerre de karité, jatropha, et l’huile de colza. Title | Main features | Status | Improving small-scale palm oil and palmkernel oil mills | Location: West Africa PEA: FAO Rome Overall budget: US$ 187,000 Duration: 1 year | completed in 1996 | Improving the small-scale extraction of coconut oil | Location: Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Ivory Coast, Ghana PEA: Natural Resources Institute, U.K. Overall budget: US$ 2,870,000 Duration: 4 years | completed in 1998 | Conservation, evaluation and dissemination of groundnut germplasm & production and distribution of foundation seed in the West African region | Location: Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Nigeria PEA: ICRISAT Overall budget: US$ 4,770,000 Duration: 5 years | completed in 2002 | Expert consultation on sustainable coconut production through the control of lethal yellowing disease | Location: Jamaica PEA: Jamaican Coconut Industry Board Overall budget: US$ 67,405 | implemented in 2002 | Regional workshop on sheanut/karité processing and trade in Africa | Location: Senegal PEA: FAO Rome Overall budget: US$ 94,000 | implemented in 2002 | Preservation of wild arachis in South America | Location: Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, India PEA: CENARGEN-EMBRAPA Overall budget: US$ 5,030,000 Duration: 5 years | completed in 2003 | Coconut germplasm utilization and conservation to promote sustainable coconut production | Location: Benin, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles, Tanzania, Brazil, Jamaica, Mexico, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Fiji, PNG, Solomon Islands, Tonga, W. Samoa, Vanuatu PEA: IPGRI Overall budget: US$ 3,570,000 Duration: 5 years | completed in 2005 | Coconut integrated pest management | Location: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, PNG, Samoa, Tanzania PEA: APCC Overall budget: 1,467,500 Duration: 3 years | completed in 2007 | Development of sustainable groundnut seed systems in West Africa | Location: Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal PEA: ICRISAT Overall budget: US$ 3,054,278 Duration: 4 years | completed in 2007 | Improving product quality and market access for shea butter originating from Sub-Saharan Africa | Location: Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Senegal PEA: ICRAF Overall budget: US$ 3,225,312 Duration: 3 year | completed in 2008 | Control of coconut lethal yellowing disease | Location: Jamaica, Mexico, Honduras PEA: Jamaican Coconut Industry Board Overall budget: US$ 4,773,000 Duration: 5 years (plus extension) | completed in 2012 | Production of jatropha and rapeseed and commercialization of their oil as substitutes for diesel fuel in public transportation | Location: Peru, Honduras PEA: Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst, DED Overall budget: US$ 3,343,800 Duration: 3 years (plus extension) | completed in 2013 | Improving the income generating potential of the oil palm in the West and Central African region | Location: Cameroon, Nigeria PEA: UNIDO Overall budget: US$ 4,656,040 Duration: 4 years | completed in 2016 | Creation of a pilot demonstration plant and training to improve olive oil quality in Latin America | Location: Argentina PEA: BERCI International Overall budget: US$ 2,137,078 Duration: 4 years | completed in 2014 | Improving the competitiveness of small scale oil palm farmers and production in Latin America and the Caribbean: bridging the yield gap | Location: Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela PEA: CIAT/FLIPA Overall budget: US$ 3,847,314 Duration: 4 years | completed in 2014 | Development of export-oriented sesame production & processing in Burkina Faso and Mali (including feasibility study and business plan preparation) | Location: Burkina Faso, Mali PEA: Royal Tropical Institute, The Netherlands Overall budget: US$ 3,089,982 Duration: 3 years | completed in 2014 | Soybean development in Southern and Eastern Africa | Location: Malawi, Mozambique PEA: IITA Overall budget: US$ 2,790,562 Duration: 4 years | completed in 2016 | Updated: June 2016