En 1991, el Grupo Intergubernamental (GIG) sobre Semillas Oleaginosas, Aceites y Grasas fue designado para el Fondo Común para los Productos Básicos (FCPB) como Organismo Internacional de Productos (OIP) encargado de la preparación, evaluación y supervisión de proyectos sobre estos productos. Desde 1991, el Grupo ha apoyado 17 proyectos en Africa, Asia & el Pacífico, América Latina y el Caribe, por un valor de casi de 49 millones de dólares EE.UU.
Entre los cultivos y productos comprendidos figuran la palma aceitera, aceite de palma & de nuez de palma, palma de coco, aceite de coco, cacahuete (maní), arachis silvestre, nuez y aceite de jatropha (piñon), aceite de colza, aceite de oliva y sésamo. Title | Main features | Status | Improving small-scale palm oil and palmkernel oil mills | Location: West Africa PEA: FAO Rome Overall budget: US$ 187,000 Duration: 1 year | completed in 1996 | Improving the small-scale extraction of coconut oil | Location: Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Ivory Coast, Ghana PEA: Natural Resources Institute, U.K. Overall budget: US$ 2,870,000 Duration: 4 years | completed in 1998 | Conservation, evaluation and dissemination of groundnut germplasm & production and distribution of foundation seed in the West African region | Location: Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Nigeria PEA: ICRISAT Overall budget: US$ 4,770,000 Duration: 5 years | completed in 2002 | Expert consultation on sustainable coconut production through the control of lethal yellowing disease | Location: Jamaica PEA: Jamaican Coconut Industry Board Overall budget: US$ 67,405 | implemented in 2002 | Regional workshop on sheanut/karité processing and trade in Africa | Location: Senegal PEA: FAO Rome Overall budget: US$ 94,000 | implemented in 2002 | Preservation of wild arachis in South America | Location: Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, India PEA: CENARGEN-EMBRAPA Overall budget: US$ 5,030,000 Duration: 5 years | completed in 2003 | Coconut germplasm utilization and conservation to promote sustainable coconut production | Location: Benin, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles, Tanzania, Brazil, Jamaica, Mexico, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Fiji, PNG, Solomon Islands, Tonga, W. Samoa, Vanuatu PEA: IPGRI Overall budget: US$ 3,570,000 Duration: 5 years | completed in 2005 | Coconut integrated pest management | Location: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, PNG, Samoa, Tanzania PEA: APCC Overall budget: 1,467,500 Duration: 3 years | completed in 2007 | Development of sustainable groundnut seed systems in West Africa | Location: Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal PEA: ICRISAT Overall budget: US$ 3,054,278 Duration: 4 years | completed in 2007 | Improving product quality and market access for shea butter originating from Sub-Saharan Africa | Location: Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Senegal PEA: ICRAF Overall budget: US$ 3,225,312 Duration: 3 year | completed in 2008 | Control of coconut lethal yellowing disease | Location: Jamaica, Mexico, Honduras PEA: Jamaican Coconut Industry Board Overall budget: US$ 4,773,000 Duration: 5 years (plus extension) | completed in 2012 | Production of jatropha and rapeseed and commercialization of their oil as substitutes for diesel fuel in public transportation | Location: Peru, Honduras PEA: Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst, DED Overall budget: US$ 3,343,800 Duration: 3 years (plus extension) | completed in 2013 | Improving the income generating potential of the oil palm in the West and Central African region | Location: Cameroon, Nigeria PEA: UNIDO Overall budget: US$ 4,656,040 Duration: 4 years | completed in 2016 | Creation of a pilot demonstration plant and training to improve olive oil quality in Latin America | Location: Argentina PEA: BERCI International Overall budget: US$ 2,137,078 Duration: 4 years | completed in 2014 | Improving the competitiveness of small scale oil palm farmers and production in Latin America and the Caribbean: bridging the yield gap | Location: Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela PEA: CIAT/FLIPA Overall budget: US$ 3,847,314 Duration: 4 years | completed in 2014 | Development of export-oriented sesame production & processing in Burkina Faso and Mali (including feasibility study and business plan preparation) | Location: Burkina Faso, Mali PEA: Royal Tropical Institute, The Netherlands Overall budget: US$ 3,089,982 Duration: 3 years | completed in 2014 | Soybean development in Southern and Eastern Africa | Location: Malawi, Mozambique PEA: IITA Overall budget: US$ 2,790,562 Duration: 4 years | completed in 2016 | Updated: June 2016