Publications - Volatilité des prix
Volatilidad de precios en los mercados agrícolas (2000-2010): implicaciones para América Latina y opciones de políticas. 2011. Boletín CEPAL/FAO/IICA 1/2011. Santiago de Chile. (S)
FAO. 2011. Price Volatility in Agricultural Markets. ES Policy Brief. Rome. (E, F, S)
FAO. 2010. Outcome of the G20 Seoul Summit and the Role of FAO in Action Points on Food Security and Price Volatility. Report for FAO Council. Hundred and Fortieth Session. Rome. (E, F, S)
FAO. 2010. Agricultural Futures: Strengthening market signals for global price discovery. Food Outlook. November 2010. Rome (E, F, S)
FAO. 2010. Managing vulnerability and risk to promote better food security and nutrition. Policy Roundtable. FAO Committee on World Food Security. Thirty-sixth Session. Rome (E, F, S)
FAO. 2010. Food price volatility a major threat to food security. FAO Media Center (E, F, S)
FAO. 2010. Final Report. Extraordinary Joint Intersessional Meeting of the Intergovernmental Group on Grains and the Intergovermental Group on Rice. Rome. (E, F, S)
FAO. 2010. Agricultural Futures: strengthening market signals for global price discovery. Meeting Document. Extraordinary Joint Intersessional Meeting of the Intergovernmental Group on Grains and the Intergovermental Group on Rice. Rome. (E, F, S)
OECD/FAO. 2010. OECD-FAO. Price volatility and price transmission. Agricultural Outlook 2010-2019. OECD/FAO. (E, F)
FAO. 2010. Price Surges in Food Markets. ES Policy Brief. Rome. (E, F, S)
FAO. 2010. Management of wide international commodity price movements – National and international experiences and policy responses. Meeting Document. Committee on Commodity Problems. Sixty-eighth Session. Rome. (E, F, S)
Balcombe, K. 2010. The nature and determinants of volatility in agricultural prices: an empirical study from 1962-2008. Commodity Market Review 2009 – 2010. FAO. Rome. (E)
Gilbert, C. 2010. Commodity speculation and commodity investment. Commodity Market Review 2009 – 2010. FAO. Rome. (E)
Hernandez, M. and Torero, M. 2010. Examining the dynamic relation between spot and futures prices of agricultural commodities. Commodity Market Review 2009 – 2010. FAO. Rome. (E)
Trimmer, CP. 2010. Management of rice reserve stocks in Asia: analytical issues and country experience. Commodity Market Review 2009 – 2010. FAO. Rome. (E)
Jane, TS and Tschirley, D. 2010. Food price spikes and strategic interactions between the public and private sector: market failures or government failures? Commodity Market Review 2009 – 2010. FAO. Rome. (E)
Sarris, A. 2010. Hedging cereal import price risks and institutions to assure import supplies. Commodity Market Review 2009 – 2010. FAO. Rome. (E)
Sarris, A. 2009. Evolving structure of world agricultural trade and requirements for new world trade rules. Expert Meeting on How to Feed the World in 2050. FAO. Rome (E)
DFID/FAO. 2009. Policies for Good Economic Management of Food Price Swings in African Countries. Web portal. (E, F)
FAO. 2008. Volatility in Agricultural Commodities – an update. Food Outlook. May 2008. Rome. (E, F, S)
FAO. 2008. High food prices and food security – threats and opportunities. The State of Food Insecurity 2008. Rome. (E, F, S)
FAO. 2007. High Prices and Volatility in Agricultural Commodities. Food Outlook. November 2007. Rome. (E, F, S)
Rapsomanikis, G. and Sarris, A. 2005. The impact of domestic and international commodity price volatility on agricultural income instability in Ghana, Vietnam and Peru. FAO Commodity and Trade Policy Research Working Paper Nr. 15. Rome. (E)
Gürkan, AA. Balcombe, K and Prakash, A. 2004. Food import bills: experiences, factors underpinning changes and policy implications for food security of least developed and net food importing developing countries. Commodity Market Review 2003-2004. FAO, Rome. (E, F, S)
FAO. 2003. Sugar, tropical beverage crops and fruits. Medium-term prospects for agricultural Commodities – Projections to the year 2010. In FAO Commodities and Trade Technical Paper Nr. 1. FAO, Rome. (E, F, S)
FAO. 2003. Food security: concepts and measurement. In Trade Reforms and Food Security: Conceptualizing the Linkages. FAO. Rome (E)