About the workshop
Summary report
FAO: Impacts of foreign agricultural investment in developing countries and international guidance instruments
Illovo Sugar (Malawi) Limited: Principles guiding new investments in agriculture
LandNet: Challenges and opportunities for responsible agricultural investment in Malawi from a CSO perspective
Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Water Development of Malawi: Agriculture sector gender, HIV and AIDS strategy
Mzuzu Coffee Planters Cooperative Union Limited: Strategies and approaches to promote socially responsible and gender inclusive agricultural investment
NASFAM: Fostering gender balance and women empowerment - key for responsible investment in agriculture
Sane Zuka (University of Malawi): Gender and social implications of large-scale sugar cultivation in Malawi: out-grower model
UNCTAD: The practice of responsible investment principles at larger-scale agribusinesses
World Bank: A retrospective view of investing in agribusinesses and the practice of responsible investment in larger scale agricultural investments