From Protection to Production

The Social Cash Transfer Programme - Breaking the cycle of poverty in Zambia

This video shows the impacts of the Social Cash Transfer (SCT) Programme in Zambia. The main objective of the SCT is to reduce extreme poverty and to prevent its transmission across generations. Results from the impact evaluation carried out by FAO, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and American Institutes for Research show that the programme is having positive impacts such as increased food security, improved child wellbeing, improved living conditions and increased productivity and ownership of productive assets.

Zambia’s Social Cash Transfer (SCT) Programme is implemented by the Ministry of Community Development, Mother and Child Health and has been operating in Zambia since 2003. As of December 2014, the programme reached 150,000 households across 50 districts and there are concrete plans to scale it up nation-wide in the near future.

Video on the impacts of social protection in Africa: Social Protection in Africa
Video on the impacts of cash transfers in Ghana: To LEAP Out of Poverty
Video on the impacts of cash transfers in Malawi: Paths Out of Poverty 

Want to know more on what social protection and cash transfers can achieve? Take a look at these videos: