RIGA Publications

Rural Household Access to Assets and Markets: A Cross-Country Comparison

Jun 2011
A. Zezza, P. Winters, B. Davis, G. Carletto, K.Covarrubias, L.Tasciotti and E. Quiñones

The sluggish supply response in most developing countries to the apparently favourable agricultural market situation of the past few years can be explained by the limited ability of price incentives to bring about an increase in production and marketed surplus in the presence of binding non-price constraints. This article characterises [...]


Measure for Measure: Systematic patterns of deviation between measures of income and consumption in developing countries evidence from a new dataset

May 2010
C. Azzarri, G. Carletto, K. Covarrubias, A.P. de la O, C. Petracco, K. Scott, and A. Zezza.

This paper uses an innovative household level database to ask two basic questions related to the well-known issue of income underreporting in household surveys in developing countries: (a) The extent of this underreporting in practice, and (b) whether and how it [...]


Urban agriculture, poverty, and food security: Empirical evidence from a sample of developing countries

Jan 2010
A. Zezza and L. Tasciotti.

This is the published article version of an earlier working paper with the same name. Urban agriculture may have a role to play in addressing urban food insecurity problems, which are bound to become increasingly important with the secular trend towards the urbanization of poverty and of population in developing [...]


A cross country comparison of rural income generating activities

Jan 2010
B. Davis, P. Winters, G. Carletto, K. Covarrubias, E.J. Quiñones, A. Zezza, C. Azzarri, K. Stamoulis and S. DiGiuseppe.

This is the published article version of an earlier working paper with the same name. The paper uses a newly constructed cross-country database composed of comparable income aggregates to examine the full range of income generating activities carried out by rural [...]


Assets, activities and rural income generation: Evidence from a multicountry analysis

Sep 2009
P. Winters, B. Davis, G. Carletto, K. Covarrubias, E.J. Quiñones, A. Zezza, C. Azzarri, and K. Stamoulis.

This is the published article version of an earlier working paper with the same name. The paper examines the links between the assets and the economic activities of rural households in developing countries to provide insight into how the promotion of [...]


Rural Income Generating Activities: Whatever happened to the institutional vacuum? Evidence from Ghana, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Vietnam

Jul 2009
A. Zezza, G. Carletto, B. Davis, K. Stamoulis and P. Winters.

This is the published article version of an earlier working paper with the same name. The paper assesses the current rural development practice against the main trends in recent rural development thinking, based on evidence from four country case studies. While [...]


Accounting for the diversity of rural income sources in developing countries: The experience of the Rural Income Generating Activities Project

Jun 2009
K. Covarrubias, A.P. de la O Campos, and A. Zezza

The RIGA project of the Food and Agriculture Organization created a growing database of 33 household living standards surveys from which a set of income aggregates and other measures of well-being were constructed in a methodologically consistent manner. Through this [...]


A profile of the rural poor

Apr 2009
A. Valdés, W. Foster, G. Anríquez, C. Azzarri, K. Covarrubias, B. Davis, S. DiGiuseppe, T. Essam, T. Hertz, A.P. de la O, E. Quiñones, K. Stamoulis, P. Winters and A. Zezza

This paper has two main objectives. Firstly, it provides an overview of trends in the magnitude, location and nature of rural poverty, with emphasis on least developed countries. Secondly, it offers new evidence that advances our understanding of rural poverty, by [...]


Wage inequality in international perspective: Effects of location, sector, and gender.

Mar 2009
T. Hertz, P. Winters, A. P. de la O, E. Quiñones, B. Davis, A. Zezza

This paper aims to shed light on a range of issues related to wage inequalities in the developing world. While much of the focus is on the gender dimensions of wage differentials, other aspects will also be discussed. In particular, the [...]


Assets, activities and rural poverty alleviation: evidence from a multicountry analysis

Jan 2009
P. Winters, B. Davis, G. Carletto, K.Covarrubias, K.Stamoulis, E. Quiñones, and A. Zezza

This paper is a shorter, more recent version of an earlier working paper, and uses RIGA data to examine the links between household assets and the economic activities of rural households in order to identify the role of certain assets on [...]

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