

Bioenergy and food security (BEFS) assessment – Seychelles

Year: 2022
This Sustainable Bioenergy Assessment report for Seychelles looks at the potential for sustainable bioenergy within the country, considering the country context, conditions and delicate habitat. The report considers sustainable biomass sources from the agriculture, forestry and waste sectors, following the [...]

Sustainable bioenergy potential in Zambia: an integrated bioenergy food security assessment

Year: 2021
This new publication on potential bioenergy options for Zambia describes an assessment of the potential to use bioenergy for electricity generation using off-grid solutions, modern biofuels for cooking and the production of liquid biofuels for the transport sector.

Biogas systems in Rwanda

Year: 2021
Sustainable bioenergy development remains a complex topic due to the vast range of options throughout the agriculture sectors, the variety of technologies and requirements for economicand financial viability.This report aims to shed some light on the issues around biogas viability [...]

Off-grid rural electrification options using crop and woody residues in Côte d’Ivoire

Year: 2019
Around two-thirds of the population currently have access to some form of electricity in Côte d’Ivoire, but this share reduces to one in three households in rural areas. The Government of the country is interested in understanding which bioenergy supply [...]

Improved charcoal technologies and briquette production from woody residues in Malawi

Year: 2019
Access to modern energy in Malawi remains low and is often limited to relying on traditional biomass sources such as fuelwood and charcoal. Sustainably sourced biomass and more efficient technologies can contribute to reducing the energy access gap and making [...]

Meeting the mandates set for liquid biofuels for transport in the Philippines

Year: 2019
Approximately three-fifths of energy in the Philippines comes from fossil fuels, followed by biofuels and waste and geothermal energy, and most of the fossil fuels are imported. The transport sector is the main consumer of fossil fuels in the form [...]

Turning rice residues into energy in combined heat and power systems in Turkey

Year: 2019
Turkey has a large agriculture sector and relies heavily on imported fossil fuels for most of its domestic energy consumption. As a result, the country has been trying to diversify domestic energy supply and has established several renewable energy targets [...]

FAO's BEFS approach - at a glance

Year: 2017
FAO’s Bioenergy and Food Security (BEFS) Approach was developed to support countries in designing appropriate bioenergy policies for sustainable development. It consists of tools and guidance to support countries through the main stages of the bioenergy policy development and implementation process. This [...]

BEFS assessment for Egypt: sustainable bioenergy options from crop and livestock residues

Year: 2017
This report was developed under the FAO EBRD project on bioenergy with the aim is to support decision-making related to bioenergy investment in countries of operations of the EBRD. Egypt, a country of operation, has a large agriculture sector, the [...]

Bioenergy and food security assessment for Turkey: sustainable bioenergy options from crop and livestock residues

Year: 2017
This report was developed under the FAO EBRD project on bioenergy with the aim is to support decision-making related to bioenergy investment in countries of operations of the EBRD. Turkey, a country of operation, has a large agriculture sector, the [...]
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