What energy data do we need? Data collection and standardisation processes across organizations

What is energy data used for? What types of energy data are needed? What indicators are currently used and which methodologies do organisations use? ...and where is data stored? These questions were at the heart of the webinar "Moving towards standardisation: data in practice" held on 17 March 2020.
Organized by the Global Plan of Action for Sustainable Energy Solutions in Situations of Displacement (GPA), in the framework of its Working Area 5 - Data, Evidence, Monitoring and Reporting, the objective of the online workshop was to share the perspective on energy data from humanitarian agencies, to discuss core areas of technical alignment, and to receive feedback on the types of indicators and the data that would be useful to focus on in future discussions.
“FAO is collecting data during ad-hoc energy demand assessments, through food security needs assessments and as part of the Resilience Index Matrix Analysis (RIMA) for project development and monitoring. Defining common energy access indicators would mainstream FAO’s technical work on energy demand tools as well as helping humanitarian agencies coordinating their energy interventions”, said Florent Eveillé, an energy expert from FAO.
As a part of the GPA's efforts to support the delivery of Sustainable Development Goal 7 (Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all) to displaced populations, the discussion on energy indicators will now enter a fine-tuning phase, which will be further discussed in an online workshop at the end of April.
To follow the full webinar: https://youtu.be/nB2M_6Q-rsk
For more information visit the GPA website: www.humanitarianenergy.org