FAO launches Green Cities Initiative to help transform agri-food systems, end hunger and improve nutrition
Rome/New York - FAO unveiled today its new Green Cities Initiative and Action Plan to help transform agri-food systems, end hunger and improve nutrition in and around the cities in a post COVID-19 era. The launch took place at a high-level [...]
Не в огонь, а в дело: от сжигания отходов земледелия к биоэнергетике
В чем проблема? В сжигании пожнивных остатков. Несмотря на то что сжигание приводит к возникновению у людей различных проблем со здоровьем и существенно повышает уровень загрязнения окружающей среды, подобная практика широко распространена в Индии и многих других странах мира. Как [...]

Sustainable energy : helping to make agrifood systems greener
There’s a concerning gap in the amount of food we produce today, and the amount needed to feed the world’s expanding population by 2050. Could transitioning from agriculture that relies on fossil fuels to agriculture that works in harmony with [...]

Investing in Sustainable Energy Technologies in the Agrifood Sector (INVESTA)
The “Investing in Sustainable Energy Technologies in the Agrifood Sector” (INVESTA) project has developed a methodology for a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of energy technologies. It complements the findings of the “Opportunities for Agri-Food Chains to become Energy-Smart" report published by FAO and [...]

Improving soil health and mitigating climate change: is biochar part of the solution?
Biochar is a form of charcoal produced from burning organic material at high temperatures with little to no oxygen availability. The potential of utilizing biochar to sequester carbon in the soil and improve soil health has received considerable attention in [...]
Водяные насосы на солнечных батареях для фермеров Йемена
10/06/2020 Yemen
Этим утром у Рашида особенно радостно на душе. Сегодня он и его соседи фермеры поливают поля – настала их очередь воспользоваться скважиной, оснащенной насосом на солнечных батареях.
"Я – фермер, и смысл всей моей жизни – выращивание урожая. Доступ к воде [...]

Linking energy, food security and health can help face COVID-19
As the novel Coronavirus known as COVID-19 continues to spread in developed and developing countries alike, not all have the privilege of applying basic prevention measures, and energy and food play a key role in several of these.
Almost one billion [...]

International Tea Day 2020 | Addressing climate change challenges through tea
Putting on the kettle for your afternoon tea? Sipping a cup of green tea to strengthen your immune system?
Have you ever thought that changes in the way your tea is produced could be beneficial to the changing climate?
A new FAO [...]
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Вы видите мир в числах? Или изучаете графики, как любитель искусства рассматривает Ренуара? Любите статистику во всех ее видах? И ФАО тоже! Везде, где речь идет о данных о продовольствии и сельском хозяйстве, в области знаний ФАО является одним из [...]

Off-grid solar systems support the resilience of Syrian households
The ongoing crisis in Syria has severely affected rural livelihoods prompting FAO to restore energy access to households for agricultural activities.
FAO aims to increase the resilience of hundreds of families by implementing egg incubators with inverter/chargers, batteries and solar photovoltaic panels [...]