تسعى الفاو، باعتبارها منظمة عالمية، إلى إصدار منتجات للمعارف مستندة إلى آخر النتائج التي حققتها مشاريعها وبرامجها. وتساعد الموارد التالية المتصلة بالطاقة أصحاب المصلحة والباحثين على المستويات العالمية والإقليمية والميدانية في عملهم في سبيل طاقة فعالة ومستدامة في القطاعات الزراعية

Costs and Benefits of Clean Energy Technologies in Tanzania’s Milk Value Chain
Year: 2018
This policy brief summarizes the policy recommendations stemming from the FAO Investing in Sustainable Energy Technologies for the Agrifood Sector (INVESTA) project. Here the focus is on how to foster investment and adoption of biogas domestic milk chillers and solar [...]

Lessons Learned on the Sustainability and Replicability of Integrated Food-Energy Systems in Ghana and Mozambique: Main findings
Year: 2018
Given the global relevance of Integrated Food-Energy Systems (IFES), FAO has developed the IFES Analytical Framework; which gives guidance on how to select and assess indicators of IFES sustainability. The Analytical Framework (AF) includes a set of criteria, indicators and [...]

Lessons Learned on the Sustainability and Replicability of Integrated Food-Energy Systems in Ghana and Mozambique: Analysis of case studies
Year: 2018
Given the global relevance of Integrated Food-Energy Systems (IFES), FAO has developed the IFES Analytical Framework; which gives guidance on how to select and assess indicators of IFES sustainability. The Analytical Framework (AF) includes a set of criteria, indicators and [...]

Regional analysis of the nationally determined contributions of Eastern Africa
Year: 2017
Building on FAO’s global study of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in the agriculture sectors, the Climate and Environment Division (CBC) is developing a series of regional-level analyses of the NDCs to identify the current commitments, gaps and opportunities for [...]

FAO's BEFS Approach - At a glance
Year: 2017
FAO’s Bioenergy and Food Security (BEFS) Approach was developed to support countries in designing appropriate bioenergy policies for sustainable development. It consists of tools and guidance to support countries through the main stages of the bioenergy policy development and implementation process. This [...]

Adoption of climate technologies in the agrifood sector. Methodology
Year: 2017
The food production and supply chain consumes about 30 percent of total end-use energy globally, and contributes to over 20 percent of total annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (excluding emissions or sinks from land use change). A growing worldwide population, [...]

Bioenergy and Food Security Assessment for Turkey Sustainable Bioenergy Options from Crop and Livestock Residues
Year: 2017
This report was developed under the FAO EBRD project on bioenergy with the aim is to support decision-making related to bioenergy investment in countries of operations of the EBRD. Turkey, a country of operation, has a large agriculture sector, the [...]

BEFS assessment for Egypt: sustainable bioenergy options from crop and livestock residues
Year: 2017
This report was developed under the FAO EBRD project on bioenergy with the aim is to support decision-making related to bioenergy investment in countries of operations of the EBRD. Egypt, a country of operation, has a large agriculture sector, the [...]

How2Guide for Bioenergy
Year: 2017
This How2Guide for Bioenergy is designed to provide stakeholders from government, industry, and other bioenergy-related institutions with the methodology and tools required to successfully plan and implement a roadmap for bioenergy at the national or regional level. As a guide [...]

Morocco: Monitoring adoption of key sustainable climate technologies in the agrifood sector
Year: 2016
Introduction Climate change plays an increasingly important role in the international debate on food security. While the key concern is on how climate change can impact world food security: how to meet the food needs of a world population reaching [...]