Усилия ФАО как глобальной организации направлены на разработку информационных продуктов, в которых используются актуальные результаты осуществляемых ею проектов и программ. Следующие источники по теме "Энергия" могут быть полезны заинтересованным сторонам и представителям исследовательских учреждений на глобальном, региональном и местном уровне в рамках их усилий по обеспечению рационального и устойчивого использования энергии в сельскохозяйственных секторах.
Biogas systems in Rwanda
Year: 2021
Identifying sustainable sources of renewable energy is key to ensuring that countries can grow on a sustainable path that also meets climate change targets as outlined in countries’ NDCs.
Among renewables, bioenergy can attract investments in the rural sector and help [...]
Sustainable bioenergy potential in Zambia: An integrated bioenergy food security assessment
Year: 2021
This new publication on potential bioenergy options for Zambia describes an assessment of the potential to use bioenergy for electricity generation using off-grid solutions, modern biofuels for cooking and the production of liquid biofuels for the transport sector.
Possible options originating [...]
Key success factors and obstacles for FAO energy projects in humanitarian settings
Year: 2020
Under the Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) programme, FAO has contributed to improving resilience and livelihoods for refugees and internally displaced people in 14 countries through four types of activities: clean cooking, forest management, renewable energy in agri-food [...]
International dialogues on forest landscape restoration and wood energy
Year: 2020
Preliminary outcomes from multi-stakeholders consultations in sub-Saharan Africa
This working paper presents the preliminary outcomes of a project that FAO has been conducting in a collaborative effort with IEA Bioenergy and with the financial support of GIZ, to promote “International dialogues [...]
La production de briquettes au Mali. Disponibilité en biomasse, plan d’affaires et potentiel d’atténuation des Gaz à Effet de Serre
Year: 2020
Le projet de coopération technique RAF/3704 de la FAO a pour objectif de renforcer les capacités techniques et institutionnelles du secrétariat de l'Union Africaine (la Commission de l'Union africaine) et de ses pays membres sur la formulation, la mise en [...]
Energy in and from agriculture in the African Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) - A review
Year: 2019
The report presents a review of African Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement through the lens of FAO’s programme on Energy-smart food for people and climate. This analysis demonstrates that African countries are concerned by the importance of sustainable [...]
Indicators to monitor and evaluate the sustainability of bioeconomy
Year: 2019
The main objective of this report is to review existing approaches for monitoring and evaluation in order to identify already available indicators, from which the authors compiled two comprehensive lists: indicators at the territorial level, including bioeconomy-relevant SDG indicators; indicators [...]
Measuring impacts and enabling investments in energy-smart agrifood chains
Year: 2019
This report summarizes the analysis and main findings from Phase 2 of the project “Investing in Sustainable Energy Technologies for the Agrifood Sector” (INVESTA), targeting to measure impacts and enable investments in energy-smart agrifood chains.
Towards sustainable bioeconomy - Lessons learned from case studies
Year: 2019
Almost fifty countries have placed the promotion of the bioeconomy on their political agendas. However, bioeconomy activities are not necessarily sustainable, and sustainability issues are not often considered in the implementation of the bioeconomy. In 2016, FAO published the study [...]
Costs and benefits of clean energy technologies in the milk, vegetable and rice value chains
Year: 2018
The report focuses on three food supply value chains, their costs, benefits and sustainability potentials were analysed together with unintended impacts at the intervention level (e.g. at farmer or food processor level). A methodological approach was developed to provide a [...]