Sixth meeting of the Working Group on Education for All (EFA)
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris,
19-21 July 2005
“Education for Rural People to achieve Education For All and Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs)” was the title of a panel session of the 6th meeting of the Working Group on EFA (WGEFA).
The session, organized in collaboration with FAO, the lead agency for the ERP flagship
partnership, highlighted key policy
implications as well as operational solutions through
examples of successful programmes in reaching rural people in different regions.
The WGEFA provided technical
guidance and information exchange between partners of the Education for All intiative.
About 60 participants from all over the world attended the meeting.
They came from developing countries, NGOs, academic institutions, educational networks,
aid agencies and development banks. The common concern was to push forward the efforts
towards achieving the six EFA goals.