Ministerial Seminar on Education for Rural People in Africa: Policy Lessons, Options and Priorities

Ministerial Seminar hosted by the Government of Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
7-9 September 2005.
Press clippings

Ministers of education, agriculture, fisheries and rural development and high-level official from of eleven countries in Sub-Saharan Africa agreed to make Education for Rural people a top priority. Recommendation for action are synthesized in a joint communique.
Participating countries were Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guinea, Madagascar, Mozambique, Niger, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda.

The seminar was organized by the FAO, the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) and UNESCO/International Institute for Educational Planning, with the support of the Italian Development Cooperation (DGCS) and the Norwegian Education Trust Fund and the World Bank.

Agenda and presentations

Wednesday 7 September 2005

Thursday 8 September 2005
Sharing experiences of agencies

Parallel theme-based working groups:

Working group 1: Focus on schooling : access, quality and relevance of education for rural children


Working group 2: Strengthening rural communities through non formal education


Working group 3: Vocational skills for agriculture and rural development


Friday 9 September 2005

Presentation & discussions of the findings of the working groups

Country-based working groups on the lessons learned, strengthening the national programmes, and strategies to mobilize resources.

Round table on the findings of the country-based groups and conclusions on priorities and actions for Ministries in addressing ERP as a key for the MDGs.
Press conference with the Ministers of Education, Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries.

