Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch (IUKB)
18 - 22 October 2005.
The Seminar, organized by The International Institute for the Rights of the Child (IDE) focused on the the right to education for all children, on the elimination of illiteracy in developing countries, to education for rural people.
The Seminar aimed at:
- giving a clear view on the problems (definition of the right to education and its contents, knowledge of main international standards?)
- bringing up especially blatant situations and identify causes
- singling out best practices, by exchanges of experiences between international organisations, NGOs, professionals concerned by education, State officials, field workers?
- identifying possible synergies and partnerships between the various stakeholders,
- reaching a conclusion allowing for strong and concerted international action.
The right to education for all children is stipulated by art. 28 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, that states clear rules: compulsory and free primary education, non-discrimination, elimination of illiteracy and ignorance, easier access to secondary and higher education.
This article is completed by art. 29, that sets the aims of education, and especially child?s healthy development, respect of human rights and preparation of exerting civic rights. Although generally agreed upon, homogeneous, efficient and universal implementation of these principles is still far out of reach. Compulsory and free available primary education is not accessible everywhere, particularly in rural areas.