FAO, Rome
10 - 11 November 2005.
Press clippings
The meeting on Skills development for rural people: A renewed challenge was organized by the Working Group for International Cooperation in Skills Development
in collaboration with FAO and IIEP and hosted by FAO in Rome - and convened by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) , ILO, and the Network for Policy Review, Research, and Advice on Education and training (NORRAG. IIEP collaborated to the planning of the workshop.
The meeting focused on the specificities of Skills development for Rural People and on the analyses on how aid policies deal with the issue.
Illustrated experiences and results from the projects were presented by FAO, IIEP, WORLD BANK ILO, ETF, ADEA , SDC AND NORRAG with outstanding success.
More than 30 delegates from aid agencies participated at the meeting.