3 March 2005, FAO Headquarter, Rome.
The Rural Finance Learning Centre was presented at FAO headquarters on Thursday, March 3rd 2005. The development of the Rural Finance Learning Centre is part of a wider initiative to improve capacity building in rural finance - the CABFIN Partnership Project, funded by FAO, IFAD, GTZ and the World Bank. The Rural Finance Learning Centre is a new internet based resource that aims to contribute to the development of sustainable financial services in rural areas by enabling policy makers, financial service providers, donors, training organisations and client advisers to have easier access to the available knowledge of best practices, guidelines and training materials which can be used for capacity building in rural finance. It contains a database of resources organised into topics, online self study lessons and session guides for training programmes. Users of the Learning Centre can suggest new resources, take part in discussions and find out about training opportunities and events related to rural finance. The emphasis is on sharing experiences and providing information which facilitates learning.