Turin, Italy - October 4-6, 2005
FAO’s Education for Rural People initiative was one of the sponsors of the Congress, together with UNESCO, WHO, UNU, UNECE, UNEP, ETF and three Italian Ministries (Environment, Health and Agricultural Policy).
The first objective of the Congress was to exchange observations and best practices at a worldwide level, to develop the main themes for the agenda on environmental education and to contribute to the success of the Worldwide Decade of Education for Sustainable Development proclaimed by the UN for the ten year period 2005- 2014. The idea first got underway at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and reiterated during the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development.
FAO’s initiative on Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools, as well as the ‘parent’ initiatives were presented and with outstanding success.(paper attached) At the Congress an international network of young people and associations, led by 13-year olds called “13-Born in Rio”. This network will be a good vehicle for FAO’s future activities in the domains of education for rural people and communication for development.
The 2005 Congress was attended by 3000 persons from 115 countries.