FAO Headquarter, Rome
17 - 18 October 2006
On 17-18 October took place the final meeting of the project " Education for Rural People and Food Security:” promoted by the NGO ACRA in collaboration with the FAO led ERP partnership.
The project, which run from October 2004 to October 2006, was co-financed by the European Commission and aimed at developing ERP advocacy campaigns among the Civil Society Organisations in Europe and in developing countries.
The objectives of the workshop were to share project’s outcomes among the involved partners, including NGOs, Italian Local Administrations, thematic networks and schools, and to facilitate their involvement in the ERP network.
The workshop was promoted in collaboration with the European NGO's network for ERP and food security and the Association of the italian NGO's.
Tuesday, 17 October 2006
An introduction to the project: "Education for Rural People (ERP) and food security
Welcome and opening remarks
Chair: Thomas Price, FAO Senior Officer, World Food Summit follow- up and Alliances, OFA
Carlos Cardão (European Commission - EuropeAid)
Jean Louis Viélajus
(Délégué Général CFSI,
Coordination Sud)
Alessandro Grassini (ACRA Director)
The Education for Rural People Global Partnership: quality access and capacity
Lavinia Gasperini (FAO, Senior Officer, Agricultural Education, ERP Coordination Unit Chairperson, Sustainable Development Department)
FacingMDG1. Poverty reduction and food security in rural sustainable development policies: focusing on Education for Rural People in the experience of PNCI.
Pierre Debouvry (Pole National de Coopération International - PNCI, French Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs - consultant)
Improving agricultural training for rural people: the Agriculture and Rural Training (Formation Agricole et Rural - FAR) Network
Martin Weiss (Pole National de Coopération International - French Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
ERP and action priorities in a food sovereignty perspective
Antonio Onorati (International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty)
Chair: Jean Louis Viélajus (CFSI, Coordination Sud)
ERP and Right based approach to food security: EFSG and CONCORD's contribution
Guido Barbera (European NGOs Confederation for Relief and Development - CONCORD)
The "ERP and food security" programme and the European NGOs network for ERP and food security: objectives and main results
Ada Civitani (ACRA - Head of Education, Communication and Advocacy Unit, Coordinator of Association of Italian NGOs' working group on Education for Rural People)
The project in action:
Chair: Ilaria Sisto (FAO, Gender, Development and Training Officer ) Sustainable Gender Department
Presentation of the ERP Toolkit on the FAO website
Daniela Bruni, FAO (Education expert, ERP Coordination Unit)
Qualifying education and rural vocational training for youngsters and adults in Senegal
Mouhamed Gueye (Head of monitoring and evaluation Unit - (Ministry of Education, Senegal) and Ilaria Caramia (ACRA-Italy)
Building capacities for rural development in Chad: linking primary school and agriculture in community based schools
Moumine Djimet Dikerou (ACDAR-Chad) and Rocco Troisi (ACRA-Italy)
Promoting g-local sustainable development and food security in Bolivia: training for youngsters and adults in natural
resources participatory and sustainable management
Alfonso Espinal (ACRA-Bolivia) and Maria Cristina Negro (ACRA-Italy)
Literacy and basic skills training for adults in traditional fishers' communities in Chile
Paola Sacchiero (President of CAST) and Cosme Caracciolo (Conapach - Chile)
Inserting rural issues in secondary schools' curricula in Zanzibar and Pemba (Tanzania)
Issa Kheir (Zanzibar Youth Forum-Tanzania)and Cathryn Alkanaan (Sazani Associated-UK)
Presentation of a video on ERP in Senegal
Chair: Arturo Parolini (Association of Italian NGOs - Food Security delegated)
The importance of educating and building capacities for the South-South and North-South ERP international
partnership promotion: the experience of Maisons Familiales Rurales (MFR)
and the programme "Ouverture au monde".
André Godard (UNMFREO)
Involving European territorial communities: the contribution of local administrations in promoting ERP international partnership and decentralised cooperation.
Sergio Golinelli (Provincia di Ferrara)
Presentation of a video on ERP in Chile
Wednesday, 18 October 2006
Education for Rural people and Food Security
Chair : Sergio Marelli (President of the Association of Italian NGOs)
ERP and the importance of a Participatory and Negotiated Approach to Territorial Development in rural areas
Paolo Groppo (Land Tenure officer, FAO SDAA)
Sharing knowledge for a better future: the experience of the Universidad Campesina del Sur
Carlos Garcia (UNICAM Sur-Mexico)
Presentation of the school laboratory on ERP realized by the Italian Secondary school - Istituto Tecnico Agrario (ITA) di Bergamo, in collaboration with Celim Bergamo
Presentation of the school laboratory - 2
Presentation of the school laboratory on ERP realized by the Italian Secondary school - Varese, Istituto professionale di stato per l'industria e l'artigianato (IPSIA) in collaboration with CAST
The Partnership in Wales
Working Groups: Sharing ERP good practices
Expected outputs: a report for each working group, addressing possibly all the following discussion points to be presented during the plenary session :
(i) key topics and recommendations in working on ERP in the considered sectors and
(ii) commitments undertaken by each category of participant in fostering Education for Rural People.
The discussion will focus on the following topics:
Typology of action : is it possible to group them in some broad categories, which are the main characteristics of such actions ?
Which kind of collaboration with existing institutions and other partners is set up to foster such actions?
Which were the main problems faces while managing such actions?
Which the results of such actions on the communities?
How monitoring and evaluation of actions were taken care of? Beyond the immediate results, which are the results in terms of capacity building for ERP?
How are the participants ( by each category : NGOS/CSO, Aid-Development Agencies, Local Administrations, Schools) committing to contribute to Education for Rural People?
Group n.1 : Fostering ERP in developing countries
Object: sharing of grass root experiences carried out by European NGOs and Southern Civil Society Organisations;.
Coordinators: Daniela Bruni (FAO - Education Expert, ERP Coordination Unit) and Ada Civitani (ACRA - Head of Education, Communication and Advocacy Unit, Coordinator of Association of Italian NGOs' working group on Education for Rural People)
Participants: European NGOs and Southern Civil Society Organisations, Development Agencies.
Group n.2: ERP networking and decentralised cooperation: the contribution of schools, territorial communities and local administrations.
Object: sharing ERP decentralised cooperation experiences carried out by local administrations in Europe within a MDGs perspectives; the key role of schools.
Coordinators: Lavinia Gasperini (FAO, Senior Officer,ERP Coordination Unit Chairperson ) and Davide Bazzini (Provincia di Biella, ERP focal point for Italian local administrations)
Participants: European local administrations and local CSOs representatives, school teachers and students
Report Working group (i)
Report working group (ii)
Closing remarks
FAO: MarcelaVillareal (FAO Director Sustainable Development Department, Gender and Population Division)