International Conference on Education for Rural People (ERP) and rights based approaches to food security: towards a participatory approach in fighting against poverty
7 April 2006.
The International Conference was part of the European programme "Education for Rural People and food security "coordinated by the Ngo ACRA and FAO.
The Conference was aiming at:
- raising awareness on the main challenges concerning rural sector in achieving MDGs, with a special focus on the role of education and capacity building for rural people;
-in sharing a common understanding of ERP by encouraging a mutual commitment of all the involved actors: bi-lateral/multilateral Aid Agencies, European Institutions, non governmental and civil society organisations (NGOs/CSOs);
- increasing, at the European institutional and civil society level, the ERP programme visibility (involved actors, objectives and action strategies);
The Conference was promoted by Acra in collaboration with FAO and by the Association of Italian NGO's- Coordination Sud within the European Food Security Group/ Food and Agriculture Policies, the Confederation of European NGO's for relief and Development, and with the participation of UNESCO.
The Conference was attended by 30 participants.